Sanat nesnesinin dönüşümü ve hazır nesne
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Düzce Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Gündelik kullanım nesnelerinin var oluşu büyük ölçüde; barınma, savunma, korunma, inanç, ibadet, hayatta kalma, yaşamı kolaylaştırma ve hatta statü yaratma amaçlıdır. Bu nesneler büyük ölçüde; fiziki koşullar, ekonomi, siyaset, teknik gelişmeler, inanış biçimleri, kültürel normlar ve önceden öngörülmesi mümkün olamayan başka birçok faktörün bir araya gelmesi sonucu oluşur ve de sürekli olarak değişir. Olumsuz hava koşullarından korunmaya yarayan kıyafetler, ulaşım ihtiyacını kolaylaştıran araçlar, savunma amaçlı üretilen teknolojik aygıtlar ya da en asgari düzeyde beslenebilmek için tabak ve bardak gibi yeme-içme eylemlerini kolaylaştıran aletler bu kapsamda ilk akla gelenlerdendir. Her yerde/her evde bulunabilen tabak veya bardak gibi porselen, cam ya da seramik malzemelerle belli bir geleneksel beğeni ve biçimsel-estetik anlayışına göre üretilen ve işlevsel araçlar olarak kullanılabilen bu gibi nesneler; aynı zamanda toplumsal, kültürel ve duygusal bağlamlarda önemli bir sembol haline gelir. Nesnelerin anlamı, sadece fiziksel özellikleriyle değil, aynı zamanda insanların bu nesneleri nasıl algıladığı ve kullanmayı tercih ettiği toplumsal ve kültürel faktörlerle de şekillenir. Bu nesneler sanatın sürekli değişime uğrayan tarihsel sürecinin içerisinde devamlı olarak yer almış ve kaçınılmaz olarak dönüşüme uğramıştır. Sanatçılar, gündelik nesnelerin içinde bulundukları anlam ve kullanımlarını aşarak, bu nesnelere sanat alanında yeni anlamlar yükleyerek değişime uğratabilirler. Böylelikle sanatçı tarafından doğrudan kullanımı ya da dönüştürülerek kullanımıyla birlikte nesne yeni anlamlar kazanarak sanat alanında da sanat nesnesi ve sanatçının nesnesi olarak kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. Nesnenin sanat alanında yaşadığı bu dönüşüm ve sanatın görüneni olduğu gibi aktarma amacı güden taklitçi bir sanat anlayışından izlenimciliğe, dışavurumculuktan kübizme, sürrealizmden Dadaizm'e ya da kavramsal sanata evrilme süreçleri gözlemlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Sanat eserinin oluşturulma süreci, nesnenin geleneksel yapısından ve temsiliyetinden ayrılarak, sıradan günlük mekânından çıkarak sanat alanında varlık bulma sürecine odaklanır. Bu bağlamda, nesne artık sadece bir nesne olarak değil, aynı zamanda sanatçının kendine özgü bakış açısı ve yaratıcı sürecinin bir yansıması olarak ele alınır. Bu dönüşüm, nesnenin yeni anlamlar ve ifadeler yaratma potansiyelini ortaya çıkarır. Bunun yanı sıra sanatın malzeme bakımından geleneksel medyumlarının ve bir süs eşyası ya da yalnızca işlevsel bir araç olma stabilitesinden öteye geçen günlük kullanım nesnelerinin dönüşüm süreçlerine odaklanılmıştır. Tezde sanat üretimlerinde bir ifade aracı olabilme potansiyeli kazanan gündelik kullanım nesneleri ve nesnenin dönüşüm süreçleri; çeşitli sanatçılar, eserleri, bazı akımlar, tarihsel kırılma noktaları ve bireysel üretimler üzerinden gözlemlenmeye ve çözümlenmeye çalışılmıştır.
