Gated Miyokard Perfüzyon Spect Çalışmasındaki Stres Defekt Skorları İle Homosistein Düzeylerinin Karşılaştırılması
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Amaç: Ülkemizde Koroner Arter Hastalığı (KAH) prevalansı giderek artmakta ve önemli sağlık sorunlarından biri haline gelmektedir. GATED miyokard perfüzyon SPECT sintigrafisi KAH tanısı koymada ve prognozu öngörmede kullanılan non-invaziv, basit ve kolay bir tekniktir. Bu çalışmanın amacı GATED Miyokard Perfüzyon SPECT çalışmasında elde ettiğimiz stres defekt skorları ile homosistein (HCY) düzeyini karşılaştırmaktır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Kasım 2012-Mart 2013 tarihleri arasında KAH ön tanısı ile MPS için bölümümüze başvuran ve çalışmamıza alınan 166 kişinin yaş ortalaması 56±11,6; 70’i erkekti. Alınan kan örneklerinde ELISA metodu ile HCY seviyesi ölçüldü. İskemi pozitifliği MPS görüntüleri üzerinden yorumlandı. Kantitatif GATED SPECT (QGS) yazılımı kullanılarak sol ventriküle ait sayısal parametreler otomatik olarak hesaplandı. Bulgular: Hastaların sintigrafi sonuçlarına göre 60 (%57,1)’ı normal, 45 (%42,9)’i iskemi pozitif olarak bulunurken; HCY düzeyi, normal olan grupta 16,36±9,7 ?mol/L, iskemik olan grupta 16,6±8,5 ?mol/L bulundu (p=0,895). Sonuç: Çalışmamızda HCY düzeyi ile GATED miyokard perfüzyon SPECT çalışmasında hesaplanan risk parametreleri arasında ilişki bulunmamıştır.
Objective: In our country, the prevalence of Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) has been increasing and becoming one of the most important health problems. GATED SPECT myocardial perfusion scintigraphy is a non-invasive, simple and easy technique used in diagnosis and predicting prognosis of CAD. The aim of this study was to compare the level of Homocysteine (HCY) with stress defect scores which obtained from GATED Myocardial Perfusion SPECT study. Methods: Between November 2012 and March 2013, 166 patients referred to our department for MPS with a suspected CAD were included in our study. The mean age was 56 ± 11.6 and 70 were male. HCY level was measured by ELISA method from blood samples. Ischemia positivity was interpreted through MPS images. The numerical parameters of the left ventricle were obtained automatically by the software quantitative gated SPECT (QGS). Results: According to the scintigraphy results, 60 (57.1%) patients were normal and 45 (42.9%) were ischemia positive; the level of HCY was 16.36 ± 9.7 ?mol/L in the normal group and 16.6 ± 8.5 ?mol/L in the ischemic group (p = 0.895). Conclusion: We found no significant correlation between HCY levels and risk parameters obtained from GATED myocardial perfusion SPECT.
Objective: In our country, the prevalence of Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) has been increasing and becoming one of the most important health problems. GATED SPECT myocardial perfusion scintigraphy is a non-invasive, simple and easy technique used in diagnosis and predicting prognosis of CAD. The aim of this study was to compare the level of Homocysteine (HCY) with stress defect scores which obtained from GATED Myocardial Perfusion SPECT study. Methods: Between November 2012 and March 2013, 166 patients referred to our department for MPS with a suspected CAD were included in our study. The mean age was 56 ± 11.6 and 70 were male. HCY level was measured by ELISA method from blood samples. Ischemia positivity was interpreted through MPS images. The numerical parameters of the left ventricle were obtained automatically by the software quantitative gated SPECT (QGS). Results: According to the scintigraphy results, 60 (57.1%) patients were normal and 45 (42.9%) were ischemia positive; the level of HCY was 16.36 ± 9.7 ?mol/L in the normal group and 16.6 ± 8.5 ?mol/L in the ischemic group (p = 0.895). Conclusion: We found no significant correlation between HCY levels and risk parameters obtained from GATED myocardial perfusion SPECT.
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