Demokrat Parti iktidarı döneminde sol hareketler (1950-1960)
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Düzce Üniversitesi
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Türkiye, İkinci Dünya Savaşı'na girmemiş ancak çevresindeki tehlikelere karşı tedbiri de elden bırakmamıştır. Her an meydana gelecek olumsuzluklara karşı güvenliği amacıyla hazır bir ordu bulundurmuş ve ülke içi denetimi sağlamak amacıyla etkin bir polis teşkilatı oluşturmuştur. Bunun yanı sıra savaşın dünya ekonomisinde yarattığı olumsuz hava Türkiye'yi de etkilemiş ve halk oldukça sıkıntılı bir süreç geçirmiştir. Karaborsacılıktan yeni zenginler doğmuştur. Toplum içerisinde meydana gelen huzursuzluk neticesinde CHP iktidarına karşı olumsuz bir hava oluşmaya başlamış, savaş ortamını fırsat bilen zenginler yönetimde söz sahibi olmaya çalışmıştır. Tek parti iktidarı, halkı baskı altında tutmanın yanı sıra ülkede oluşan zengin sınıfın tepkisini çekecek kararlar da almıştır. Örneğin 1945 yılında ortaya atılan toprak reformu fikri, parti içerisinde muhalefetin oluşmasına neden olmuştur ve parti grubuna verilen "Dörtlü Takrir" sonrasında ise CHP'den kopmalar yaşanmıştır. Dörtlü Takrirde imzaları bulunan kişilerin öncülüğünde Demokrat Parti kurulmuştur. Bundan sonra Türkiye'de çok partili hayat başlamıştır. İç ve dış politikada yepyeni bir sürece girilmiştir. Dünya Savaşı'nın sona ermesiyle birlikte ortaya çıkan iki kutuplu soğuk savaş döneminde Türkiye, batı bloğunun öncüsü ABD ve sosyalist bloğun lideri SSCB arasında kalarak dış politikasını şekillendirmiştir. Bu süreçte ABD'den yana bir tavır sergilemeye başlamıştır. Dış politikadaki bu tutum ülke iç siyasetine de tesir etmiş, sol hareketlere karşı olumsuz bir tutum kendini göstermiştir. Solcular "kızıl ajan" olarak tanımlanmış, 1945 yılında sol hareketlere karşı baskı ciddi derecede artmaya başlamıştır. 1950 yılında Demokrat Parti'nin iktidara gelmesiyle iç ve dış politikada bu tutumdan vazgeçilmemiştir. Kore Savaşı'nın başlamasıyla, batı bloğunun desteğini tam manasıyla almak amacıyla meclis kararı olmadan Kore'ye asker gönderilmiştir. Hatta Kore Savaşı'na karşı yapılan eleştiriler baskıyla susturulmuştur. Savaşa muhalif solcular tutuklanmış ve yayın organları kapatılmıştır. Daha sonraki yıllarda solculara karşı olumsuz tutum giderek artmıştır. Devlet solcu hareketlerin tümüne savaş açmış ve geniş soruşturmalar başlatmıştır. Hatta solcuların kolay yargılanabilmesi amacıyla Ceza Kanunu'nda değişiklik yapılmıştır. DP iktidarı döneminde meydana gelen 6-7 Eylül olaylarının sorumlusu iktidar ve yanlıları tarafından komünistler olarak gösterilmiştir. Türkiye'nin öğretmen ihtiyacını karşılamak için büyük hayallerle kurulan Köy Enstitüleri de solcu yetiştirdiği gerekçesiyle kapatılmıştır. On yıllık iktidar sürecinde kurulan solcu partiler kısa süre içerisinde kapanmış ya da kapatılmıştır. Zaten bu dönemde sol bir parti kuracak insan sayısı çok azdır. Önde gelen solcu isimlerin büyük çoğunluğu tutuklanarak hapishaneye gönderilmiştir. Kurulan dernek, gazete ve dergilerin durumu da kurulan solcu partilerden çok farklı olmamıştır. Çünkü bunlar arasında solcu propaganda yaptığı tespit edilenler devlet tarafından kapatılmış, bu yapılar içerinde faaliyet gösteren kişiler de tutuklanmıştır. Türkiye'de sol hareketler ancak 27 Mayıs 1960 darbesi sonrasında gerçek manada canlanmaya başlamışlardır. Anahtar Sözcükler: Sol Hareketler, Demokrat Parti, 1950-1960
Turkey didn't attend to WW2 but was very careful about dangers against itself.There was a prepared army for the purpose of safety and A constabulary was constituted for the control of country.In addition, the negative conditions of the war on global economy affected Turkey and Turkish people had an quite troubled process. New rich people were born from black market. As a result of discomfort in society, A negative atmosphere begun to emerge against Republican People's Party(CHP) and wealthy people,who took the advantage of war environment,began to have a say in management.Single-party government took decisions that made society oppressed as well as the reaction of wealthy class in the country.For instance,the idea of land reform,which was introduced in 1945,led to the formation of opposition within party and after the "Momerandum of Four",which was given to the party group,there were breaks in Republican People's Party.