İslâm Düşüncesinde Allah'ın Sıfatlarını Anlama Sorunu
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Allah hakkında konuşmak insanın en temel sorunlarından biridir. Kur'an,Allah'ı isim, sıfat, fiil ve haberi yönleri ile varlığa tanıtmıştır. Vahiy; Allah'ıeşsiz, mutlak gayb olan, benzersiz, kutsal ve yüce olan Zât olaraknitelemiştir. Vahyin Allah hakkında bilgi sunması, insanın Allah hakkındabilgi edinme, anlama, kavrama, deliller ve bilgiler üretmesine yardımcıolmuştur. Allah'a ait isimler ve O'na yönelik taşıdığı anlamlar, beşerin zihindünyasında Allah tasavvurunu oluşturur. Tirmizi'de geçen listeli esmâ-ihüsnâ rivayeti İslâm dünyasında meşhurdur. Kur'an'da geçtiği halde Esmâ-iHüsnâ listelerinde geçmeyen çok sayıda isim bulunmaktadır. Bu konuKelâm ilminin en temel konusudur. İslam kelâmcıları, filozoflar, Cehmiyye,Mu’tezile, Eş’arîyye, Matürîdiyye ve Hanbelîler gibi ekollerde sıfatların,Allah'ın zâtıyla arasındaki ilişkisi konusu temel görüş ayrılığıdır.
Talking about God is one of the most fundamental problems of man. The Quran introduces God to the being with his noun, adjective, verb and news aspects. Revelation describes Allah as a Zât which is unique, holy and exalted. The fact that the revelation gave information about Allah helped man to gain knowledge, understanding, comprehension and produce evidence and knowledges about Allah. Allah's names and the meanings of them form the imagination of Allah in human mind. The narrative of the list of the Esma-i Hüsna in Tirmidhi is famous in the Islamic world. There are many names that are not mentioned in the lists of the Esma-i Hüsna, Although they are mentioned in the Quran. This subject is the most basic subject of theology. There is a main difference of opinion between Islamic theologians, philosophers, Jehmiyya, Mu’tazila, As’hariyyah, M?turidiyyah and Hanbaliyyah on the relationship between the attributes and the Allah’s self
Talking about God is one of the most fundamental problems of man. The Quran introduces God to the being with his noun, adjective, verb and news aspects. Revelation describes Allah as a Zât which is unique, holy and exalted. The fact that the revelation gave information about Allah helped man to gain knowledge, understanding, comprehension and produce evidence and knowledges about Allah. Allah's names and the meanings of them form the imagination of Allah in human mind. The narrative of the list of the Esma-i Hüsna in Tirmidhi is famous in the Islamic world. There are many names that are not mentioned in the lists of the Esma-i Hüsna, Although they are mentioned in the Quran. This subject is the most basic subject of theology. There is a main difference of opinion between Islamic theologians, philosophers, Jehmiyya, Mu’tazila, As’hariyyah, M?turidiyyah and Hanbaliyyah on the relationship between the attributes and the Allah’s self
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