Klima Santrallerinde Yoğuşan Suyun Geri Kazanımı İçin Alternatif Yöntemler
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Merkezi ısıtma ve soğutma sistemlerinin en önemli parçası olan klima santrallerinde soğutucu serpantinüzerinden büyük miktarda su yoğuşmakta ve bu su genellikle en yakın gidere verilmektedir. Uygulamada da busu, büyük bir atık olarak nitelendirilmektedir. Hâlbuki özellikle %100 dış hava ile çalışan sistemlerdeki bu soğuksu depolanarak evaporatif soğutma da dâhil olmak üzere birçok uygulamada değerlendirilebilir. Bu çalışmada,klima santrallerinde yoğuşan suyun yeniden kullanımına yönelik farklı tasarımlar önerilmiştir. Çalışmada üçfarklı sistem üzerinde incelemeler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Birinci sistemde %100 taze havalı bir klima santralindenelde edilen yoğuşma suyunun, karışım havalı bir klima santralinin serpantininde ön soğutucu olarak kullanılmasıincelenmiştir. İkinci sistemde ise %100 taze havalı veya karışım havalı klima santralinin soğutucu serpantinindeyoğuşan suyun, bir soğutma kuleli chiller cihazında besleme suyu olarak değerlendirilmesi araştırılmıştır.Üçüncü sistemde ise %100 taze havalı veya karışım havalı klima santralinin soğutucu serpantininde yoğuşansuyun, hava soğutmalı kondenserli bir chiller cihazında kullanımı incelenmiştir. Yapılan psikrometrikhesaplamalar, %100 taze hava ile çalışan bir klima santralinde yaklaşık 80 kW’lık gizli ısının, tasarlanan busistemler aracılığıyla duyulur ısı olarak kullanılabileceğini göstermiştir
The most important parts of central heating and cooling systems are air handling units. In the air handling units,large amounts of water condense from the cooling coil and this water is usually given to the waste water line. Inpractice this water is described as a major waste. Whereas, this cold water in systems operating with 100%outside air can be stored and it can be evaluated in many applications including evaporative cooling. In thisstudy, different designs were proposed for the recovery of condensed water in air handling units. Studies havebeen carried out on three different systems. In the first system, the using of the condensed water obtained from the 100 % fresh air handling units as a precooler in a coil of an air-handling unit with a mixture air wasinvestigated. In the second system, the condensing water in the cooling coil of the 100% fresh air or mixed airhandling unit was investigated as feeding water in a chiller device with cooling tower. In the third system, theusing of the water, which was condensed in the 100% fresh-air or mixed air handling units, in the chiller devicewith air cooled condenser was examined. Psychrometric calculations show that a latent heat of about 80 kW inan air conditioning unit operating with 100% fresh air can be used as sensible heat through these designedsystems.
The most important parts of central heating and cooling systems are air handling units. In the air handling units,large amounts of water condense from the cooling coil and this water is usually given to the waste water line. Inpractice this water is described as a major waste. Whereas, this cold water in systems operating with 100%outside air can be stored and it can be evaluated in many applications including evaporative cooling. In thisstudy, different designs were proposed for the recovery of condensed water in air handling units. Studies havebeen carried out on three different systems. In the first system, the using of the condensed water obtained from the 100 % fresh air handling units as a precooler in a coil of an air-handling unit with a mixture air wasinvestigated. In the second system, the condensing water in the cooling coil of the 100% fresh air or mixed airhandling unit was investigated as feeding water in a chiller device with cooling tower. In the third system, theusing of the water, which was condensed in the 100% fresh-air or mixed air handling units, in the chiller devicewith air cooled condenser was examined. Psychrometric calculations show that a latent heat of about 80 kW inan air conditioning unit operating with 100% fresh air can be used as sensible heat through these designedsystems.
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