(CHP) Democratic Party(DP) was established under the leadership of signatories of "Momerandum of Four".After this,Multi-party system was begun in Turkey. A whole new process was begun in Internal and External politics. During the biopolar cold war emerged with the end of WW2, Turkey, shaped its external policy by remaining between United States,pioneer of West block,and USSR,the leader of socialist block.In this process,Turkey began to show favourable attitude towards United States.This attitude in external policy also affected the domestic politics, a negative attitude against left movements showed itself.The leftists were described as "Red Agent" and the pressure against left movements began to increase considerably,in 1945.This attitude wasn't abondoned in internal and external politics by Democratic Party,which came to power in 1950. With the beginning of Korean War,Soldiers were sent to Korea without parliamentary decision to take full advantage of the support of West block.Even criticisms against the Korean War were suppressed by pressure.Leftists,who were against the war,was arrested and media organs of them were closed.In the following years,negative attitudes towards leftists were increasing.The government declared war against leftist movements and initiated extensive investigations.An amendment was made on Criminal Law in order to allow for easy trial of leftists.Responsibles of 6-7 September incidents that took place during the rulership of Democratic Party,were shown as communists by the ruling party and partial sides.Village Institutes,which was founded to provide the need for teacher with great hopes,was closed on account of the fact that It educated leftists.Leftist Parties ,which were established during ten-year ruling period,were closed by government or their owner.In any case,the number of people,who would have formed a party,was very few.Majority of the leading leftists were arrested and sent to prison.The status of established associations,newspapers and magazines weren't much different from leftist parties.Because the ones,which were found to make leftist propaganda,were closed down by government and those,who were operating inside these structures were also arrested.Leftist movements in Turkey began to recover in real terms in the May, 27th 1960 coup.
Turkey didn't attend to WW2 but was very careful about dangers against itself.There was a prepared army for the purpose of safety and A constabulary was constituted for the control of country.In addition, the negative conditions of the war on global economy affected Turkey and Turkish people had an quite troubled process. New rich people were born from black market. As a result of discomfort in society, A negative atmosphere begun to emerge against Republican People's Party(CHP) and wealthy people,who took the advantage of war environment,began to have a say in management.Single-party government took decisions that made society oppressed as well as the reaction of wealthy class in the country.For instance,the idea of land reform,which was introduced in 1945,led to the formation of opposition within party and after the "Momerandum of Four",which was given to the party group,there were breaks in Republican People's Party.(CHP) Democratic Party(DP) was established under the leadership of signatories of "Momerandum of Four".After this,Multi-party system was begun in Turkey. A whole new process was begun in Internal and External politics. During the biopolar cold war emerged with the end of WW2, Turkey, shaped its external policy by remaining between United States,pioneer of West block,and USSR,the leader of socialist block.In this process,Turkey began to show favourable attitude towards United States.This attitude in external policy also affected the domestic politics, a negative attitude against left movements showed itself.The leftists were described as "Red Agent" and the pressure against left movements began to increase considerably,in 1945.This attitude wasn't abondoned in internal and external politics by Democratic Party,which came to power in 1950. With the beginning of Korean War,Soldiers were sent to Korea without parliamentary decision to take full advantage of the support of West block.Even criticisms against the Korean War were suppressed by pressure.Leftists,who were against the war,was arrested and media organs of them were closed.In the following years,negative attitudes towards leftists were increasing.The government declared war against leftist movements and initiated extensive investigations.An amendment was made on Criminal Law in order to allow for easy trial of leftists.Responsibles of 6-7 September incidents that took place during the rulership of Democratic Party,were shown as communists by the ruling party and partial sides.Village Institutes,which was founded to provide the need for teacher with great hopes,was closed on account of the fact that It educated leftists.Leftist Parties ,which were established during ten-year ruling period,were closed by government or their owner.In any case,the number of people,who would have formed a party,was very few.Majority of the leading leftists were arrested and sent to prison.The status of established associations,newspapers and magazines weren't much different from leftist parties.Because the ones,which were found to make leftist propaganda,were closed down by government and those,who were operating inside these structures were also arrested.Leftist movements in Turkey began to recover in real terms in the May, 27th 1960 coup.
YÖK Tez No: 530354
Anahtar Kelimeler
Tarih, History, Basın, Press, Demokrat Parti, Democrat Party, Köy enstitüleri, Village institutions, Menderes, Adnan, Menderes, Adnan, Siyasi partiler, Political parties, Sol ideolojiler, Left ideologies, Sosyalist hareketler, Socialist movements, Left Movements, Democratic Party, 1950-1960