Geçirgen kalıp kullanımının beton olgunlaşma süresine olan etkisi
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Bu araştırmanın amacı; drenaj özelliği bulunan geçirgen kalıp kullanımının beton olgunlaşma sürelerine olan etkisini araştırmaktır. Bu amaçla 20x70x120 cm boyutlarında 4 adet perde duvar kalıbı hazırlanmıştır. Kalıpların bir tanesinde yüzey malzemesi olarak karaçam kerestesi, 3 tanesinde ise plywood kullanılmıştır. Plywood kaplı kalıpların 2 tanesinin yüzeyine drenaj kanal ve delikleri açılmış daha sonra farklı geotekstil astarlarla kaplanmıştır. Diğer plywood yüzeyli kalıp ise referans olarak kullanılmıştır. Kalıplara C30 betonu yerleştirilerek vibratör ile sıkıştırılmıştır. Ayrıca 15x15x15 cm ebadında 16 adet küp numune alınmıştır. Hazırlanan perde duvarların geometrik merkezine ve bir küp numuneye olgunluk ölçer aygıtları yerleştirilmiştir. Diğer küp numunelerin 1., 3., 7., 14., ve 28. günlerde beton basınç dayanımları belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak; geçirgen kalıplara dökülmüş betonların, karaçam ve plywood kalıba dökülen betonlara göre olgunluk indekslerinin ortalama %11 oranında büyük olduğu ve daha erken dayanım kazandığı, geçirgen kalıp kullanımı ile beton olgunlaşmasının hızlandırılabileceği görülmüştür.
The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of using permeable formwork on concrete maturity. For this purpose, four curtain wall formworks having 120 cm height, 70 cm with and 20 cm thickness; were prepared. As a surface material one Black pine and three plywoods formworks were used. Drainage channels and holes were cut on the surfaces of two of plywoods formworks and the surfaces of these formworks were covered with different geotextile liners. The other polywood formwork selected as reference sample any processing has done. Maturity measuring apparatuses were placed on the geometric centre of the curtain wall formworks. C30 concrete were cast into the prepared formworks and compressed with a vibrator. In addition, 16 number of concrete samples having 15x15x15 cm dimensions were prepared. The maturity measuring device was placed into the one of these samples. And the other samples were waited into the curing pool and the compressive strength of the samples was determined at the 1 {st} ,3{rd}, 7{th}, 14{th}, and 28{th} days respectively. As a result, it is seen that, maturity index of the concrete cast into the permeable formworks is high as 11% than the black pine and plywood formworks and the concrete cast into the permeable formworks were gained earlier strength. Besides, it is seen that, concrete maturity may be accelerated with using permeable formworks.
The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of using permeable formwork on concrete maturity. For this purpose, four curtain wall formworks having 120 cm height, 70 cm with and 20 cm thickness; were prepared. As a surface material one Black pine and three plywoods formworks were used. Drainage channels and holes were cut on the surfaces of two of plywoods formworks and the surfaces of these formworks were covered with different geotextile liners. The other polywood formwork selected as reference sample any processing has done. Maturity measuring apparatuses were placed on the geometric centre of the curtain wall formworks. C30 concrete were cast into the prepared formworks and compressed with a vibrator. In addition, 16 number of concrete samples having 15x15x15 cm dimensions were prepared. The maturity measuring device was placed into the one of these samples. And the other samples were waited into the curing pool and the compressive strength of the samples was determined at the 1 {st} ,3{rd}, 7{th}, 14{th}, and 28{th} days respectively. As a result, it is seen that, maturity index of the concrete cast into the permeable formworks is high as 11% than the black pine and plywood formworks and the concrete cast into the permeable formworks were gained earlier strength. Besides, it is seen that, concrete maturity may be accelerated with using permeable formworks.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri