Mogolistan gerbillerinde çörek otu (nigella sativa) ekstraktının ve kronik egzersiz uygulanmasının penisilin modeli deneysel epilepsi üzerine etkileri
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Düzce Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Epilepsi, tekrarlayan nöbetlerle karakterize, insan yaşamını mental ve fiziksel olarak olumsuz etkileyen en yaygın sinir sistemi hastalıklarından birisidir. Eksitatör ve inhibitör mekanizmalar arası dengenin bozulması sonucu oluşan senkronize deşarjlarla karakterizedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, moğolistan gerbillerinde çörek otu (Nigella sativa) ekstraktı ve koşubandı egzersizi uygulamalarının penisilin G ile oluşturulan epilepsi modeli üzerindeki etkilerinin elektrofizyolojik olarak araştırılması ve oksidatif stres üzerine olan etkilerinin incelenmesidir. Bu çalışmada 40 adet yetişkin erkek Moğolistan gerbili kullanıldı. Hayvanlar kontrol (saline) grubu, kontrol (penisilin) grubu, egzersiz grubu, çörek otu grubu ve çörek otu-egzersiz grubu olmak üzere toplam 5 gruba ayrılmıştır. Egzersiz gruplarına iki ay süre ile haftada beş gün ilk toplamda 30 dak. koşu bandı egzersizi uygulanmıştır. Çörek otu gruplarına ise iki ay süre ile haftada 5 gün gavaj yolu ile 50 mg/kg dozda 0,2 ml hacimde çörek otu ekstraktı verilmiştir. İki aylık egzersiz ve gavaj uygulamalarından sonra epileptiform aktivite, intrakortikal penisilin (500 IU/ 2,5 ?l) uygulanmasıyla oluşturulmuş, power lab sistemi ile her hayvandan 120 dak.'lık elektrokortikografi (ECoG) kayıtları alınarak analizi yapılmıştır. Kontrol (saline) grubunda herhangi epileptik aktiviteye rastlanmamıştır. Çalışmada elde edilen bulgulara göre çörek otu ve egzersiz ayrı ayrı uygulandığında, epileptiform aktivitenin başlama zamanını geciktirdiği ancak çörek otu-egzersiz kombinasyonunun daha fazla etkili olduğu görülmüştür. Moğolistan gerbillerinde çörek otu ve egzersiz uygulaması hem nöbeti geciktirmiş hem de diken dalga sayısını azaltmıştır. Epileptiform aktivite genlikleri değerlendirildiğinde bazı periyotlar hariç kontrol grubu ile diğer gruplar arasındaki fark anlamlı bulunmuştur. Sonuç olarak, çörek otu ve egzersizin birlikte uygulanmasının ilk epileptiform aktivitenin başlama zamanını geciktirdiği, epileptiform aktivitenin diken dalga sıklığını ve genliğini azalttığı gösterilmiştir. Bu durum epilepsili hastaların çörek otu tüketimi ile birlikte egzersiz yapmaların yararlı olabileceğini düşündürmektedir.
Epilepsy is a most common neurological disease which characterized repeated seizures and has adverse mental and physical effect on human. It is characterized synchronize discharge which occurs when the balance between excitatorand inhibitor mechanisms are breakdown. The aim of this studyis to examine the effects on oxidative stress and electrophysiological investigation of Nigella sativaextract and chronic exercise in gerbils which penicillin induced experimental epilepsy. In this study 40 adult male Mongolian gerbils were used. Gerbilswere divided 5groups as sham, control (saline), control (penicillin), exercise, Nigella sativa and Nigella sativa +exercise groups. Animals in exercise groups were performed treadmill exercise for 30 minutes daily and five times in a week for 2 months.Animals in Nigella sativagroups were applied with 50 mg/kg dose of 0,2 ml of Nigella sativaextract via intra gastric, five times a week for 2 months. After of exercise stage, epileptiform activity was induced by injecting 500 IU/ 2,5 ?l penicillin intracortically and 120 minutes of ECoG recordings was taken via power lab system.There was no any epileptic activity in control (saline) group. Separately application of Nigella sativaand exercise showed that onset of the epileptiform activity was delayed although it was seen effect of Exercise-Nigella sativa combination is better than each individual. Application of Exercise-Nigella sativa postponed seizure and reduced spike XXIIIwave frequencies in Mongolian Gerbils. Difference between control group and others were statistically significant except some periods according to epileptiform activity amplitudes.Consequently, it was shown that application of Exercise-Nigella sativa combination postpone beginning of the epileptiform activity and decrease spike wave frequencies and epileptiform activity amplitudes. It is considered to be healthy for epilepsy patients using Nigella sativa with exercise.
Epilepsy is a most common neurological disease which characterized repeated seizures and has adverse mental and physical effect on human. It is characterized synchronize discharge which occurs when the balance between excitatorand inhibitor mechanisms are breakdown. The aim of this studyis to examine the effects on oxidative stress and electrophysiological investigation of Nigella sativaextract and chronic exercise in gerbils which penicillin induced experimental epilepsy. In this study 40 adult male Mongolian gerbils were used. Gerbilswere divided 5groups as sham, control (saline), control (penicillin), exercise, Nigella sativa and Nigella sativa +exercise groups. Animals in exercise groups were performed treadmill exercise for 30 minutes daily and five times in a week for 2 months.Animals in Nigella sativagroups were applied with 50 mg/kg dose of 0,2 ml of Nigella sativaextract via intra gastric, five times a week for 2 months. After of exercise stage, epileptiform activity was induced by injecting 500 IU/ 2,5 ?l penicillin intracortically and 120 minutes of ECoG recordings was taken via power lab system.There was no any epileptic activity in control (saline) group. Separately application of Nigella sativaand exercise showed that onset of the epileptiform activity was delayed although it was seen effect of Exercise-Nigella sativa combination is better than each individual. Application of Exercise-Nigella sativa postponed seizure and reduced spike XXIIIwave frequencies in Mongolian Gerbils. Difference between control group and others were statistically significant except some periods according to epileptiform activity amplitudes.Consequently, it was shown that application of Exercise-Nigella sativa combination postpone beginning of the epileptiform activity and decrease spike wave frequencies and epileptiform activity amplitudes. It is considered to be healthy for epilepsy patients using Nigella sativa with exercise.
YÖK Tez No: 489794
Anahtar Kelimeler
Fizyoloji, Physiology, Egzersiz, Exercise, Mongolian gerbil, Mongolian gerbil, Tıbbi bitkiler, Plants-medicinal, Epilepsy, Mongolian gerbils, Black cumin (Nigella sativa), Epileptiform activity, Electrocorticography, Oxidative Stress