20 yüzyıldan günümüze sanatta otorite, propaganda ve manipülasyon biçimleri
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Düzce Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu tezde iktidar olgusunun toplumların yaşam alanlarındaki müdahaleleri sonucu geliştirdiği anıtsallık kavramının yeri sorgulanmış, bu anıtsallıkla sanat alanında nasıl bir yer bulduğu araştırılmıştır. Özellikle 20. Yüzyılda iktidar karşıtı tutumlar otorite, propaganda ve manipülasyon ile ele alınmıştır. Sanatta iktidar, temsiliyet, sembol, simge, anıtsallık ile başlayan varlığı, kavram olarak çeşitlenerek günümüze kadar gelmiştir. Bu tezde iktidarın temsili olarak beden kavramı, ilgili üretimlerin konu bazında değerlendirilmeleri ile ilerlemiştir. 20. Yüzyıl içerisinde dikkat çeken sanatçıların üretimleri kişisel araştırmalar ışığında sınıflandırılmış; "tahakküm mekanizmaları", "itaatkâr bedenler" ve "otorite serisi" başlıkları üzerinden irdelenmiştir. Bütün araştırmalar, kişisel uygulama üretimlerinin de zeminini oluşturmuştur.
In this thesis, the place of the concept of monumentality, which the phenomenon of power has developed as a result of the interventions in the living spaces of societies, has been questioned, and it has been researched how it finds a place in the field of art with this monumentality. Especially in the 20th century, anti-power attitudes were handled with authority, propaganda, and manipulation. Its existence, which started with power, representation, symbol, and monumentality in art, has survived until today by diversifying as a concept. In this thesis, the concept of the body as a representation of power has progressed with the evaluation of the related productions on the basis of subject. The productions of remarkable artists in the 20th century were classified in the light of personal research; analysed under the headings of "mechanisms of domination", "obedient bodies" and "authority display". All research also formed the basis of personal application productions.
In this thesis, the place of the concept of monumentality, which the phenomenon of power has developed as a result of the interventions in the living spaces of societies, has been questioned, and it has been researched how it finds a place in the field of art with this monumentality. Especially in the 20th century, anti-power attitudes were handled with authority, propaganda, and manipulation. Its existence, which started with power, representation, symbol, and monumentality in art, has survived until today by diversifying as a concept. In this thesis, the concept of the body as a representation of power has progressed with the evaluation of the related productions on the basis of subject. The productions of remarkable artists in the 20th century were classified in the light of personal research; analysed under the headings of "mechanisms of domination", "obedient bodies" and "authority display". All research also formed the basis of personal application productions.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Güzel Sanatlar, Fine Arts