Batı karadeniz kayın kestane karışık ormanlarında ağaçlarda göğüs yüzeyindeki çapa bağlı bazı besin ele-mentlerinin değişimi
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Düzce Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmanın amacı iklimsel olarak Batı Karadeniz kıyı kesimini temsil eden Düzce-Akçakoca bölgesi kayın (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) ve kestane (Castanea sativa Mill.) karışık meşçerelerindeki farklı çap ve boylardaki ağaçların toprak altı (kök) ve toprak üstü (gövde, dal, kabuk, yaprak) kısımlarının içerdiği azot (N), fosfor (P), potasyum (K) ve kükürt (S) oranlarının belirlenmesidir. Araştırma sahaları Avrupa-Sibirya (Euro-Siberian) flora bölgesinin Öksin (Euxin) kesiminde yer almaktadır ve Batı Karadeniz iklim tipi içerisinde yer alan sahil kesimini temsilen doğu kayını ve Anadolu kestanesinin yayılış gösterdiği Bolu Orman Bölge Müdürlüğü'ne Bağlı Akçakoca İşletme Müdürlüğü, Deredibi Orman İşletme Şefliği'ndeki Kaplandede dağ kesitinden seçilmiştir. 24 adet kayın ağacı ve 24 adet kestane ağacında N, P, K ve S içerikleri hesaplanmıştır. Kayın ağacında en yüksek N, P, K ve S oranları yaprakta bulunmuş ve sırasıyla %2,18, %0,14, %0,68 ve %0,003 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Kestanede de en yüksek oranlar yaprakta bu-lunmuş ve sırasıyla %2,09, %0,14, %0,07 ve %0,003 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Kayın ağa-cında en düşük olarak hesaplanan oranlar sırasıyla N ve P için gövde odununda %0,09, K için dal odunu %0,10 ve S için kök-gövde-dal-kabuk odunlarında %0,002 olarak he-saplanmıştır. Kestane ağacında en düşük olarak hesaplanan oranlar benzer şekilde sıra-sıyla N ve P için gövde odunu %0,08, K için dal odunu %0,001 ve S için kök-gövde-dal-kabuk odunlarında %0,002 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Ölçülen elementlerin hesaplanan yüzde oranları ile biyokütle miktarlarının çarpılması sonucu ağaçlardaki miktarları belir-lenmiştir. Buna göre en yüksek N, P ve S miktarları kökte bulunmuş ve kayın ağacında bu miktarlar sırasıyla 1,7kg, 1,1kg ve 21,5g iken kestanede 1,2kg, 0,8kg ve 13,3g olarak hesaplanmıştır. En yüksek oranda K kayın ağacında gövdede 2,3kg iken kestane ağacın-da kökte 507g olarak hesaplanmıştır. Kayın ağacında hesaplanan en düşük miktarlar ise N kabukta 0,01kg, P yaprakta 0,9g, K dalda 6,5g ve S kabukta 0,08g hesaplanmıştır. Kestane ağacında N kabukta 0,03 kg, P, K ve S yaprakta sırasıyla 2,7g, 0,3g ve 2,7g olarak hesaplanmıştır. Bütün bu hesaplamalar sonucunda çapa bağlı olarak, tüm ağaç bileşenlerinin (dal, yaprak, gövde ve kök) N, P, K ve S miktarlarının yanı sıra toplam miktarları hesaplayabilmek için regresyon denklemleri oluşturulmuştur. Bu değerler sür-dürülebilir iklim yönetimi besin hesaplamaları ile ilgili alan verimliliğinde kullanılabilir. Ağacın sadece çapını bilen uygulamacılar ve araştırmacılar, N, P, K ve S değerlerini çok geniş bir alanda kolayca hesaplayabilecektir. Ek olarak, bu veriler bölge için uzun vadeli bilgi olarak saklanabilir.
