Mostarlı Hasan Ziyâ'î Divânı'nda maddi kültür
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Düzce Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
XVI. yüzyıl Balkan şairlerinden olan Hasan Ziyai'nin Divanından hareket ederek içinde bulunduğu döneme ait olan ve şiirlerine yansıttığı maddi kültür ögeleri tespit edilmeye çalışıldı. Böylece Divan edebiyatının söylenenin aksine hayattan kopuk olmadığının; toplumun sosyal, kültürel, maddi, manevi ögelerinin şiire yansıtıldığı gösterilmek istendi. Çalışmada öncelikle belirlenen ögelerin tanımları verildi. Daha sonra bu ögelerle ilgili örnek beyitler tespit edilip şairin bu ögeleri divanında nasıl kullandığı incelendi. Bunu yaparken aynı zamanda belirlenen beytin nesre çevirisi ve açıklaması da eklendi. Çalışma üç bölümden oluşmaktadır. Birinci bölümde inşaat ögeleri başlığı altında barınma, korunma, dini-tasavvuf, iş ve ticaret, sağlık, temizlik gibi ögelerle birlikte ülkeler de incelendi. İkinci bölümde üretim ögeleri başlığını vererek içerisinde yiyecek-içecek, giyim-kuşam, günlük hayatta kullanılan eşya gösterilmeye çalışıldı. Bunlar dışında yazı ögeleri, savaş aletleri, müzik aletleri ve ulaşım araçları tespit edilip örnek beyitlere yer verildi. Üçüncü bölümde ise değerli taşlar ve madenler başlığıyla divanda kullanılan değerli taşlar, madenler ve para birimleri belirlendi.
Based on the Divan of Hasan Ziyai, one of the 16th century Balkan poets, the material cultural elements belonging to the period he lived in and reflected in his poems were tried to be determined. Thus, contrary to what is said, Divan literature is not disconnected from life; It was aimed to show that the social, cultural, material and spiritual elements of the society are reflected in the poem. In the study, firstly, the definitions of the determined items were given. Then, sample couplets related to these elements were determined and how the poet used them in his divan was examined. While doing this, the prose translation and explanation of the specified couplet were also added. The study consists of three parts. In the first part, under the title of construction elements, countries were examined along with elements such as shelter, protection, religion-mysticism, business and trade, health, and cleanliness. In the second part, by giving the title of production items, food-beverage, clothing-clothing, items used in daily life were tried to be shown. Apart from these, writing elements, war instruments, musical instruments and transportation vehicles were determined and sample couplets were included. In the third part, with the title of precious stones and metals, the precious stones, mines and currencies used in the divan were determined.
Based on the Divan of Hasan Ziyai, one of the 16th century Balkan poets, the material cultural elements belonging to the period he lived in and reflected in his poems were tried to be determined. Thus, contrary to what is said, Divan literature is not disconnected from life; It was aimed to show that the social, cultural, material and spiritual elements of the society are reflected in the poem. In the study, firstly, the definitions of the determined items were given. Then, sample couplets related to these elements were determined and how the poet used them in his divan was examined. While doing this, the prose translation and explanation of the specified couplet were also added. The study consists of three parts. In the first part, under the title of construction elements, countries were examined along with elements such as shelter, protection, religion-mysticism, business and trade, health, and cleanliness. In the second part, by giving the title of production items, food-beverage, clothing-clothing, items used in daily life were tried to be shown. Apart from these, writing elements, war instruments, musical instruments and transportation vehicles were determined and sample couplets were included. In the third part, with the title of precious stones and metals, the precious stones, mines and currencies used in the divan were determined.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı, Turkish Language and Literature