The existence of daily use objects is largely due to; it is intended for shelter, defense, protection, belief, worship, survival, making life easier and even creating status. These objects are largely; it is formed as a result of the combination of physical conditions, economy, politics, technical developments, forms of belief, cultural norms and many other factors that cannot be predicted in advance, and it constantly changes. In this context, the first things that come to mind are clothes that help protect from adverse weather conditions, vehicles that facilitate transportation needs, technological devices produced for defense purposes, or tools that facilitate eating and drinking, such as plates and glasses in order to be fed at the minimum level. Such objects, such as plates or cups, which can be found everywhere/in every home, are produced according to a certain traditional taste and formal-aesthetic understanding with porcelain, glass or ceramic materials and can be used as functional tools; it also becomes an important symbol in social, cultural and emotional contexts. The meaning of objects is shaped not only by their physical properties, but also by social and cultural factors in how people perceive these objects and choose to use them. These objects have constantly taken part in the constantly changing historical process of art and have inevitably undergone transformation. Artists can transform everyday objects by transcending their meanings and uses and attributing new meanings to these objects in the field of art. Thus, with its direct use or transformed use by the artist, the object gained new meanings and began to be used as an art object and an artist's object in the field of art. This transformation of the object in the field of art and the evolution of art from an imitative understanding of art that aims to convey the visible as it is, to impressionism, from expressionism to cubism, from surrealism to Dadaism or conceptual art have been tried to be observed. The process of creating a work of art focuses on the process of finding existence in the field of art by leaving its ordinary daily space, separating from the traditional structure and representation of the object. In this context, the object is no longer considered just as an object, but also as a reflection of the artist's unique perspective and creative process. This transformation reveals the object's potential to create new meanings and expressions. In addition, the focus is on the transformation processes of traditional mediums of art in terms of material and daily use objects that go beyond the stability of being an ornament or just a functional tool. In the thesis, daily use objects that have the potential to become a means of expression in artistic production and the transformation processes of the object; It has been tried to be observed and analyzed through various artists, their works, some movements, historical breaking points and individual productions.
The existence of daily use objects is largely due to; it is intended for shelter, defense, protection, belief, worship, survival, making life easier and even creating status. These objects are largely; it is formed as a result of the combination of physical conditions, economy, politics, technical developments, forms of belief, cultural norms and many other factors that cannot be predicted in advance, and it constantly changes. In this context, the first things that come to mind are clothes that help protect from adverse weather conditions, vehicles that facilitate transportation needs, technological devices produced for defense purposes, or tools that facilitate eating and drinking, such as plates and glasses in order to be fed at the minimum level. Such objects, such as plates or cups, which can be found everywhere/in every home, are produced according to a certain traditional taste and formal-aesthetic understanding with porcelain, glass or ceramic materials and can be used as functional tools; it also becomes an important symbol in social, cultural and emotional contexts. The meaning of objects is shaped not only by their physical properties, but also by social and cultural factors in how people perceive these objects and choose to use them. These objects have constantly taken part in the constantly changing historical process of art and have inevitably undergone transformation. Artists can transform everyday objects by transcending their meanings and uses and attributing new meanings to these objects in the field of art. Thus, with its direct use or transformed use by the artist, the object gained new meanings and began to be used as an art object and an artist's object in the field of art. This transformation of the object in the field of art and the evolution of art from an imitative understanding of art that aims to convey the visible as it is, to impressionism, from expressionism to cubism, from surrealism to Dadaism or conceptual art have been tried to be observed. The process of creating a work of art focuses on the process of finding existence in the field of art by leaving its ordinary daily space, separating from the traditional structure and representation of the object. In this context, the object is no longer considered just as an object, but also as a reflection of the artist's unique perspective and creative process. This transformation reveals the object's potential to create new meanings and expressions. In addition, the focus is on the transformation processes of traditional mediums of art in terms of material and daily use objects that go beyond the stability of being an ornament or just a functional tool. In the thesis, daily use objects that have the potential to become a means of expression in artistic production and the transformation processes of the object; It has been tried to be observed and analyzed through various artists, their works, some movements, historical breaking points and individual productions.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Güzel Sanatlar, Fine Arts