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Bu araştırma, işletmelerin stratejik ittifak oluşturma yönlü davranışlarıyla sürdürülebilir rekabet avantajı eldeetme durumları arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Bu doğrultuda oluşturulan kavramsalmodelde tedarike, teknolojiye ve pazarlamaya yönelik stratejik ittifakların; temel yetenekler, yenilikçilikdavranışı ve bilgi yönetimine dayalı sürdürülebilir rekabet avantajı üzerindeki etkisi test edilmiştir.Araştırmada nicel araştırma yöntemi kullanılmış, veriler anket tekniği ile elde edilmiştir. Araştırmanınörneklemini, Düzce’de faaliyet gösteren işletmelerin üst ve orta düzey yöneticileri oluşmaktadır. Araştırmasonuçlarına göre; temel yeteneğe bağlı sürdürülebilir rekabet üstünlüğü elde edilmesinde en etkili stratejikittifak davranışı tedarike ve pazarlamaya yönelik davranışlar olarak ortaya çıkarken, bilgi yönetimine dayalırekabet avantajı elde etme durumu üzerinde teknolojiye yönelik stratejik ittifak en etkili davranış olmuştur.Yenilikçi davranışa dayalı rekabet avantajında ise tedarike teknolojiye yönelik stratejik ittifakların en etkilidavranışlar olduğu belirlenmiştir.
The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between strategic alliances and sustainable competitive advantage. In the conceptual model created in this direction, strategic alliances for supply, technology and marketing; its impact on sustainable competitive advantage based on core skills, innovation behavior and knowledge management has been tested. Quantitative research method was used in the study and the data were obtained by survey technique. The sample of the research consists of the top and middle level managers of the businesses operating in Düzce. According to the results of the research; while the most effective strategic alliance behavior was the supply and marketing oriented behaviors in achieving sustainable competitive advantage related to core competence; the technology oriented alliance behavior was the most effective strategic alliance behavior on the competitive advantage related to the knowledge management .In the competitive advantage based on innovative behavior, strategic alliances for supply and technology were determined to be the most effective behaviors.
The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between strategic alliances and sustainable competitive advantage. In the conceptual model created in this direction, strategic alliances for supply, technology and marketing; its impact on sustainable competitive advantage based on core skills, innovation behavior and knowledge management has been tested. Quantitative research method was used in the study and the data were obtained by survey technique. The sample of the research consists of the top and middle level managers of the businesses operating in Düzce. According to the results of the research; while the most effective strategic alliance behavior was the supply and marketing oriented behaviors in achieving sustainable competitive advantage related to core competence; the technology oriented alliance behavior was the most effective strategic alliance behavior on the competitive advantage related to the knowledge management .In the competitive advantage based on innovative behavior, strategic alliances for supply and technology were determined to be the most effective behaviors.
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