Kronik hastalığı olan bireylerde sigara bırakmada motivasyonel görüşmenin etkinliğinin değerlendirilmesi
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Düzce Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışma, sigara bırakma aşamalarına odaklı motivasyonel görüşmelerle kronik hastalığı olan bireylerde sigara bıraktırmak amacıyla yapılan bir eylem araştırması olarak yapıldı. Araştırmanın evrenini ve örneklemini Düzce Üniversitesi Araştırma ve Uygulama Hastanesine başvurup doktor tarafından tanı konulmuş en az bir tane kronik hastalığa sahip ve yine günde en az bir tane sigara içen 51 (16 kadın, 35 erkek) birey oluşturdu. Görüşmeler, bireylerle yüz yüze (başlangıç, 1 ay sonrası, 3 ay sonrası) ve telefonla arama (6 ay sonrası) şeklinde dört seanstan oluşmuştur. Araştırmanın verileri Sosyodemografik Bilgi Formu, Fagerström Nikotin Bağımlılık Testi, Değişimin Aşamasını Değerlendirme Formu, CO ölçümü, Genel Motivasyonel Ölçeği, Karar Dengesi Ölçeği aracılığıyla toplanmıştır. Toplanan veriler SPSS veri tabanında yüzdelikler ki-kare ve t testi kullanılarak değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırmaya katılan bireylerin sigarayı bırakmak için en çok kullandıkları motivasyonel gerekçelerinin ?Bırakırsam kendimi daha çok seveceğim? ±SS 3.54±1.02, ?Yakın olduğum insanlar eğer bırakmazsam üzülecek? 3.52±1.06, ?Sigaranın ömrümü kısaltacağından endişe ediyorum? 3.50±0.98 şeklinde belirttikleri saptanmıştır. Müdahaleden 3 ay sonrasında bireylerin değişim aşamalarında ilerleme göstererek %7.8?inin düşünme, %58.8?inin hazırlık, %33.3?ünün eylem aşamasında olduğu belirlenmiştir. Müdahalenin 6. ayında bireylerin %31.4?ünün sigarayı bıraktığı; %25.5?inin ise aşamada ilerleme kaydettiği bulunmuştur. Müdahalenin 3. ayında araştırmaya katılan bireylerin sigara karar verme dengesinde sigara içmenin algılanan yarar puan ortalaması başlangıçta 36.2±8.73 iken, müdahale sonunda 31.6±9.02?ye düştüğü saptanmıştır. Araştırmadan elde edilen bulgular doğrultusunda sigara kullanan kronik hastalığa sahip bireyler için sigara bırakma polikliniklerinde ve tedavi gördükleri servislerde bireylerin sigara kullanım davranışını değiştirme konusunda motivasyonlarını arttırmak ve bırakmalarına yardımcı olmak için sağlık personeli tarafından motivasyonel görüşme uygulanması önerildi.
This study was conducted as an action study in order to make individuals with chronic disease stop smoking by applying motivational interviews based on smoking cessation stages. The population and sample of the study consisted of 51 (16 female, 35 male) individuals applying Düzce University Research and Training Hospital, being diagnosed by a doctor with at least one chronical disease and smoking at least one cigarette. Interviews occurred as four sessions with the individuals; by face to face (beginning, 1 month later, 3 months later) and by making a phone call (6 months later). The data of the study were gathered by using Socio-demographic Information Form, Fagerström Nicotine Addiction Test, Evaluation of Change of Stage Form, Co Measurement, General Motivational Scale, Decision Equilibrium Scale. The data being obtained were evaluated on SPSS data base by using percentages Chi-square and t test. It was found that the individuals in the study mostly used these expressions in smoking cessation as motivational justifications: ?If I stop smoking, I will like myself more? ±SS 3.54±1.02, ?People who I?m closely related with will be upset if I do not stop smoking? 3.52±1.06, ?I?m worried about cigarette?s shortening my life? 3.50±0.98. After 3 months from the intervention, it was identified that the individuals showed progress in change stages by 7.8 % of the individuals were at the thinking stage, 58.8% of them were at the preparation stage, and 33.3% of them were at action stage. It was found that in the 6th month of the intervention, 31.4% of the individuals quitted smoking and 25.5% of them made progress in the stage. Cigarette decision equilibrium of the individuals participating in the study within third month of the intervention showed that while at the beginning perceived benefit point average of smoking was 36.2±8.73, after the intervention it decreased to 31.6±9.02. With respect to the findings obtained from the study, it was suggested that medical personnel should apply motivational interview to the smoking individuals with chronical disease in the smoking cessation polyclinics and the services which they were being treated in order to increase their motivation in making their cigarette use behavior change and help them stop smoking.
This study was conducted as an action study in order to make individuals with chronic disease stop smoking by applying motivational interviews based on smoking cessation stages. The population and sample of the study consisted of 51 (16 female, 35 male) individuals applying Düzce University Research and Training Hospital, being diagnosed by a doctor with at least one chronical disease and smoking at least one cigarette. Interviews occurred as four sessions with the individuals; by face to face (beginning, 1 month later, 3 months later) and by making a phone call (6 months later). The data of the study were gathered by using Socio-demographic Information Form, Fagerström Nicotine Addiction Test, Evaluation of Change of Stage Form, Co Measurement, General Motivational Scale, Decision Equilibrium Scale. The data being obtained were evaluated on SPSS data base by using percentages Chi-square and t test. It was found that the individuals in the study mostly used these expressions in smoking cessation as motivational justifications: ?If I stop smoking, I will like myself more? ±SS 3.54±1.02, ?People who I?m closely related with will be upset if I do not stop smoking? 3.52±1.06, ?I?m worried about cigarette?s shortening my life? 3.50±0.98. After 3 months from the intervention, it was identified that the individuals showed progress in change stages by 7.8 % of the individuals were at the thinking stage, 58.8% of them were at the preparation stage, and 33.3% of them were at action stage. It was found that in the 6th month of the intervention, 31.4% of the individuals quitted smoking and 25.5% of them made progress in the stage. Cigarette decision equilibrium of the individuals participating in the study within third month of the intervention showed that while at the beginning perceived benefit point average of smoking was 36.2±8.73, after the intervention it decreased to 31.6±9.02. With respect to the findings obtained from the study, it was suggested that medical personnel should apply motivational interview to the smoking individuals with chronical disease in the smoking cessation polyclinics and the services which they were being treated in order to increase their motivation in making their cigarette use behavior change and help them stop smoking.
YÖK Tez No: 340818
Anahtar Kelimeler
Hemşirelik, Nursing, Bağımlılık, Dependency, Davranış, Behavior, Kronik hastalık, Chronic disease, Motivasyon, Motivation, Sigara içme, Smoking