2005 ve 2018 Coğrafya Dersi Öğretim Programlarında (CDÖP) Yapılan Değişikliklerin Karşılaştırılması

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Cumhuriyet tarihimizin ilk Coğrafya Dersi Öğretim Programı (CDÖP) 1924’te uygulanmaya başlanmıştır.Bu süreçten itibaren CDÖP’leri çok defa değişikliğe uğramıştır. Özellikle 2005 sonrası CDÖP köklü bir değişimyaşamıştır. CDÖP’de Milli Eğitimin temel amaçları doğrultusunda coğrafya dersinin amaçları belirlenmiş, 1739sayılı kanuna bağlı kalınmıştır.Bu çalışmada tüm bu değişikliklerden yola çıkılarak 2005 programına değinilmiş ve 2018’de coğrafya dersiöğretim programında 2005 programına göre nelerin değiştiği üzerinde durulmuştur. Çalışmada kullanılanyöntem nitel araştırma, veri toplama biçimi doküman incelemesidir. Yapılan araştırmanın amacına göre verilerindeğerlendirilmesi ise içerik analizi türüne uymaktadır.2005 programıyla 2018 programı karşılaştırıldığında 9. sınıftan 12. sınıfa kadar kazanım sayılarının değiştiğitespit edilmiştir. 2005 CDÖP’de toplam 145 kazanım var iken 2018’den itibaren CDÖP 130 kazanım olacakşekilde düzenlenmiştir. Bazı kazanımlar çıkarılırken bazı yeni kazanımlar eklenmiştir. Kazanım içeriklerinin2018 programında yakından uzağa ilkesinden uzaklaştığı tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca ders saatleri de değişmiştir.2005 programında bulunan “Mekansal Bir Sentez; Türkiye” öğrenme alanı da kaldırılmıştır. Özellikle budurumun Türkiye Coğrafyası içeriğini olumsuz etkileyeceği öngörülmektedir.
Problem statement: Nowadays, there is a rapid change in science and technology. In Turkey,education system is the most affected area in this process of change. Throughout the history of the Republic,there have been significant changes in the curricula in various disciplines. The first geography course curriculumof the history of the republic has been implemented in 1924.Geography lesson curriculum have also undergonesignificant changes from 1924 to the present as in other branches. in 1942, 1957, 1971, 1973, 1982, 1983, 1992,in the Geography Curriculums were amended. Until the 2005 program came into force, the amendments weremostly subject to additions, increases or decreases in class time. However, it would not be wrong to say that thecontent, structure, basic philosophy and approach of the Geography Curriculum has changed after 2005. Theprogram is based on an acquisition-based structure. The 2018 CBC has again came into force with majorchanges. Therefore, in this study, significant changes have been tried to be revealed by comparing the 2005 and 2018 secondary education Geography Curriculum. The changes in the subjects such as objectives, content,learning areas, achievements, education of values and evaluation stages of the secondary and secondaryeducation programs of Geography Curriculum in 2005 and 2018 were evaluated and interpreted.Purpose of the study: The purpose of this study is; to compare two programs by drawing attention to the changesmade in 2005 and 2018 Geography Curriculum. The idea of the teacher and student for the new GeographyCurriculum, which was introduced in 2018 by being finalized in 2017, has not been intended to receive anyfeedback. Because the program is too new to be received yet.Method: Qualitative research method was used in the study. The data obtained from the survey, ie scanningmethod, were examined and interpreted. In such studies, the existing situation in any subject is investigated andinterpreted. Such studies are made by collecting systematic, regular data about events and facts. In a descriptivestudy, the existence or absence of any situation is tried to be evaluated. Based on the sample, the results relatedto the universe are tried to be reached. Descriptive researches reveal the facts, the factors affecting the situation,and what they are interacting with. For the research, at first literature review was done. The 2005 and 2018secondary education Geography Curriculum guidelines and the studies on this field published by the Ministry ofNational Education and the Board of Education and Discipline have been evaluated. Based on the information,documents and data reached, it has been tried to put forth the important features related to GeographyCurriculum of secondary education through the 2005 and 2018 program guides published by the Ministry ofNational Education and the the Board of Education and Discipline.Findings And Results: The objectives of the program have changed. In 2005, the number of objectives whichwere 14, in 2018 are 15. “15.According to new vision of Turkey, notably in regions and countries with closerelations with Turkey, it aims to be developed and developing countries in the world have knowledge about.” Anew goal has been introduced with this statement. There has been a significant and serious change in learningareas in Geography Curriculum.However, the 2005 program located in the "Geospatial One Synthesis: Turkey" learning area in 2017, has beenremoved from the program. Some gains from this learning area have been distributed to other learning areas andsome have been removed from the program. This will have a negative impact on students' recognition of thecountry they live in. It is observed that the number of acquisitions changed in both learning and class level inGeography Curriculum which started to be implemented in 2017 and continued in 2018. The total number ofacquisitions decreased from 145 to 130. In addition, in 2015 program in several acquisitions, while thestatements take part “starting from the environment where it lives”, in the 2018 program, these statements werederived from the acquisitions. This situation will reduce the positive effects of the close to distance principle,which is very important for geography teaching.In the Geography Curriculum guidelines published between 2005 and 2017, the values were not emphasizedunder the same heading. While the values in the 2005 guideline takes part the explanations of under the title of"the application of geography lesson curriculum" in 9.11.and 13.article, the explanations about the values in the2018 program are also stated under the title of “our values” in the guide. In the Basic Law of National EducationNo. 1739 explanations that would require commitment to mentioned country that didn't take part in the finalprogram is the lack in terms of values education. While pre-2005 results were more dominant, the process evaluation in 2005 and 2018 programs became moreimportant. In addition to the measurement tools and methods such as written and verbal tests, new measurementmethods such as performance assignments, portfolios, and self-assessment have continued to be emphasized.One of the major changes that can be said for the 2018 Geography Curriculum is the emphasis on 8 keycompetence areas under the title of competencies.Conclusion: Significant changes have been made in the objectives of the program, in the areas of learning, in thenumber of achievements, from the point of view of values education. Also in many acquisitions, the principle ofclose to distance which is important for geography teaching has weakened.


Anahtar Kelimeler

Eğitim, Eğitim Araştırmaları, Eğitim, Özel


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