Bülent Ulusu Hükümeti Döneminde Türk Dış Politikası (1980-1983)
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Türkiye 1970’li ve 1980’li yıllarda iç çatışmaların, terörün, ekonomik sıkıntıların,siyasi buhranın yaşandığı bir dönemi geçirmiştir. Ülkede kontrol edilemez hale gelençatışmalar ve hükümetlerin sorunu çözmede yetersiz kalması sonrasında 12 Eylül1980’de askeri darbe gerçekleşmiştir. Ordunun yönetime el koyması sonucunda MilliGüvenlik Konseyi oluşturularak tüm siyasi partiler kapatılmıştır. Devlet BaşkanıKenan Evren, Başbakanlığa Bülent Ulusu’yu atamıştır. Bu hükümet Türkiye’nin 44.Hükümeti olmuştur. 1980-1983 yılları arasında görev yapan Ulusu Hükümeti,Türkiye içerisinde terörün bitirilmesi ve tekrar demokrasiye geçiş için çalışmalaryapmıştır. Dış politikada ise yabancı devletlerle iyi ilişkiler kurulmasına özengöstermiştir. Siyasi ve ekonomik ilişkiler anlaşmalarla devam ettirilmeyeçalışılmıştır. Bu çalışma içerisinde; Türk Hükümeti’nin ABD, Avrupa Ülkeleri veSovyetlerle dostane ilişkileri devam ettirme gayreti, İslam ülkeleriyle gelişen ilişkiler,Yunanistan’la yaşanan sıkıntılar, ASALA terör örgütünün Türk diplomatlarasaldırıları ele alınmıştır.
In the 1970s and 1980s, Turkey experienced a period laden with internal conflicts,terrorism, economic woes and political crises. A military coup was carried out onSeptember 12, 1980, after conflicts became uncontrollable in the country and thegovernments failed to end them.As a result of the seizure of power by the army, the National Security Council (NSC)was formed, and all political parties were dissolved. The head of the NSC, KenanEvren has appointed Bülent Ulusu as the new Prime Minister to form the 44thgovernment of Turkey. The Ulusu government, which served between 1980 and 1983strove to eradicate the terror in the country and facilitate the transition to democracy.As for its foreign policy, the government paid attention to establish good relationswith the other states. Therefore, it put the effort into maintaining the political andeconomic relations by consensus. In this study, the Turkish Government's efforts tomaintain friendly relations with the US, the European countries and the SovietFederation, its developing relations with Islamic countries, the problematic issuesbetween Turkey with Greece, the terrorists attacks of ASALA against Turkishdiplomats are dealt with.
In the 1970s and 1980s, Turkey experienced a period laden with internal conflicts,terrorism, economic woes and political crises. A military coup was carried out onSeptember 12, 1980, after conflicts became uncontrollable in the country and thegovernments failed to end them.As a result of the seizure of power by the army, the National Security Council (NSC)was formed, and all political parties were dissolved. The head of the NSC, KenanEvren has appointed Bülent Ulusu as the new Prime Minister to form the 44thgovernment of Turkey. The Ulusu government, which served between 1980 and 1983strove to eradicate the terror in the country and facilitate the transition to democracy.As for its foreign policy, the government paid attention to establish good relationswith the other states. Therefore, it put the effort into maintaining the political andeconomic relations by consensus. In this study, the Turkish Government's efforts tomaintain friendly relations with the US, the European countries and the SovietFederation, its developing relations with Islamic countries, the problematic issuesbetween Turkey with Greece, the terrorists attacks of ASALA against Turkishdiplomats are dealt with.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Din Bilimi, Felsefe, İktisat, İşletme, Kamu Yönetimi, Tarih, Uluslararası İlişkiler
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