Betonun Elastisite Modülünün Deneysel Olarak Hesaplanmasının Deprem Performansına Etkileri
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Bu çalışma Ülkemizin sismik hareketliliğin yoğun olduğu bir bölgede bulunması, yapı stoğunun genelinin eskiyapılardan meydana gelmesi ve bu yapıların deprem performanslarının en doğru şekilde araştırması hedeflenerekyapılmıştır. Bu amaçla mevcut bir binanın performans analizi, ilk olarak 06 Mart 2007’de Resmi Gazetedeyayınlanan “Deprem Bölgelerinde Yapılacak Binalar Hakkında Yönetmelik” 7. Bölüm esaslarına göreyapılmıştır. Betonun elastisite modülü ilk safhada TS500-2000 bölüm de tanımlanan standart formül ileelde edilen diğer veriler birleştirilerek statik analiz yapılmıştır. Çalışmanın ikinci kısmında ise 2. kez alınan karotnumunelerinin elastisite modülü deneysel parametrik olarak strain gauge(strengeç) bağlantılarıyla gerçekzamanlı ölçümlere tabi tutularak elde edilmiştir. Sekant modülü yöntemi kullanılarak bulunan yeni elastisitemodülü baz alınarak tekrar statik analiz yapılmıştır. Bu çalışma sonunda yapının TS500-2000’de bulunanampirik formül ile yapılan hesaba göre deneysel olarak bulunan elastisite modülünde yaklaşık %30 değer kaybıolduğu ve bu kayıptan dolayı bina yatay yük kapasitesinin olması gerekenden yaklaşık %8 fazla hesaplandığıgörülmüştür.
This study has been conducted in a region where seismic activity is intense in our country. For this purpose, the performance analysis of an existing building was made according to the principles of i Regulation on Buildings to be “Constructed in Earthquake Areas yayınlan published on the Official Gazette on March 06, 2007.” In the first phase of the modulus of elasticity of concrete TS500-2000 section The static analysis was performed by combining the other data obtained with the standard formula defined in. In the second part of the study, the elasticity modulus of the core samples taken for the 2nd time was subjected to real-time measurements with experimental strain-gauge connections parametrically. Based on the new elasticity module found using the secant module method, At the end of this study, it was observed that the construction was approximately 30% depreciated in the modulus of elasticity found experimentally with the empirical formula found in TS500-2000, and that this loss accounted for about 8% of the building horizontal load capacity.
This study has been conducted in a region where seismic activity is intense in our country. For this purpose, the performance analysis of an existing building was made according to the principles of i Regulation on Buildings to be “Constructed in Earthquake Areas yayınlan published on the Official Gazette on March 06, 2007.” In the first phase of the modulus of elasticity of concrete TS500-2000 section The static analysis was performed by combining the other data obtained with the standard formula defined in. In the second part of the study, the elasticity modulus of the core samples taken for the 2nd time was subjected to real-time measurements with experimental strain-gauge connections parametrically. Based on the new elasticity module found using the secant module method, At the end of this study, it was observed that the construction was approximately 30% depreciated in the modulus of elasticity found experimentally with the empirical formula found in TS500-2000, and that this loss accounted for about 8% of the building horizontal load capacity.
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