Öğütülmüş cam elyaf takviyeli beton (GRC) atıklarının tekrar kullanılabilirliğinin araştırılması
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Düzce Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Cam elyaf takviyeli beton (GRC) günümüzde fiziksel, mekanik ve estetik özellikleri açısından çok tercih edilen kompozit bir yapı malzemesidir. Bununla birlikte ekonomik değeri yüksek olan bu malzemelerin geri dönüşümü ve tekrar kullanımı tabi kaynaklardan maksimum derecede faydalanabilmek amacıyla çok önemlidir. Bu çalışmada, öğütülmüş GRC atıklarının çimento ikame malzemesi olarak kullanılabilirliği deneysel olarak araştırılmıştır. Ağırlıkça %0 (Referans), %5, %10 ve %15 oranında öğütülmüş GRC atıkları ile hacimce %3 oranında cam elyaf eklenerek cam elyaf takviyeli beton (GRC) numuneleri üretilmiştir. Üretilen numuneler üzerinde, taze harç deneylerinden; standart kıvam tayini, priz süresi tayini, genleşme deneyi ve slamp deneyi, sertleşmiş harç deneylerinden; eğilme dayanımı, basınç dayanımı, su emme ve kuru yoğunluk deneyi, durabilite deneylerinden; ısıtma-yağmur etkisi ve donma-çözülme deneyi yapılmıştır. Çalışmanın sonucunda; her grup için öğütülmüş GRC atığının çimento ikamesi olarak kullanılabileceği belirlenmiştir. Böylece; üretim esnasında, uygulamadan kaynaklanan, kabul görmeyen, paketleme ve nakliye esnasında hasar görmüş, kalite kontrol aşamasında uygunsuz olarak belirlenen atık GRC malzemeler tekrar değerlendirilebilecektir.
Glass fiber reinforced concrete (GRC) is a highly preferred composite building material in terms of physical, mechanical and aesthetic properties. However, the recycling and reuse of these materials with high economic value is very important in order to benefit from the natural resources at the maximum level. In this study, the usability of ground GRC wastes as cement replacement material was experimentally investigated. Glass fiber reinforced concrete (GRC) samples were produced by adding 0% (Reference), 5%, 10% and 15% grinded GRC wastes by weight and 3% glass fiber by volume. Fresh mortar tests on the produced samples; standard consistency determination, setting time determination, expansion test and slamp test, from hardened mortar tests; bending strength, compressive strength, water absorption and dry density test, durability tests; heating-rain effect and freeze-thaw test were carried out. As a result of the study; it was determined that each group of the ground GRC waste can be used as a cement replacement. So; waste GRC materials that are not accepted during production, that have been damaged during packaging and transportation, and that are determined as inappropriate during the quality control phase, can be re-evaluated.
Glass fiber reinforced concrete (GRC) is a highly preferred composite building material in terms of physical, mechanical and aesthetic properties. However, the recycling and reuse of these materials with high economic value is very important in order to benefit from the natural resources at the maximum level. In this study, the usability of ground GRC wastes as cement replacement material was experimentally investigated. Glass fiber reinforced concrete (GRC) samples were produced by adding 0% (Reference), 5%, 10% and 15% grinded GRC wastes by weight and 3% glass fiber by volume. Fresh mortar tests on the produced samples; standard consistency determination, setting time determination, expansion test and slamp test, from hardened mortar tests; bending strength, compressive strength, water absorption and dry density test, durability tests; heating-rain effect and freeze-thaw test were carried out. As a result of the study; it was determined that each group of the ground GRC waste can be used as a cement replacement. So; waste GRC materials that are not accepted during production, that have been damaged during packaging and transportation, and that are determined as inappropriate during the quality control phase, can be re-evaluated.
Anahtar Kelimeler
İnşaat Mühendisliği, Civil Engineering, Basınç dayanımı, Cam elyaf takviyeli beton (GRC) atığı, Çimento, Donma-çözülme, Cement, Compressive strength, Freeze-thaw, Glass fiber reinforced concrete (GRC) waste