Farklı Özlü Tel Kullanılarak Birleştirilen S275 YapıÇeliğinin Mekanik ve Mikroyapı Özelliklerininİncelenmesi
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Özlü teller, iç kısımlarına yerleştirilen ve toz halindeki çeşitli bileşenlerden oluşmaktadır. Özü oluşturan bileşenlerin amaca göre değiştirilebilmesi sayesinde özlü teller çok yönlü kullanım özelliklerine sahiptirler. Günümüzde değişik kaynak yöntemleri ve değişik malzemeler için geliştirilmiş olan özlü teller (elektrotlar) bulunmaktadır. Bu nedenle özlü tel ark kaynak yönteminde özlü tel elektrotlarla yapılan mekanize kaynak da gittikçe önem kazanmaktadır. Özlü tel ark kaynak yönteminde farklı koruyucu gazlar ve karışımlarıile kullanımı konusunda araştırmalar devam etmektedir. Bu çalışmada, S275 yapı çeliği levhalar özlü tel ark kaynak yöntemi ile rutil ve bazik özlü teller kullanılarak ticari saflıktaki argon atmosferinde birleştirilmiştir. Bu amaçla 10 mm kalınlıktaki S275 çelik levhalara 70o çift V kaynak ağız formu oluşturulmuştur. Kaynaklı numunelerin mekanik ve mikroyapı özelliklerini belirlemek için çekme ve sertlik testi ile metalografik incelemeler yapılmış ve saf argon gazının farklı özlü teller ile kullanılabilirliği araştırılmıştır. Yapılan çekme testi sonucunda en yüksek mekanik özellikler bazik özlü tel ile yapılan kaynak dikişlerinden elde edilmiştir. Çekme testi esnasında kaynaklı numunelerdeki ayrılma,genellikle de geçiş bölgesine yakın yerlerde meydana gelmiştir. Bütün kaynak parametrelerinde, kaynak metali sertliğinin ısının tesiri altında kalan bölge (ITAB) ve esas metalden yüksek olduğu görülmüştür. Mikroyapı çalışmaları sonucunda ITAB'ta tane irileşmesinin meydana geldiği tespit edilmiştir.
Flux cored wires are composed of various components that are placed in their internal parts and have powder form. Since components constituting core can be changed according to purpose, flux cored wires have multidimensional properties of use. Today, there are various flux cored wires (electrodes) that have been developed for different welding methods and different materials. Therefore, mechanized welding, performed with flux cored wire electrodes in flux cored arc welding method, has also gained importance day by day. Studies conducted on use of different shielding gasses and gas combinations in flux cored arc welding method have been ongoing. In this study, S275 structural steel plates were welded under commercial pure argon atmosphere via flux cored arc welding method by using rutile and basic flux cored wires. For this purpose, 70o double V weld groove form was formed for 10 mm thick S275 steel plates. Metallographic examinations were performed through tensile and hardness tests in order to determine mechanical and microstructure properties of welded samples and usability of pure argon gas with different flux cored wires was investigated. As a result of tensile test, the highest mechanical properties were obtained from weld seams performed by using basic flux cored wires. Separation in welded samples during tensile test generally occurred zones close to transition zone. It was observed in all welding parameters that hardness of weld metal was higher than heat affected zone (HAZ) and base metal. As a result of microstructure studies, it was determined that grain coarsening occurred in HAZ.
Flux cored wires are composed of various components that are placed in their internal parts and have powder form. Since components constituting core can be changed according to purpose, flux cored wires have multidimensional properties of use. Today, there are various flux cored wires (electrodes) that have been developed for different welding methods and different materials. Therefore, mechanized welding, performed with flux cored wire electrodes in flux cored arc welding method, has also gained importance day by day. Studies conducted on use of different shielding gasses and gas combinations in flux cored arc welding method have been ongoing. In this study, S275 structural steel plates were welded under commercial pure argon atmosphere via flux cored arc welding method by using rutile and basic flux cored wires. For this purpose, 70o double V weld groove form was formed for 10 mm thick S275 steel plates. Metallographic examinations were performed through tensile and hardness tests in order to determine mechanical and microstructure properties of welded samples and usability of pure argon gas with different flux cored wires was investigated. As a result of tensile test, the highest mechanical properties were obtained from weld seams performed by using basic flux cored wires. Separation in welded samples during tensile test generally occurred zones close to transition zone. It was observed in all welding parameters that hardness of weld metal was higher than heat affected zone (HAZ) and base metal. As a result of microstructure studies, it was determined that grain coarsening occurred in HAZ.
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