Migrende serum grelin, IL-1ß, IL-6 düzeylerinin incelenmesi
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Düzce Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Başın bir yarısına lokalize, zonklayıcı, ataklar halinde ortaya çıkan, bulantı, kusmanın eşlik edebildiği, ışığa, sese hassasiyet gelişebilen, tekrarlayıcı ağrı olarak tanımlanan migren, dünya çapında insanların yüzde 10'undan fazlasını etkilemektedir. Bir toplum sağlığı sorunu olan migrenin etyopatogenezi henüz aydınlatılamamıştır. Bu çalışmada nörojenik inflamasyonda rolü olan IL-1? ve IL-6 ile vazodilatatör etkili olup antiinflamatuar etkisi gösterilmiş Grelin düzeylerinin migren hastalığına etkisinin değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmada Düzce Üniversitesi Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi Nöroloji Polikliniği tarafından migren tanısı alan 44 hasta ve migren tanısı olmayan 44 kişi kontrol grubu olarak çalışmaya dahil edildi. Veri toplamada hasta bilgi formu kullanıldı ve gönüllülerden kan örnekleri alınarak Grelin, IL-1?, IL-6 ölçümleri Elisa yöntemi ile yapıldı. Veriler SPSS 24.0 istatistik programı kullanılarak değerlendirildi. Tanımlayıcı istatistikler yüzde, sayı, ortalama, ortanca ile değerlendirildi. Kategorik yapıdaki değişkenler bakımından gruplar arasındaki farklılıklar Ki-kare testi ile incelendi. Sayısal değişkenler bakımından bağımsız iki grubun karşılaştırılmasında parametrik test varsayımlarının sağlandığı durumlarda Student T-testi, sağlanmadığı durumlarda Mann Whitney-U analizi kullanıldı. İstatistiksel anlamlılık için güven aralığı p?0,05 olarak kabul edildi. Araştırmada migren ve kontrol grupları arasında sosyodemografik ve tıbbi özellikler bakımından istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark yoktur. Migren grubunda Grelin düzeyi ortancası 487,61 (193,95-887,93) kontrol grubu ortancası 244,82 (72,55-583,92)'dir, bu fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlıdır (p<0,001). Migren ve kontrol gruplarında IL-1? ve IL-6 düzeyleri arasında anlamlı fark bulunmamıştır (p=0,673, p=0,336 ). Migren grubunda ve kontrol grubunda Grelin ile IL1-?, IL-6 arasında korelasyon bulunmamıştır (Sırasıyla migrende r<0,137, r<0,205 p=0,375, p=0,181, kontrol grubunda r<0,073, r<0,115, p=0,636, p=0,457).Trigeminal gangliyonlardan CGRP ile birlikte salındığı bilinen Grelin'in, migren hasta grubunda yüksek olması migren fizyopatolojisinde Grelin'in rolü olabileceğini düşündürmektedir. Anahtar Sözcükler: Grelin, IL-1?, IL-6, Migren.
Migraine, is defined as repetitive pain localized to one half of the head, throbbing, accompanied by nausea and vomiting, sensitivity to light and sound, affects more than 10 percent of people worldwide. The etiopathogenesis of migraine, which is a public health problem, has not been clarified yet. In this research, it was aimed to evaluate the effects of IL-1? and IL-6, which have a role in neurogenic inflammation, and Ghrelin levels, which have vasodilator effects and anti-inflammatory effects, on migraine disease.In the research, 44 patients diagnosed with migraine by Düzce University Application and Research Center Neurology Polyclinic and 44 people without migraine were included in the research as the control group. A patient information form was used in data collection, and blood samples were taken from the volunteers and Ghrelin, IL-1?, IL-6 measurements were made with the Elisa method. Data were evaluated using SPSS 24.0 statistical program. Descriptive statistics were evaluated by percentage, number, mean and median. The differences between the groups in terms of categorical variables were analyzed with the chi-square test. In the comparison of two independent groups in terms of numerical variables, Student's T-test was used when parametric test assumptions were met and Mann Whitney-U analysis was used for measurements where parametric test assumptions were not met. Confidence interval for p significance in statistics was accepted as p?0.05. In the research, there was no statistically significant difference between migraine and control groups in terms of sociodemographic and medical characteristics. The median level of Ghrelin in the migraine group was 487.37±157.52 and the median level of control group was 264.48±124.08, the difference was statistically significant (p<0.001). There was no significant difference between IL-1? and IL-6 levels in migraine and control groups (p=0.673, p=0.336). There was no correlation between Ghrelin and IL1-?, IL-6 in the migraine group and control group (r<0.137, r<0.205 p=0.375 , p=0.181 in migraine, r<0.073, r<0.115, p=0.636 p=0,457 in control group, respectively). Ghrelin, is known to be released from the trigeminal ganglia together with CGRP, was high in the migraine patient group suggests that Ghrelin may have a role in the pathophysiology of migraine. Keywords: Ghrelin, IL-1?, IL-6, Migraine.
Migraine, is defined as repetitive pain localized to one half of the head, throbbing, accompanied by nausea and vomiting, sensitivity to light and sound, affects more than 10 percent of people worldwide. The etiopathogenesis of migraine, which is a public health problem, has not been clarified yet. In this research, it was aimed to evaluate the effects of IL-1? and IL-6, which have a role in neurogenic inflammation, and Ghrelin levels, which have vasodilator effects and anti-inflammatory effects, on migraine disease.In the research, 44 patients diagnosed with migraine by Düzce University Application and Research Center Neurology Polyclinic and 44 people without migraine were included in the research as the control group. A patient information form was used in data collection, and blood samples were taken from the volunteers and Ghrelin, IL-1?, IL-6 measurements were made with the Elisa method. Data were evaluated using SPSS 24.0 statistical program. Descriptive statistics were evaluated by percentage, number, mean and median. The differences between the groups in terms of categorical variables were analyzed with the chi-square test. In the comparison of two independent groups in terms of numerical variables, Student's T-test was used when parametric test assumptions were met and Mann Whitney-U analysis was used for measurements where parametric test assumptions were not met. Confidence interval for p significance in statistics was accepted as p?0.05. In the research, there was no statistically significant difference between migraine and control groups in terms of sociodemographic and medical characteristics. The median level of Ghrelin in the migraine group was 487.37±157.52 and the median level of control group was 264.48±124.08, the difference was statistically significant (p<0.001). There was no significant difference between IL-1? and IL-6 levels in migraine and control groups (p=0.673, p=0.336). There was no correlation between Ghrelin and IL1-?, IL-6 in the migraine group and control group (r<0.137, r<0.205 p=0.375 , p=0.181 in migraine, r<0.073, r<0.115, p=0.636 p=0,457 in control group, respectively). Ghrelin, is known to be released from the trigeminal ganglia together with CGRP, was high in the migraine patient group suggests that Ghrelin may have a role in the pathophysiology of migraine. Keywords: Ghrelin, IL-1?, IL-6, Migraine.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Fizyoloji, Physiology