Emergent treatment of epidural pneumatosis and pneumomediastinum developed due to tracheal injury: A case report
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Epidural pnömatozis epidural boşlukta hava bulunmasıdır. Epidural pnömatozis acil tıp pratiğinde nadir rastlanılan bir durumdur. On yaşında bisiklet kazası sonucu servikal travma geçiren hastada klinik olarak subkutan amfizem, radyolojik olarak pnömotoraks, pnömomediastinum ve epidural pnömatozis geliştiği izlendi. Hastaya sol tüp torakostomi kapalı sualtı drenajı takibinde pretrakeal fasyanın açılması işlemi uygulandı. Yeterli düzelme izlenmemesi üzerine trakea eksplore edildi ve primer onarım yapıldı. Bu tedaviler sonrası epidural pnömatozis, pnömomediastinum ile birlikte tamamen geriledi. Bu olgu epidural pnömatozisin çok nadir görülmesi ve trakea yaralanmalarında akla getirilmesi amacıyla sunulmuştur.
The presence of air in epidural space is called epidural pneumatosis. Epidural pneumatosis is a rarely encountered phenomenon in emergency medicine practice. A 10-year-old patient was admitted with cervical trauma due to a bicycle accident. Subcutaneous emphysema, pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum and epidural pneumatosis were detected. Pretracheal fasciotomy after tube thoracostomy and closed underwater drainage were performed. Since sufficient clinical improvement could not be observed, tracheal exploration and primary repairment were performed. Only after these interventions, epidural pneumatosis and pneumomediastinum completely regressed. The case is presented due to its rarity and with the purpose to remind clinicians of epidural pneumatosis in tracheal injuries.
The presence of air in epidural space is called epidural pneumatosis. Epidural pneumatosis is a rarely encountered phenomenon in emergency medicine practice. A 10-year-old patient was admitted with cervical trauma due to a bicycle accident. Subcutaneous emphysema, pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum and epidural pneumatosis were detected. Pretracheal fasciotomy after tube thoracostomy and closed underwater drainage were performed. Since sufficient clinical improvement could not be observed, tracheal exploration and primary repairment were performed. Only after these interventions, epidural pneumatosis and pneumomediastinum completely regressed. The case is presented due to its rarity and with the purpose to remind clinicians of epidural pneumatosis in tracheal injuries.
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