ÇBAG Tabanlı Rüzgâr Santralinde DGİY için Simetrik ve Asimetrik Arızaların Analizi
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Şebeke bağlantılı rüzgar santrali güç sistemi tarafında oluşan çeşitli gerilim düşmelerinden etkilenmektedir.Özellikle simetrik ve asimetrik arızalarda rüzgar santralinin ?ebeke bağlantı kriterlerinin belirlenmesi önemli birkonudur. Bu çalışmada, 2.3 MVA gücündeki ÇBAG tabanlı rüzgar santralinin Düşük Gerilim İyileştirmeYeteneği (DGİY) için simetrik ve asimetrik arızalar karşısındaki durumları incelenmiştir. Simetrik arıza olarak 3faz arıza ve 3 faz toprak arızası kullanılırken, Asimetrik arızalar için 2 faz arızası ve 2 faz toprak arızasıkullanılmı?tır. ?ebeke tarafında meydana gelen arızalar esnasında 34.5 kV bara gerilimi ÇBAG çıkış gerilimi,açısal hızı, elektriksel momenti, d-q eksen akım değişimleri incelenmiştir. 3 faz arıza, 3 faz toprak, 2 faz arıza ve2 faz toprak arızasında elde edilen sonuçlar karşılaştırılmış ve yorumlanmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlarda 3 faz arızaanalizinde 34.5 kV’luk bara gerilimi ve ÇBAG parametrelerinin diğer arızalara nazaran daha çok etkilenmiştir.
The grid-connected wind farm is affected by various voltage drops occurrred in the power system side. Especially in symmetric and asymmetric faults, the determination of grid connection criteria of the wind farm is an important issue. In this study, the situation of the 2.3 MVA power DFIG based wind farm against symmetrical and asymmetric faults for Low Voltage Ride Through (LVRT) capability was investigated. While 3 phase fault and 3 phase fault ground are used as symmetric fault, 2 phase fault and 2 phase ground fault are used for asymmetric faults. 34.5 kV bus voltage, angular speed, electrical moment, d-q axis stator current variations were investigated during faults occurring on the grid side. The results obtained in 3 phase fault, 3 phase ground, 2 phase fault and 2 phase ground fault are compared and interpreted. In the results obtained, it was seen that 34.5 kV bus voltage and DFIG parameters in 3 phase fault analysis were affected more than other faults.
The grid-connected wind farm is affected by various voltage drops occurrred in the power system side. Especially in symmetric and asymmetric faults, the determination of grid connection criteria of the wind farm is an important issue. In this study, the situation of the 2.3 MVA power DFIG based wind farm against symmetrical and asymmetric faults for Low Voltage Ride Through (LVRT) capability was investigated. While 3 phase fault and 3 phase fault ground are used as symmetric fault, 2 phase fault and 2 phase ground fault are used for asymmetric faults. 34.5 kV bus voltage, angular speed, electrical moment, d-q axis stator current variations were investigated during faults occurring on the grid side. The results obtained in 3 phase fault, 3 phase ground, 2 phase fault and 2 phase ground fault are compared and interpreted. In the results obtained, it was seen that 34.5 kV bus voltage and DFIG parameters in 3 phase fault analysis were affected more than other faults.
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