Batı Karadeniz Bölgesi Odun Zararlısı Böcek Faunası İçin Yeni Kayıtlar
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Bu çalışmanın amacı, Batı Karadeniz Bölgesinde orman depolarında zarar yapan böcek türlerini teşhis etmek vebu bölge için yeni kayıt olan böcek türlerini tespit etmektir. Bu amaçla 7 il ve 21 orman deposuna feromontuzakları kurulmuş ve beklemekte olan odunlar kırıldıktan sonra elde edilen böcekler toplanarak teşhis edilmiştir.Çalışmada 13 böcek türü bölge için yeni kayıt niteliği taşımaktadır. Çalışma sonucunda odunda zararlıböceklerden Oxypleurus nodieri, Stromatium unicolor, Xylotrechus arvicola, Xylotrechus antilope, Isotomusspeciosus, Chalcophora detrita, Buprestis novemmaculata, Lasioderma serricorne, Rhyncolus elongatus,Rhyncolus ater, Helops rossii, Calais parreyssi türleri ve Reticulitermes sp. termit karıncası Batı KaradenizBölgesinde ilk defa tespit edilmiştir. Bu böcek türlerinin ülkemizde daha önce tespit edildiği yerler de literatürbilgileri ile irdelenmi?tir.
The aim of this study was to identify the insect species that have been damaged in forest depots in the Western Black Sea region and detecting first recorded insect species in the region. For this purpose, pheromone traps were installed as well as logs were cut into small pieces and identified by collecting insects in 7 provinces and 21 forest depots. In the study, 13 insect species are new records for the region. At the end of the study, from wood damaging insects, Oxypleurus nodieri, Stromatium unicolor, Xylotrechus arvicola, Xylotrechus antilope, Isotomus speciosus, Chalcophora detrita, Buprestis novemmaculata, Lasioderma serricorne, Rhyncolus elongatus, Rhyncolus ater, Helops rossii, Calais parreyssi species and the termite ant Reticulitermes sp. were detected first time in the Western Black Sea region. Finding places of these insect species have been investigated in our country in the previous studies were also examined within the scope of this study.
The aim of this study was to identify the insect species that have been damaged in forest depots in the Western Black Sea region and detecting first recorded insect species in the region. For this purpose, pheromone traps were installed as well as logs were cut into small pieces and identified by collecting insects in 7 provinces and 21 forest depots. In the study, 13 insect species are new records for the region. At the end of the study, from wood damaging insects, Oxypleurus nodieri, Stromatium unicolor, Xylotrechus arvicola, Xylotrechus antilope, Isotomus speciosus, Chalcophora detrita, Buprestis novemmaculata, Lasioderma serricorne, Rhyncolus elongatus, Rhyncolus ater, Helops rossii, Calais parreyssi species and the termite ant Reticulitermes sp. were detected first time in the Western Black Sea region. Finding places of these insect species have been investigated in our country in the previous studies were also examined within the scope of this study.
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