İmam Ebû Hâmid El-Gazzâlînin Anadoludaki Torunları
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Moğol istilası öncesi ve sırasında İslam dünyasının işgale uğrayan kısımlarından Anadoluya yapılan entelektüel nitelikli göçler, Ana- doluda kurumlaşıp serpilmeye başlayan İslâm kültür ve medeni- yetinin daha da kökleşmesini ve gelişmesini sağlamıştır. Bu sürece katkı sağlayan kimselerin kimler olduğunun tespiti, aynı zamanda sonraları bu coğrafyada oluşacak olan İslâm kültür ve düşüncesi- nin niteliğini anlamamızı da kolaylaştıracaktır. Biz bu makalemiz- de, Anadoluya gelip Aksaraya yerleşmiş olan İmam Gazzâlînin torunlarından söz edeceğiz. Ancak bundan önce, bu bilginin kayıtlı olduğu tek kaynak durumundaki el-Veledüş-Şefîk isimli kaynağı ve onun müellifini tanıtacağız. Ardından söz konusu bu kaynakta geçen İmam Gazzâlîyle ilgili bilgileri değerlendireceğiz. Son olarak da tabakat kitaplarında geçen İmam Gazzâlînin erkek çocuğu ol- madığı yönündeki bilgiler ile elimizdeki kaynakta geçen bilgileri nasıl anlamamız gerektiği üzerinde duracağız.
The intellectual based immigration to Anatolia from the parts of being exposed to a big invasion in the Islamic world prior to Mon- gol invasion and during this invasion has provided improvement and inveteracy of Islamic culture and civilization which has al- ready started institutionalizing and blossoming in the Anatolia. Es- tablishing of whom are the people who contribute to this process, meanwhile shall facilitate to our understandings the qualification of Islamic culture and thoughts which will subsequently be formed in this geography. In this paper, we shall talk about Imam-i Ghaz- ali's descendants who have immigrated to Anatolia and settled in Aksaray. But before entering to introduce the mentioned issue, it will be presented the resource, al-Walad al-Shafiq, which is the sole in terms of recording this knowledge, and its author. After- wards, it shall be evaluated the data about Ghazali in the re- source. Lastly, it will be put emphasis upon how we should under- stand the data passing in the tabaqat books related to information that Ghazali did not have a grandson and the data passing in the mentioned resource (al-Walad al-Shafiq).
The intellectual based immigration to Anatolia from the parts of being exposed to a big invasion in the Islamic world prior to Mon- gol invasion and during this invasion has provided improvement and inveteracy of Islamic culture and civilization which has al- ready started institutionalizing and blossoming in the Anatolia. Es- tablishing of whom are the people who contribute to this process, meanwhile shall facilitate to our understandings the qualification of Islamic culture and thoughts which will subsequently be formed in this geography. In this paper, we shall talk about Imam-i Ghaz- ali's descendants who have immigrated to Anatolia and settled in Aksaray. But before entering to introduce the mentioned issue, it will be presented the resource, al-Walad al-Shafiq, which is the sole in terms of recording this knowledge, and its author. After- wards, it shall be evaluated the data about Ghazali in the re- source. Lastly, it will be put emphasis upon how we should under- stand the data passing in the tabaqat books related to information that Ghazali did not have a grandson and the data passing in the mentioned resource (al-Walad al-Shafiq).
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Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi
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