Eğitim yönetimi alanında yüksek lisans yapmış okul müdürlerinin bakış açılarındaki farklılıklar
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Düzce Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bilim ve teknoloji alanında son birkaç yüzyılda gerçekleşen ilerlemelerle birlikte, artık bireyler içinde bulundukları topluma yararlı olabilmek ve kişisel gelişimlerini devam ettirmek için sahip oldukları bilgileri sürekli güncellemek ve bu bilgi ve yeteneklerine yenilerini ekleyerek kendilerini değişim karşısında güncel tutabilmek ihtiyacı hissetmektedirler. Eğitim hizmetlerinin verildiği eğitim kurumları, kendileri için belirlenmiş amaçları gerçekleştirme ve beklenen kaliteyi yakalamaya çalışırken pek çok unsurun etkisi altında kalmaktadır. Okuldaki eğitimin kalitesi üzerinde etkili olan unsurların başında, okulun yönetimden sorumlu, kurumun vizyonunu belirlemesine ve misyonunu yerine getirmesinde öncülük eden okul müdürleri gelmektedir. Eğitim sisteminin en temel unsuru olan öğretmenler ile ortak araştırma ortamına sahip okul müdürlerinin öğretim liderliği kapsamındaki becerilere sahip olması öğrencilerin daha etkili öğrenmelerine katkı sağlayacağı gibi gelecek nesillerin ülke kalkınmasına yönelik değer üretmelerine de olanak sağlayacaktır. Eğitim Yönetimi alanında lisansüstü eğitim yapmış yöneticilerin bakış açılarında oluşan farklılıkları, aldıkları eğitimin mesleki ve kişisel gelişimlerine katkısını belirlemek amacı ile yapılan bu araştırmada nitel araştırma yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Eğitim yönetimi alanında yüksek lisans eğitimi yapmış okul müdürlerinin bakış açılarında oluşan farklılıklar, okul müdürlerinin deneyim ve yorumlarından faydalanılarak ortaya çıkarılmaya çalışılmıştır. Araştırmada bilinen ancak detaylı olarak analiz edilmemiş ve dolayısıyla detaylı olarak bilgi sahibi olunamayan alanlarda bilgi sahibi olmak için kullanılan nitel araştırmanın alt birimlerinden durum çalışması deseni kullanılmıştır. Yapılan araştırma önceden belirlenmiş bir grubu ya da ölçütü kapsayan bir durum olduğundan ölçüt örnekleme yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Düzce ilinde görev yapan yüksek lisans eğitimini tamamlamış on okul müdürü ile yarı yapılandırılmış formda altı adet açık uçlu soru ve hazırlanan her bir sorunun altında katılımcının soruyu daha iyi anlamasına yardımcı olmak üzere alt sorular oluşturulmuştur. Katılımcılarla yapılan görüşmeler sonucu oluşturulan görüşme metinleri betimsel ve içerik analizi yaklaşımına göre analiz edilerek yorumlanmıştır. Araştırmada elde edilmiş olan bulguların analizi ile Eğitim Yönetimi ve Denetimi (EYD) alanında yüksek lisans eğitimi yapmış olan okul müdürleri öğretmenlerin kendilerine "güven duyduğu, değer verdiği, kolay kabullendiği yönünde; meslektaşları okul müdürlerinin olumlu (fikir danışma, uzman olarak görülme) ve olumsuz (değersiz görme)"; üst yöneticilerin ise ağırlıklı olarak olumsuz olmak üzere (değersiz görme) izlenim bıraktıkları sonuçlarına ulaşılmıştır. Okul müdürleri yapmış oldukları EYD alanında yüksek lisans eğitiminin; bilgi yönünden mesleki yeterliliklerini arttırdığını, kişisel ve mesleki gelişimlerine katkı sağladığını, farklı bakış açısı geliştirdiklerini, iletişim becerilerinin güçlendiğini belirtmişlerdir. Araştırma verileri incelendiğinde yüksek lisans eğitiminin okul müdürlerinin bilgi beceri ve tutumlarına farklı katkılar yaptığı, geniş bir perspektif kazandırdığına inandıkları sonuçlarına ulaşılmıştır. Okul müdürlerinin liderlik davranışları, öğretmenlerle iletişim ve öğrencilerin daha iyi öğrenebilmeleri için eğitimlerinin sağladığı katkıların farklı noktalar üzerinde yoğunlaştığı görülmektedir. Okul müdürleri yüksek lisans eğitimleri sonrası liderlik noktasında etkili iletişim becerilerinin arttığını, empati yeteneklerinin geliştiğini, takım araştırmasına yatkınlıklarının arttığını ve kurum kültürüne bunun olumlu yansıdığı yönünde beyanları olmuştur. Araştırma kapsamında müdürlerin daha çok bakış açısı değişikliğini vurgulaması, empati ve sosyal faaliyetlerin altını çizmesi önemli olmakla birlikte somut uygulama ve etkinlik örnekleri verilememesi lisansüstü eğitimin uygulamaya aktarılması noktasında eksikliklerinin olduğunu göstermektedir. Araştırmada yapılan görüşmelerden elde edilen verilerden hareketle, sadece kişilik özelliklerinin başarılı bir yönetici ve lider olabilmek için yeterli olmayacağı, alınacak eğitimlerle bu bireysel yeteneklerin desteklenmesi gerektiği sonucuna ulaşılmış olup daha etkili okullar ve başarılı bir eğitim için okul müdürlerinin yönetim alanında yapacakları lisansüstü eğitimlerinin desteklenmesinin önem arz ettiği görülmüştür. Anahtar Kelimeler: Okul Müdürü, Yüksek Lisans Eğitimi, Mesleki Gelişim
