The effects of pathophysiological changes in Type-2 diabetic patients on thyroid dysfunction and nodular goiter development in Turkey

dc.contributor.authorErgenç, Zeynep
dc.contributor.authorKaraca Ocak, Özlem
dc.contributor.authorAksoy, Erkan
dc.contributor.authorErgenç, Hasan
dc.description.abstractObjective: The prevalence of thyroid dysfunction is higher in patients with diabetes, and its diagnosis could cause better diabetes management. The purpose of the present study is to examine the impact of pathophysiological changes in patients with Type-2 diabetes on the frequency of thyroid dysfunction, thyroid autoimmunity, thyroid nodule, and thyroid cancer in Turkey. Methods: The study was conducted on a total of 3.276 patients with Type-2 diabetes who underwent thyroid tests and thyroid ultrasonography (US). The demographic characteristics, biochemical and hormonal values, thyroid US reports, and histopathology reports were collected from the patient's electronic records. Results: Thyroid autoimmunity positive TPOab 15.9% (n = 524) and/or positive TGab 9.9% (n = 327), the rate of positivity of both antibodies (TPOab + TGab) in the same patient, and total thyroid autoimmunity was found to be 32.57% (n=1067) in Type-2 diabetic patients. Thyroid dysfunction was detected in 18.3% (n = 602) of these patients. The distribution of thyroid dysfunction was 9.09% (n = 298) subclinical hypothyroidism, 4.1% (n = 135) clinical hypothyroidism, 3.1% (n = 102) subclinical hyperthyroidism, 2.0% (n = 67) clinical hyperthyroidism. Also, 67.9% (n = 2225) thyroid nodules, and 5% (n = 164) thyroid cancer were detected. Conclusion: Thyroid dysfunction was found to have increased in patients with Type-2 diabetes at significant levels.
dc.description.abstractAmaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye'de Tip 2 diyabetli hastalardaki patofizyolojik değişikliklerin tiroid disfonksiyonu, tiroid otoimmünitesi, tiroid nodülü ve tiroid kanseri sıklığına etkisini incelemektir.Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışma, tiroid testleri ve tiroid ultrasonografisi (US) yapılan toplam 3.276 Tip-2 diyabetli hasta üzerinde yapıldı. Demografik özellikler, biyokimyasal ve hormonal değerler, tiroid US raporları ve histopatoloji raporları hastaların elektronik kayıtlarından toplandı.Bulgular:Tiroid otoimmünite pozitif TPOab %15.9 (n = 524) ve/veya pozitif TGab %9.9 (n=327), aynı hastada her iki antikorun (TPOab + TGab) pozitiflik oranı ve total tiroid otoimmünitesi Tip-2 diyabetli hastalarda %32,57 (n=1067) olabilir. Bu hastaların %18,3'ünde (n=602) tiroid disfonksiyonu saptandı. Tiroid disfonksiyonu dağılımı %9.09 (n=298) subklinik hipotiroidi, %4.1 (n=135) klinik hipotiroidi, %3.1 (n=102) subklinik hipertiroidi, %2.0 (n=67) klinik hipertiroidi idi. Ayrıca %67.9 (n=2225) tiroid nodülü ve %5 (n=164) tiroid kanseri tespit edildi.Sonuç: Tip-2 diyabetli hastalarda tiroid disfonksiyonunun anlamlı düzeyde arttığı bulundu.
dc.identifier.dergiparkDergiPark: 1159387
dc.publisherDüzce Üniversitesi
dc.relation.ispartofKonuralp Medical Journal
dc.relation.ispartofKonuralp Tip Dergisi
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Ulusal Hakemli Dergi
dc.subjectType-2 diabetes
dc.subjectthyroid dysfunction
dc.subjectnodular goiter
dc.subjectthyroid autoimmunity
dc.subjectTip-2 diyabet
dc.subjectTiroid disfonksiyonu
dc.subjectNodüler guatr
dc.subjectTiroid otoimmünitesi
dc.titleThe effects of pathophysiological changes in Type-2 diabetic patients on thyroid dysfunction and nodular goiter development in Turkey
dc.title.alternativeTürkiye'de Tip-2 diyabetli hastalarda patofizyolojik değişikliklerin tiroid disfonksiyonu ve nodüler guatr gelişimi üzerine etkileri
