Çağdaş sanatta güzellik kavramının temsili olan beden
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Düzce Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
İnsanlık tarihi boyunca güzellik kavramı, her inanç ve sisteme göre değişiklik göstermiştir. Güzellik kavramı kadınla ilişkilendirilerek, değişen inanç ve sistemle beraber kadının görünüşünü de değişime uğratmıştır. Başlangıçta yüce, ahlaklı, erdemli, ruhani değerlerle birlikte ele alınan kavram beden ile de ilişkilendirilerek ilerleyen dönemlerde farklı düşünce yapılarıyla dönüşüme uğramıştır. Bedenin, özellikle kadın bedeni tasvirinin dönüşüme uğramasında kavramın taşıdığı anlamların değişim göstermesi etkendir. İlk çağlarda güzellik anlayışı doğurganlık ve bereket ile ilişkilendirilmiş, bu anlayışa göre güzellik sembolleri olarak kadın bedenlerinin iri ve büyük tasvir edilmesi sonraki dönemlerde yerini farklı biçimlere bırakmıştır. Bulunduğu çağla beraber kadın bedeni sürekli değişim içinde olarak o dönemin güzellik standardı neyse o kalıba girerek kendi döneminin güzellik standardını oluşturmuştur. Sanatta ideal kadın imgesi Meryem ana saflığında bazen resmedilmiş bazen Venüs miti ile ilişkilendirilerek çıplaklığı kabul edilebilir konuma getirmiştir. Sanayi Devrimini ortaya çıkmasıyla birçok alanda yenilikleri beraberinde getirmiştir. Fotoğraf makinasının ortaya çıkmasıyla sanatçılar doğaya ve istedikleri resimleri yapmaya başlamışlardır. Modern Sanatın doğuşuyla kadın imgesi gündelik yaşamdaki halleri, kendi hayal gücüyle ressamın gözünden izleyiciye seyirlik bir nesne olarak gösterilmiştir. Makinaların yaygınlaşması ve işgücünün bölünmesiyle üretimde ve tüketimde büyük artış meydana gelmiş ve tüketim toplumu ortaya çıkmıştır. Sanatçı toplumdan uzaklaşarak farklı tarz arayışına girmiş ve eserler üretmeye başlamıştır. Sanayi Devriminde kitle iletişim araçları ortaya çıkmış ve bununla beraber Popüler Kültür yaygınlaşmıştır. Tüketim kültürüyle birlikte güzellik endüstrisinin de oluşması, kadın bedeninin değiştirilip dönüştürülebilir hale sokulmasına neden olmuştur. Kadının meta ve tüketim nesnesi olarak kullanılmasına ve toplumda sadece görsel olarak var olmasına, özne olarak gösterilmemesine feminist sanatçılar karşı çıkmış ve bu düşüncelerini dünyaya duyurmak için sanat eserleri ve performanslar yapmışlardır. Bu tez çalışmasında güzellik kavramını; sanatta kadın bedeniyle ilişkilendirilerek ve kadının konumu değişen çağla beraber sanatta tasvir edilen kadın imgesinin sanat eserlerinde değişimini ve tüketim çağının toplumsal sorunu olan estetik cerrahi işlemlerle oluşan ideal kadın bedeni ile değişen güzellik algısına feminist sanatçıların tepkilerini ürettikleri işler üzerinden irdelenecektir.
Throughout human history, the concept of beauty has varied according to each belief and system. The concept of beauty has become associated with women and has changed the appearance of women along with changing beliefs and systems. The concept, which was initially considered together with sublime, moral, virtuous and spiritual values, was also associated with the body and transformed with different thought structures in the following periods. The change in the meanings of the concept is a factor in the transformation of the depiction of the body, especially the female body. In ancient times, the concept of beauty was associated with fertility and abundance, and according to this understanding, the depiction of large and large female bodies as symbols of beauty was replaced by different forms in later periods. With the age, the female body was constantly changing and formed the beauty standard of its period by falling into the mold of the beauty standard of that period. In art, the ideal female image is sometimes depicted in the purity of the Virgin Mary, and sometimes it is associated with the Venus myth, making nudity acceptable. With the emergence of the Industrial Revolution, it brought innovations in many areas. With the advent of the camera, artists began to take pictures of nature and the pictures they wanted. With the birth of Modern Art, the image of women in daily life was shown to the viewer as an object of spectacle through the eyes of the painter with his own imagination. With the spread of machines and the division of the workforce, there was a great increase in production and consumption and a consumer society emerged. The artist moved away from society, searched for a different style and began to produce works. In the Industrial Revolution, mass media emerged and with it Popular Culture became widespread. The formation of the beauty industry along with the consumption culture has caused the female body to be changed and transformed. Feminist artists opposed the use of women as commodities and objects of consumption, and their existence only visually in society, and not being shown as subjects, and they created works of art and performances to announce these ideas to the world. In this thesis study, the place of the ideal female body, called beautiful, in art, which has changed from past to present, and the reflections of the changing perception of beauty about women on art will be examined.
Throughout human history, the concept of beauty has varied according to each belief and system. The concept of beauty has become associated with women and has changed the appearance of women along with changing beliefs and systems. The concept, which was initially considered together with sublime, moral, virtuous and spiritual values, was also associated with the body and transformed with different thought structures in the following periods. The change in the meanings of the concept is a factor in the transformation of the depiction of the body, especially the female body. In ancient times, the concept of beauty was associated with fertility and abundance, and according to this understanding, the depiction of large and large female bodies as symbols of beauty was replaced by different forms in later periods. With the age, the female body was constantly changing and formed the beauty standard of its period by falling into the mold of the beauty standard of that period. In art, the ideal female image is sometimes depicted in the purity of the Virgin Mary, and sometimes it is associated with the Venus myth, making nudity acceptable. With the emergence of the Industrial Revolution, it brought innovations in many areas. With the advent of the camera, artists began to take pictures of nature and the pictures they wanted. With the birth of Modern Art, the image of women in daily life was shown to the viewer as an object of spectacle through the eyes of the painter with his own imagination. With the spread of machines and the division of the workforce, there was a great increase in production and consumption and a consumer society emerged. The artist moved away from society, searched for a different style and began to produce works. In the Industrial Revolution, mass media emerged and with it Popular Culture became widespread. The formation of the beauty industry along with the consumption culture has caused the female body to be changed and transformed. Feminist artists opposed the use of women as commodities and objects of consumption, and their existence only visually in society, and not being shown as subjects, and they created works of art and performances to announce these ideas to the world. In this thesis study, the place of the ideal female body, called beautiful, in art, which has changed from past to present, and the reflections of the changing perception of beauty about women on art will be examined.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Güzel Sanatlar, Fine Arts