Our cases of sarcoidosis diagnosed by mediastinoscopy; Western black sea experience
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Amaç: Sarkoidoz etyolojisi bilinmeyen, sistemik tutulum gösteren ve nonka-zeifiye granülomlarla seyreden bir hastalıktır. Sarkoidoz tanısını mediasti-noskopi ile koyduğumuz hastalarımızı evreleri ve klinik özellikleri bakımından değerlendirdik. Gereç ve Yöntem: Kliniklerimizde (Batı Karadeniz Üniversite Hastanelerinde) mediastinoskopi ile sarkoidoz tanısı alan 38 olgu geriye dö-nük olarak incelendi. Olgular posteroanterior akciğer grafilerine göre evre-lendirildi. Hastaların başvuru şikayetleri, solunum fonksiyon testleri, tanı yön-temleri, evreleri, eşlik eden hastalık varlığı, klinik ve laboratuar özellikleri de-ğerlendirildi. Bulgular: Hastaların 26’sı kadın 12’si erkeklerden oluşmaktaydı. Ortalama yaş 49 yıl iken yaş aralığı ise 24-71 yıl idi. En sık başvuru şikayeti öksürük olarak tespit edildi, en sık radyolojik evre ise evre II idi. En sık sağ pa-ratrakeal lenf nodlarından biopsi (2R,4R) alınırken en az sol paratrakeal lenf nodlarından biopsi alındı. Mortalite izlenmedi. 3 hastada komplikasyon geliş-ti. Sonuç: Sarkoidoz tanısının genelde hiler lenfadenomegali ve akciğer pa-rankiminde infiltrasyonun bulunduğu evre II’de konulduğu görüldü. Sarkoidoz tanısında mediastinoskopi ile mediastinal lenf nodu biopsisi hızlı sonuç veren ve düşük morbidite ve mortalite ile etkili bir yöntemdir.
Aim: Sarcoidosis is a multisystemic disease, characterized by noncaseating granuloms, the aetilogy remains unknown. We have stated that sarcoidosis diagnosis used by mediastinoscopy and our patients evaluated by stage and clinical features. Material and Method: 38 cases with a diagnosis of sarcoidosis by mediastinoscopy in our clinics (University Hospitals of Western Black Sea) were retrospectively analyzed. Cases was staging according to posteroanterior chest x-rays. Admission complaints,Pulmonary Function Tests, diagnostic methods, disease stages, co-morbid diseases, clinical and laboratory features of the patients were assessed. Results: 26 of the patients were female, 12 were male. Mean age was 49 and age range was between 24-71 years. Most common complaint at appeal was cough, and the most common radiological stage was 2. The most common biopsy taken from the lymph nodes was right paratracheal (2R, 4R) , the least common was the left paratracheal lymph nodes. There was no mortality. Complications developed 3 patients. Discussion: Sarcoidosis diagnoses usually settled was in stage 2 with hilar lymphadenomegalia and lung parenchymal infiltration. Mediastinoscopy in the diagnosis of sarcoidosis with mediastinal lymph node biopsy is an effective procedure with quick results, low morbidity and mortality rates.
Aim: Sarcoidosis is a multisystemic disease, characterized by noncaseating granuloms, the aetilogy remains unknown. We have stated that sarcoidosis diagnosis used by mediastinoscopy and our patients evaluated by stage and clinical features. Material and Method: 38 cases with a diagnosis of sarcoidosis by mediastinoscopy in our clinics (University Hospitals of Western Black Sea) were retrospectively analyzed. Cases was staging according to posteroanterior chest x-rays. Admission complaints,Pulmonary Function Tests, diagnostic methods, disease stages, co-morbid diseases, clinical and laboratory features of the patients were assessed. Results: 26 of the patients were female, 12 were male. Mean age was 49 and age range was between 24-71 years. Most common complaint at appeal was cough, and the most common radiological stage was 2. The most common biopsy taken from the lymph nodes was right paratracheal (2R, 4R) , the least common was the left paratracheal lymph nodes. There was no mortality. Complications developed 3 patients. Discussion: Sarcoidosis diagnoses usually settled was in stage 2 with hilar lymphadenomegalia and lung parenchymal infiltration. Mediastinoscopy in the diagnosis of sarcoidosis with mediastinal lymph node biopsy is an effective procedure with quick results, low morbidity and mortality rates.
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Genel ve Dahili Tıp
Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri