Endometrial Örnekleme Yapılan Hastaların Sonografik Bulgularının ve Histopatolojik Sonuçlarının Değerlendirilmesi
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Duzce Univ
Erişim Hakkı
Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, endometrial örnekleme yapılan olgularda histopatolojik sonuçlar ve sonografik veriler arasındaki ilişkinin araştırılmasıdır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Düzce Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi‘nde Ocak 2015 - Ocak 2017 yılları arasında endometrial örnekleme yapılan hastaların sonuçları retrospektif olarak hastane otomasyon sisteminden ve hasta dosyalarından incelenerek değerlendirildi. Hastalar menopozal durumlarına göre premenopoz ve postmenopoz olarak sınıflandırılarak, hasta gruplarındaki sonuçlar istatistiksel olarak karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: Hastaların 231‘i premenopozal, 202‘si postmenopozal dönemde idi. Premenopozal hastaların ortalama endometrial kalınlıkları 10,42 ± 6,75 (mm, mean±SD) iken, postmenopozal hastaların endometrial kalınlık ortalamaları 10,01 ± 7,26 (mm, mean±SD) bulundu. Premalign lezyonların görülme oranı, her iki grupta benzer bulundu (p=0,87, p=0,54). Postmenopozal 10 hastada malignite tanısı konuldu, bu hastaların tümünün ilk başvuru şikayeti postmenopozal kanamaydı. Yapılan ROC analiz ile malignite için endometrial kalınlık sınır değeri; 8,5 mm olarak bulundu. Premenopozal dönemde, endometrial polip % 22,1 (n=51) oranında izlenirken, postmenopozal dönemde %16,3 (n=33) oranında izlendi (p=0,014). Tamoksifen kullanan 8 hastanın patoloji sonucu %75 (n=6) benign, %12,5 (n=1) premalign, %12,5 (n=1) malign olarak raporlandı. Sonuç: Postmenopozal kanamalı hastalarda endometrial örnekleme malignite ekartasyonu açısından hayatidir.
Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between histopathologic results and sonographic data in cases of endometrial sampling. Methods: The results of patients who underwent endometrial sampling between January 2015 and January 2017 at the Duzce University Medical Faculty Hospital were examined retrospectively from the hospital computer system and patient files. Patients were classified as premenopausal and postmenopausal groups according to the results of the patient groups were compared statistically. Results: Based on clasified, 231 of patients were premenopausal and 202 were postmenopausal. The mean endometrial thickness of premenopausal patients was 10.42 +/- 6.75 (mm, mean +/- SD), whereas the mean endometrial thickness of postmenopausal patients was 10.01 +/- 7.26 (mm, mean +/- SD). Premalign lesions were observed in similar proportions in both groups (p= 0.87, p=0.54). Ten patients detected with malignancy, all of them were postmenopause and had bledding. Endometrial thickness cut-off value for malignancy was found 8.5 mm by ROC analysis. In premenopausal group, endometrial polyp was observed in 22.1% (n = 51) and 16.3% (n = 33) in postmenopausal period (p = 0.014). The histopathology results of 8 patients using tamoxifen were 75% (n = 6) benign, 12.5% (n = 1) premalign and 12.5% (n = 1) malignant. Conclusion: Endometrial sampling in postmenopausal symptomatic patients is crutial in terms of malignancy exclusion.
Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between histopathologic results and sonographic data in cases of endometrial sampling. Methods: The results of patients who underwent endometrial sampling between January 2015 and January 2017 at the Duzce University Medical Faculty Hospital were examined retrospectively from the hospital computer system and patient files. Patients were classified as premenopausal and postmenopausal groups according to the results of the patient groups were compared statistically. Results: Based on clasified, 231 of patients were premenopausal and 202 were postmenopausal. The mean endometrial thickness of premenopausal patients was 10.42 +/- 6.75 (mm, mean +/- SD), whereas the mean endometrial thickness of postmenopausal patients was 10.01 +/- 7.26 (mm, mean +/- SD). Premalign lesions were observed in similar proportions in both groups (p= 0.87, p=0.54). Ten patients detected with malignancy, all of them were postmenopause and had bledding. Endometrial thickness cut-off value for malignancy was found 8.5 mm by ROC analysis. In premenopausal group, endometrial polyp was observed in 22.1% (n = 51) and 16.3% (n = 33) in postmenopausal period (p = 0.014). The histopathology results of 8 patients using tamoxifen were 75% (n = 6) benign, 12.5% (n = 1) premalign and 12.5% (n = 1) malignant. Conclusion: Endometrial sampling in postmenopausal symptomatic patients is crutial in terms of malignancy exclusion.
WOS: 000430876600013
Anahtar Kelimeler
Endometrium Cancer, Endometrial Sampling, Endometrial Thickness, Postmenopause
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