Organik malç olarak fındık kavşağının bitki gelişimi, sulama ve yabancı ot üzerine etkileri
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Düzce Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Araştırmada, Düzce yöresinde yoğun olarak yetiştiriciliği yapılan fındık bitkisinin, hasadından sonra artık olarak geriye kalan fındık kavşağının toprağa yararlı malç olarak; sulamayı azaltma, yabancı otu önleme ve bitki gelişimine katkıları incelenmiştir. Deneme, tesadüf blokları deneme desenine göre, 0 cm, 3 cm, 5 cm, 8 cm malç seviyesi ve ayrıca sulama, yabancı ot kontrolü ve bitki gelişimi kriterleri olarak ve üçer tekerrür olacak şekilde 3x4x3=36 adet saksıyla kurulmuştur. Farklı malç seviyelerinin 12 adet saksıda su tüketimlerine; 12 adedinde yabancı ot gelişimlerine; son 12 adedinde ise bitki gelişimlerine bakılmıştır. Saksılarda yetiştirilecek bitki olarak Ligustrum japonicum, yabancı ot olarak ise Lolium perenne ve Agropyron repens kullanılmıştır. Farklı kalınlıklarda fındık kavşağı bulunan toprak hacmi, bitki boyu ve yetişme ortamı bakımından benzer özellikler gösteren her bir bitkinin 6 aylık ölçüm süresinde elde edilen sulama suyu miktarları, yabani ot çimlenme sayıları, yabani ot ağırlıkları, bitki boy, kök ve gövde gelişim miktarlarına ait değerlerin istatistiksel analizi için SPSS paket programı kullanılmıştır. Bu amaca yönelik olarak ?Tek Yönlü Varyans Analizi? (One Way ANOVA-Tukey) uygulanmıştır. Faktörlerin tamamının aynı andaki etkisinin farklarını ortaya koymak için ise ?Çoklu Regresyon Analizi? uygulanmıştır. Yapılan araştırma sonucunda organik malç olarak kullandığımız fındık kavşağının; su tüketimini % 18,95 azaltabildiği, yabancı ot çimlenmesini, Lolium perenne de % 94,20 Agropyron repens de % 67,12 azaltabildiği, bitki gelişiminde de, sürgün boyunu % 39,9 kök gelişimini % 67,3 arttırabildiği görülmüştür.Anahtar sözcükler: Bitki gelişimi, Fındık kavşağı, Organik malç, Sulama, Yabancı ot.
In our research, utilization of hazelnut husks which is an end product obtained after harvesting of hazelnut which is grown in large quantities in our region as organic mulch useful for the soil has been studied for its effects on decreasing irrigation, preventing weeds and positive effects on plant development. Experiment was designed as 3x4x3=36 pots, three at a time in replication, according to randomized blocks experimental design as 0 cm, 3 cm, 5 cm, 8 cm mulch levels and irrigation, weed control and plant development criteria. In 12 pots, water consumption, in 12 pots, weed development, in last 12 pots, plant development of different mulch levels were studied. Plants and weeds to be grown in these pots were chosen as Ligustrum japonicum and Lolium perenne and Agropyron repens, respectively. SPSS package software was used for statistical analysis of values obtained during 6 months measuring period of each plant which shows similar characteristics with respect to soil volume which has different hazelnut husk density, plant height and habitat, as irrigation water amount, weed germination volume, weed weight, plant height, root and trunk development. `?One-way Analysis of Variance?? (One way ANOVA-Tukey) was applied for this purpose. Multiple Regression Analysis was also applied in order to introduce differences in simultaneous effects of all factors. In this experiment, it was observed that hazelnut husk used as organic mulch had decreased water consumption by 18,95%, weed germination by 94,20% for Lolium perenne and 67,12% for Agropyron repens and increased plant development by an average of 39,9% for offshoot length and an average of 67.3% for root development.
In our research, utilization of hazelnut husks which is an end product obtained after harvesting of hazelnut which is grown in large quantities in our region as organic mulch useful for the soil has been studied for its effects on decreasing irrigation, preventing weeds and positive effects on plant development. Experiment was designed as 3x4x3=36 pots, three at a time in replication, according to randomized blocks experimental design as 0 cm, 3 cm, 5 cm, 8 cm mulch levels and irrigation, weed control and plant development criteria. In 12 pots, water consumption, in 12 pots, weed development, in last 12 pots, plant development of different mulch levels were studied. Plants and weeds to be grown in these pots were chosen as Ligustrum japonicum and Lolium perenne and Agropyron repens, respectively. SPSS package software was used for statistical analysis of values obtained during 6 months measuring period of each plant which shows similar characteristics with respect to soil volume which has different hazelnut husk density, plant height and habitat, as irrigation water amount, weed germination volume, weed weight, plant height, root and trunk development. `?One-way Analysis of Variance?? (One way ANOVA-Tukey) was applied for this purpose. Multiple Regression Analysis was also applied in order to introduce differences in simultaneous effects of all factors. In this experiment, it was observed that hazelnut husk used as organic mulch had decreased water consumption by 18,95%, weed germination by 94,20% for Lolium perenne and 67,12% for Agropyron repens and increased plant development by an average of 39,9% for offshoot length and an average of 67.3% for root development.
YÖK Tez No: 346406
Anahtar Kelimeler
Peyzaj Mimarlığı, Landscape Architecture, Bitki gelişimi, Plant development, Fındık zurufu, Hazelnut husk, Malç uygulaması, Mulch using, Sulama, Irrigation, Yabancı otlar, Weeds, Plant Development, Hazelnut Husk, Organic Mulch, Irrigation, Weed