Görüntü işleme tabanlı sefalometri eğitim seti
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Düzce Üniversitesi
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Sefalometri geçmişten günümüze kadar önemini koruyan ve hem bilimsel araştırmalarda hem de ortodontide geniş bir kullanım alanına sahip bir konudur. Sefalometrik analizin ise ortodontik tanı, tedavi şekli ve tedavi sonucunun değerlendirilmesinde önemli bir rolü bulunmaktadır. Sınıf veya laboratuar ortamında geleneksel yöntem olan elle yapılan çizimlerle sefalometri eğitimi büyük bir zaman tüketimi ve hatta masraflı bir iş olmaktadır.Bu çalışmada; bahsedilen olumsuzlukları gidermek için sefalometrik analiz eğitim seti hazırlanmıştır. Bu eğitim seti C++ Builder programında yazılmış olup esnek bir yapıya ve kullanıcı dostu bir arayüze sahiptir. Bununla birlikte yapmış olduğumuz programda çeşitli görüntü işleme teknikleri kullanılarak sefalogram üzerinde yapılan iyileştirmeler ile daha net bir görüntü, işaret noktalarının daha belirgin ve kolay belirlenmesi sağlanmıştır. Bu eğitim seti ile sadece iskeletsel değil dişsel ve yumuşak doku olmak üzere sefalometride kullanılan bütün nokta, doğru ve açıların hesaplarının yapılması ve sonuçların hem sayısal hem de görselleştirilmesi ile öğrencilerde tam bir öğrenmenin sağlanması amaçlanmaktadır.
Cephalometry is a topic which maintains its importance from past to present and has a wide range of usage area both in scientific researches and in orthodontics. And when cephalometric analysis is examined, it is known to have a significant role in orthodontic diagnosis, in the form of treatment and in the evaluation of treatment outcome. With hand/manual drawings which are the traditional method in classroom or laboratory environment, cephalometry education faces us as a time consuming and a sumptuous method.In this study, a cephalometric analysis educational tool is designed in order to prevent above-mentioned handicaps. This educational tool has been written on C++ Builder program and has a flexible structure and a user-friendly interface. In addition to this, in this program with the improvements on cephalogram by the usage of various image processing techniques, a sharper vision is obtained; and with a better noticeability, easier identification of landmark points is provided. By means of this educational tool, measurement of all the points, lines and angles used in cephalometry not only skeletal but also of dental and soft tissues, and a complete learning of students are aimed by both digitization and visualization of results.
Cephalometry is a topic which maintains its importance from past to present and has a wide range of usage area both in scientific researches and in orthodontics. And when cephalometric analysis is examined, it is known to have a significant role in orthodontic diagnosis, in the form of treatment and in the evaluation of treatment outcome. With hand/manual drawings which are the traditional method in classroom or laboratory environment, cephalometry education faces us as a time consuming and a sumptuous method.In this study, a cephalometric analysis educational tool is designed in order to prevent above-mentioned handicaps. This educational tool has been written on C++ Builder program and has a flexible structure and a user-friendly interface. In addition to this, in this program with the improvements on cephalogram by the usage of various image processing techniques, a sharper vision is obtained; and with a better noticeability, easier identification of landmark points is provided. By means of this educational tool, measurement of all the points, lines and angles used in cephalometry not only skeletal but also of dental and soft tissues, and a complete learning of students are aimed by both digitization and visualization of results.
YÖK Tez No: 309251
Anahtar Kelimeler
Diş Hekimliği, Dentistry, Elektrik ve Elektronik Mühendisliği, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Teknik Eğitim, Technical Education, Eğitim araçları, Educational tools, Görüntü iyileştirme, Image enhancement, Görüntü işleme, Image processing, Ortodonti, Orthodontics, Sefalometri, Cephalometry, Sefalometrik analiz, Cephalometric analysis