The advances in science and technology over the last few centuries drive individuals to feel the need of constantly updating their knowledge and adding new ones for being useful in their society or continuing their personal development. Educational institutions, providing educational services, are under the influence of many factors while trying to reach the goals, set for them, and achieve the expected quality. One of the leading factors, that affect the quality of education in the school, is school principals, who are responsible for the administration of the school and lead the institution in identifying the vision and fulfilling its mission. The fact that principals, who have a common working environment with teachers, most basic element of education system, have the skills within the scope of educational leadership will contribute to the learning process of students and will also enable future generations to create value for the development of their countries. In this study, qualitative research method was used in order to determine the differences between the perspectives of principals, who had postgraduate education in the field of administration, and the contribution of the education, they received, to their professional and personal development. The differences between the perspectives of school principals, who had a master's degree in educational administration, were assessed by their experiences and comments. In order to gain knowledge in the subjects, that are known but not completely analyzed, the case study pattern, one of the sub-units of qualitative research method, was used. Since the research area consist of predetermined group or criterion, the criterion sampling method was used. A semi-structured form with six open-ended questions were created for ten school principals, who are working in Düzce and completed their postgraduate education. Furthermore, probe questions were created to help the participants understand each question better. After the interviews with the participating school principals, content of interviews was recorded as text files. These text files were analyzed and interpreted by using descriptive and content analysis approach. As a result of the analysis of the findings obtained, school principals, who had a master's degree in the field of Education Management Supervision (EMS), stated that after the education they have received teachers trusted them, gave value, and accepted them. Their colleagues (other principals) advised them as an expert and approached them in positive manner however the senior managers of them approached them in negative manner (assessed the effect of education as worthless). School principals, who had a master's degree in the field of EMS, stated that this education increased their professional competence, contributed to their personal development, developed a different perspective and strengthened their communication skills. When the research data was examined, it was seen that graduate education makes different contributions to the knowledge, skills, and attitude of school principals. Additionally, it was seen that school principals believe graduate education provides broad perspective to them. Furthermore, school principals stated that their communication skills, empathy skills and tendency to teamwork have been improved after graduate education. They also stated that these improvements have reflected positively on the corporate culture. It is important that within the scope of research the school principals mostly put emphasis on variance in perspective and underlined empathy and social activities but on the other hand lack of concrete application and activity examples showed the failures in transforming master degree education to implementation. The school principals, who completed their graduate education in the field of EMS, stated that they differed from school principals, who did not receive this education, in terms of decision-making, confidence, leadership and development of corporate culture. The data, obtained from the interviews in the study, demonstrated that personality traits alone would not be enough to be a successful manager or leader. These personality traits should be supported with appropriate education. Therefore, it is extremely important to support graduate education of school principals in the field of management for more effective and successful education in schools. Keywords: Professional Development, Post Graduate Education, Principal
