Şeyh Ömer Efendi Risâletü'l-Esrâr (Metin 1b-46a YK)
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Düzce Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmamızın temel amacı, kültürel miras olarak gördüğümüz yazma eserlerimizden biri olan Risâletü'l-Esrâr adlı eseri, çeviriyazı ile okuyarak gerek bilim dünyasına katkı sağlamak gerekse gelecek kuşaklara aktarmaktır. Çalışmamızda Şeyh Ömer Efendi'nin düzyazı olarak kaleme aldığı Risâletü'l-Esrâr adlı tasavvufi eseri incelenmiştir. Giriş, metin ve tıpkıbasım olmak üzere üç bölüm hâlinde tasarlanan çalışmamızın giriş bölümünde Risâletü'l-Esrâr tarzında yazılmış eserler hakkında bilgi verilmiş ve fasılların özeti yapılmıştır. Metin bölümünde, metni hazırlarken imla ve şekil özellikleri konusunda nasıl bir yol izlendiği maddeler hâlinde yazılmıştır. Yine aynı bölümde transkripsiyonlu metin ve derkenarlar da yer almıştır. Son bölümünde ise eserin tıpkıbasımı verilmiştir. Bu tez ile bugüne kadar üzerinde çalışılmamış olan Risâletü'l-Esrâr adlı eseri bilim dünyasına sunmuş bulunmaktayız.
The main aim of this study is to contribute to the world of science and to transfer it to future generations by reading Risâletü'l-Esrâr, one of our written works that we consider to be cultural heritage. In our study, a Sufi work called Risâletü'lEsrâr, written by Şeyh Omer Efendı as a prose, was examined. In the introduction section of our study, which was designed in three sections: introduction, text and just like printing, information was given about the works written in the style of Risâletü'lEsrâr and a summary of the chapters was made. In the next section, how to follow the path of spelling and shape properties when preparing the text is written in the form of articles. Again, transcribed text and darkens were also included in the same section. In the last part, the exact composition of the work is given. With this thesis, we have presented the work Risâletü'l-Esrâr, which has not been studied to date, to the world of science.
The main aim of this study is to contribute to the world of science and to transfer it to future generations by reading Risâletü'l-Esrâr, one of our written works that we consider to be cultural heritage. In our study, a Sufi work called Risâletü'lEsrâr, written by Şeyh Omer Efendı as a prose, was examined. In the introduction section of our study, which was designed in three sections: introduction, text and just like printing, information was given about the works written in the style of Risâletü'lEsrâr and a summary of the chapters was made. In the next section, how to follow the path of spelling and shape properties when preparing the text is written in the form of articles. Again, transcribed text and darkens were also included in the same section. In the last part, the exact composition of the work is given. With this thesis, we have presented the work Risâletü'l-Esrâr, which has not been studied to date, to the world of science.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı, Turkish Language and Literature, Şeyh Ömer Efendi, Risâletü'l-Esrâr, Tasavvuf, Şeyh Ömer Efendi, Risâletü'l-Esrâr, Sufism