Klasik Türk şiirinde divanıhümayun tip ve kişilikleri
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Düzce Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Yüzyıllar boyunca varlığını sürdürmüş olan Klasik Türk şiiri, bu süreçte tarihî, dinî, efsanevî, sosyal ve kültürel pek çok kaynaktan beslenmiştir. Tüm bu kaynakların temelinde etkin olmuş varlık ise insandır. Bu nedenle, Klasik Türk şiirinin en önemli kaynaklarından biri insanla ilgili görünüşlerdir. Klasik Türk şiirinde yer alan insanla ilgili görünüşler tipler ve kişilikler olmak üzere ikiye ayrılmaktadır. Tipler, gerçek hayatta var olan kişilerin idealleştirilmiş yönleriyle kurgulanmış sembolleridir. Kişilikler ise, gerçek hayatta var olmuş, belli bir tarihte belli bir coğrafyada yaşamış kişilerdir. Bu çalışmada Klasik Türk şiirindeki Divanıhümayun tip ve kişilikleri incelenmiştir. Divanıhümayun tipleri meslek tipleri bahsinde, kişilikleri ise tarihî kişilikler başlığında değerlendirilmiştir. Tiplerin ve kişiliklerin barındırdığı özelliklere tanık beyitler eşliğinde değinilmiştir. Kişilikler bakımından yoğun olan bu çalışmada, belirlenen 28 divandaki 117 kişiliğin Divanıhümayundaki görev gruplandırmasına, biyografilerine, beyitlerde hangi özellikleriyle ve ne sıklıkla yer aldıklarına tablolarla birlikte yer verilmiştir. Çalışmanın sonunda incelenen tüm tipleri ve kişilikleri kapsayan bir dizin yer almaktadır.
Classical Turkish poetry, which has existed for centuries, has been nourished from many historical, religious, legendary, social and cultural sources during this period. On the basis of all these resources, the active entity is human. For this reason, one of the most important sources of Classical Turkish poetry is the human-related appearances. The human-related appearances in classical Turkish poetry are divided into two as types and personalities. Types are symbols fictionalized with idealized aspects of people who exist in real life. Personalities, on the other hand, are people who have existed in real life and lived in a certain geography at a certain date. In this study, the types and personalities of the Divanıhümayun in Classical Turkish poetry were examined. Divanıhümayun types are evaluated under the topic of occupational types, and their personalities under the title of historical personalities. The features of the types and personalities are mentioned in the witness couplets. In this study, which is intense in terms of personalities, the task grouping in Divanıhümayun, biographies, and how often they are included in couplets of 117 personalities in 28 divans are included together with the tables. At the end of the study, there is an index covering all types and personalities examined.
Classical Turkish poetry, which has existed for centuries, has been nourished from many historical, religious, legendary, social and cultural sources during this period. On the basis of all these resources, the active entity is human. For this reason, one of the most important sources of Classical Turkish poetry is the human-related appearances. The human-related appearances in classical Turkish poetry are divided into two as types and personalities. Types are symbols fictionalized with idealized aspects of people who exist in real life. Personalities, on the other hand, are people who have existed in real life and lived in a certain geography at a certain date. In this study, the types and personalities of the Divanıhümayun in Classical Turkish poetry were examined. Divanıhümayun types are evaluated under the topic of occupational types, and their personalities under the title of historical personalities. The features of the types and personalities are mentioned in the witness couplets. In this study, which is intense in terms of personalities, the task grouping in Divanıhümayun, biographies, and how often they are included in couplets of 117 personalities in 28 divans are included together with the tables. At the end of the study, there is an index covering all types and personalities examined.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı, Turkish Language and Literature, Divan şiiri, Court poem