The advances in science and technology over the last few centuries drive individuals to feel the need of constantly updating their knowledge and adding new ones for being useful in their society or continuing their personal development. Educational institutions, providing educational services, are under the influence of many factors while trying to reach the goals, set for them, and achieve the expected quality. One of the leading factors, that affect the quality of education in the school, is school principals, who are responsible for the administration of the school and lead the institution in identifying the vision and fulfilling its mission. The fact that principals, who have a common working environment with teachers, most basic element of education system, have the skills within the scope of educational leadership will contribute to the learning process of students and will also enable future generations to create value for the development of their countries. In this study, qualitative research method was used in order to determine the differences between the perspectives of principals, who had postgraduate education in the field of administration, and the contribution of the education, they received, to their professional and personal development. The differences between the perspectives of school principals, who had a master's degree in educational administration, were assessed by their experiences and comments. In order to gain knowledge in the subjects, that are known but not completely analyzed, the case study pattern, one of the sub-units of qualitative research method, was used. Since the research area consist of predetermined group or criterion, the criterion sampling method was used. A semi-structured form with six open-ended questions were created for ten school principals, who are working in Düzce and completed their postgraduate education. Furthermore, probe questions were created to help the participants understand each question better. After the interviews with the participating school principals, content of interviews was recorded as text files. These text files were analyzed and interpreted by using descriptive and content analysis approach. As a result of the analysis of the findings obtained, school principals, who had a master's degree in the field of Education Management Supervision (EMS), stated that after the education they have received teachers trusted them, gave value, and accepted them. Their colleagues (other principals) advised them as an expert and approached them in positive manner however the senior managers of them approached them in negative manner (assessed the effect of education as worthless). School principals, who had a master's degree in the field of EMS, stated that this education increased their professional competence, contributed to their personal development, developed a different perspective and strengthened their communication skills. When the research data was examined, it was seen that graduate education makes different contributions to the knowledge, skills, and attitude of school principals. Additionally, it was seen that school principals believe graduate education provides broad perspective to them. Furthermore, school principals stated that their communication skills, empathy skills and tendency to teamwork have been improved after graduate education. They also stated that these improvements have reflected positively on the corporate culture. It is important that within the scope of research the school principals mostly put emphasis on variance in perspective and underlined empathy and social activities but on the other hand lack of concrete application and activity examples showed the failures in transforming master degree education to implementation. The school principals, who completed their graduate education in the field of EMS, stated that they differed from school principals, who did not receive this education, in terms of decision-making, confidence, leadership and development of corporate culture. The data, obtained from the interviews in the study, demonstrated that personality traits alone would not be enough to be a successful manager or leader. These personality traits should be supported with appropriate education. Therefore, it is extremely important to support graduate education of school principals in the field of management for more effective and successful education in schools. Keywords: Professional Development, Post Graduate Education, Principal
Anahtar Kelimeler
Okul Müdürü, Yüksek Lisans Eğitimi, Mesleki Gelişim, Professional Development, Post Graduate Education, Principal, Eğitim ve Öğretim, Education and Training