The aim of this study is to represent the climatic conditions of the Western Black Sea coastal region of Düzce-Akçakoca beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) and chestnut (Casta-nea sativa Mill.) Mixed trees in different diameters and heights of subsoil (root) and above ground (trunk, branch, bark) Determination of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), po-tassium (K) and sulfur (S) contents of the leaf parts. The research sites are located in the Öksin (Euxin) part of the Euro-Siberian (Euro-Siberian) flora region and as representing the coastal part of the Western Black Sea climatic type with the distribution of eastern beech and Anatolian chestnut it was selected from the Kaplandede mountain section of Deredibi Chiefship of Akçakoca Forestry Management Directorate of Bolu Regional Forestry Directorate. N, P, K and S contents of 24 beech trees and 24 chestnut trees were calculated. The highest ratios of N, P, K and S were found in leaves of beech and were estimated 2.18%, 0.14%, 0.68% and 0.003%, respectively. The highest ratios were also found in leaves of chestnut and estimated 2,09%, 0,14%, 0,07% and 0,003%, re-spectively. The lowest ratios in beech tree were estimated 0.09% in stem wood for N and P, 0.10% in branch wood for K ve and 0.002% in root-stem-branch-bark for S. The lowest estimated ratios were similar in chestnut tree and were 0.08% in stem wood for N and P, 0.001% in branch wood for K and 0.002% in root-stem-branch-bark for S. The amount of measured elements were estimated by multiplying percentage ratio of them with biomass amounts. According to this the highest amounts of N, P and S were found in root and while they were estimated 1.7kg, 1.1kg and 21.5g for beech, 1.2kg, 0.8kg and 13.3g were estimated for chestnut, respectively. While the estimated highest amount of K for beech was 2.3kg in stem wood, it was 507g in root for chestnut. The lowest amounts estimated for beech were 0.01kg N in bark, 0.9kg P in leaves, 6.5g K in branch and 0.08g S in bark. It was estimated 0.03kg N in bark, 2.7g, 0.3g and 2.7g P, K and S in leaves, respectively. After all these estimations for being able to estimate total and all tree components amounts of N, P, K and S (branch, leaves, stem and root) re-gression equations were created. These values can be used in field efficiency related to sustainable climate management nutrient calculations. Practitioners and researchers who know only the diameter of the tree will be able to easily calculate N, P, K, S and Na values over a wide area. In addition, this data can be stored as long-term information for the region.
The aim of this study is to represent the climatic conditions of the Western Black Sea coastal region of Düzce-Akçakoca beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) and chestnut (Casta-nea sativa Mill.) Mixed trees in different diameters and heights of subsoil (root) and above ground (trunk, branch, bark) Determination of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), po-tassium (K) and sulfur (S) contents of the leaf parts. The research sites are located in the Öksin (Euxin) part of the Euro-Siberian (Euro-Siberian) flora region and as representing the coastal part of the Western Black Sea climatic type with the distribution of eastern beech and Anatolian chestnut it was selected from the Kaplandede mountain section of Deredibi Chiefship of Akçakoca Forestry Management Directorate of Bolu Regional Forestry Directorate. N, P, K and S contents of 24 beech trees and 24 chestnut trees were calculated. The highest ratios of N, P, K and S were found in leaves of beech and were estimated 2.18%, 0.14%, 0.68% and 0.003%, respectively. The highest ratios were also found in leaves of chestnut and estimated 2,09%, 0,14%, 0,07% and 0,003%, re-spectively. The lowest ratios in beech tree were estimated 0.09% in stem wood for N and P, 0.10% in branch wood for K ve and 0.002% in root-stem-branch-bark for S. The lowest estimated ratios were similar in chestnut tree and were 0.08% in stem wood for N and P, 0.001% in branch wood for K and 0.002% in root-stem-branch-bark for S. The amount of measured elements were estimated by multiplying percentage ratio of them with biomass amounts. According to this the highest amounts of N, P and S were found in root and while they were estimated 1.7kg, 1.1kg and 21.5g for beech, 1.2kg, 0.8kg and 13.3g were estimated for chestnut, respectively. While the estimated highest amount of K for beech was 2.3kg in stem wood, it was 507g in root for chestnut. The lowest amounts estimated for beech were 0.01kg N in bark, 0.9kg P in leaves, 6.5g K in branch and 0.08g S in bark. It was estimated 0.03kg N in bark, 2.7g, 0.3g and 2.7g P, K and S in leaves, respectively. After all these estimations for being able to estimate total and all tree components amounts of N, P, K and S (branch, leaves, stem and root) re-gression equations were created. These values can be used in field efficiency related to sustainable climate management nutrient calculations. Practitioners and researchers who know only the diameter of the tree will be able to easily calculate N, P, K, S and Na values over a wide area. In addition, this data can be stored as long-term information for the region.
YÖK Tez No: 579764
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ormancılık ve Orman Mühendisliği, Forestry and Forest Engineering