Nadir Görülen Kartagener Sendromlu Bir Olgu
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Kartegener sendromu bronşiektazi, kronik sinüzit ve situs inversus triadı ile karakterize olanotozomal resesif geçişli, yaklaşık 30000 canlı doğumda bir görülen nadir bir hastalıktır.Elektron mikroskopik görüntülemede görülen en sık bozukluk, epitelyal silyalarda dyneinkollarının yokluğudur. Bu hastalıkta siliyal aktivitenin bozulması nedeniyle aşırı balgambirikmesi görülür. Hastalığın tedavisi semptomlara yöneliktir. İnfertilite ve sağırlık görülebilir.Kartagener sendromunun uyku kalitesini düşürdüğü de görülmüştür. Hastalarınenfeksiyonlardan korunması için göğüs fizyoterapisi, influenza ve pnömokok aşılarınınyapılması önerilir. Bu hastaların toz, duman gibi partikül içeren gazlardan uzak durmalarıgerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada, sık hastane başvurusuna rağmen geç tanı konulan, obstrüktifuyku apne sendromu ile birliktelik gösteren 33 yaşında erkek olgu klinik ve radyolojik bulgularile sunuldu.
Kartagener syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive disorder seen about in one per 30000 live births and characterized by bronchiectasis, chronic sinusitis and situs inversus triad. Absence of dynein arms in epithelial cilia is the most common defect in electron microscopic examination. Extreme sputum retention is seen due to cilial disfunction in this disease. Treatment of the disease is directed to symptoms. Infertility and deafness can be seen. It has been also observed that Kartagener syndrome decreases sleep quality. In order to protect the patients from infections, chest physiotherapy, influenza and pneumococcal vaccines are recommended. These patients should stay away from particulate included gases such as dust and smoke. In this study, a 33 year old male patient diagnosed late despite frequent hospital admissions, coexistence with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome was presented with clinical and radiological findings.
Kartagener syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive disorder seen about in one per 30000 live births and characterized by bronchiectasis, chronic sinusitis and situs inversus triad. Absence of dynein arms in epithelial cilia is the most common defect in electron microscopic examination. Extreme sputum retention is seen due to cilial disfunction in this disease. Treatment of the disease is directed to symptoms. Infertility and deafness can be seen. It has been also observed that Kartagener syndrome decreases sleep quality. In order to protect the patients from infections, chest physiotherapy, influenza and pneumococcal vaccines are recommended. These patients should stay away from particulate included gases such as dust and smoke. In this study, a 33 year old male patient diagnosed late despite frequent hospital admissions, coexistence with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome was presented with clinical and radiological findings.
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