Örtük Felsefe: Eugene Gendlin ve Deneyimsel Fenomenolojisi
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Amerikalı düşünür Eugene Gendlin Örtük Felsefe adı verilen ve Yeni Fenomenoloji olarak tanımlananfenomenolojik yaklaşımı ile hem felsefe hem de psikoterapi alanlarında önemli bir yere sahiptir.Fenomenolojiyi temel alan bakış açısı ile psikoterapi alanı ve insanın bilme, öğrenme, algı ve düşünmesüreçlerine dair farklı bir yaklaşım sunan Gendlin, bedenli deneyimi insanın tüm yaşam süreçlerinin temelinekoyar ve bedenli deneyimden doğan bir anlam tanımı yapar. Buna göre, anlam hissedilen, yaşanan, kavramlarıve dili önceleyen bir şeydir ve Gendlin bunu “hissedilen anlam” kavramı ile sunar. Hissedilen anlam aynızamanda örtük anlamdır ve bedenli deneyimle başlayıp kavramlara ve dile giden yolda ortaya çıkar. Bubağlamda felsefesi Deneyimsel Fenomenoloji olarak da tanımlanan Gendlin, anlamın ve dilin ortaya çıkışınıdüşünüm öncesi ve kavram öncesi süreçlere ve kavram öncesi deneyime dayandırır. Gendlin’in felsefesininözgün yanı, bedensel bir deneyimi temel alan, bu deneyime içkin bir anlam, dil ve kültür kavramsallaştırmasısunmasıdır. Gendlin, bir tarafta Amerikan pragmatizminin deneyim kavramsallaştırmasını diğer tarafta KıtaAvrupası fenomenolojisinin beden ve anlam kavramsallaştırmasını temel alarak bir bakıma bir sentez sunar. Bubağlamda bu çalışmanın amacı, Gendlin’in hissedilen anlam, örtük anlam, bedensel hissedilen duyum,hissedilen deneyimleme ve dil kavramları bağlamında düşünürün Örtük Felsefesini değerlendirmek ve analizetmektir.
The American philosopher Eugene Gendlin has an important place with his Implicit Philosophy, which is also defined as New Phenomenology, in both the areas of philosophy and psychotherapy. By his phenomenological perspective, Gendlin presents a different approach to the area of psychotherapy and on the processes of knowing, learning, perception and thinking and he focuses on bodily experience as the basis of whole life processes and presents a definition of meaning that arises from bodily experience. According to this perspective, meaning is something that is felt, lived and that prioritizes concepts and language and Gendlin presents it with the concept “felt meaning”. Felt meaning is at the same time implicit meaning and it arises on the way from bodily experience to concepts and language. In this respect, Gendlin, whose philosophy is defined as Experiential Phenomenology, focuses on the precognitive and pre-conceptual process in the creation of meaning and language. The genuine aspect of his philosophy is the fact that it presents a conceptualization of meaning, language and culture that is based on bodily experience and that is immanent to this experience. Gendlin, in a sense, presents a synthesis on the basis of the conception of experience of American philosophy and the conception of body and meaning of Continental European phenomenology. In this respect, the aim of this study is to evaluate and analyze Gendlin’s Implicit Philosophy on the basis of his main concepts; felt meaning, implicit meaning, bodily felt sense, felt experiencing and language.
The American philosopher Eugene Gendlin has an important place with his Implicit Philosophy, which is also defined as New Phenomenology, in both the areas of philosophy and psychotherapy. By his phenomenological perspective, Gendlin presents a different approach to the area of psychotherapy and on the processes of knowing, learning, perception and thinking and he focuses on bodily experience as the basis of whole life processes and presents a definition of meaning that arises from bodily experience. According to this perspective, meaning is something that is felt, lived and that prioritizes concepts and language and Gendlin presents it with the concept “felt meaning”. Felt meaning is at the same time implicit meaning and it arises on the way from bodily experience to concepts and language. In this respect, Gendlin, whose philosophy is defined as Experiential Phenomenology, focuses on the precognitive and pre-conceptual process in the creation of meaning and language. The genuine aspect of his philosophy is the fact that it presents a conceptualization of meaning, language and culture that is based on bodily experience and that is immanent to this experience. Gendlin, in a sense, presents a synthesis on the basis of the conception of experience of American philosophy and the conception of body and meaning of Continental European phenomenology. In this respect, the aim of this study is to evaluate and analyze Gendlin’s Implicit Philosophy on the basis of his main concepts; felt meaning, implicit meaning, bodily felt sense, felt experiencing and language.
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Kaygı. Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Felsefe Dergisi
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