Kliniğimize başvuran aort diseksiyonlu hastaların geriye dönük analizi
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Amaç: Geriye dönük bu çalışmada, acil servise başvuran ve aort diseksiyonu tanısı konulan hastaların bazı klinik, radyolojik ve demografik özelliklerinin ortaya konulması amaçlandı. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Düzce Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi Acil Servisine Mart 2009-Mart 2011 tarihleri arasında başvuran ve aort diseksiyonu tanısı konulan hastaların kayıtları geriye dönük olarak tarandı. Hastaların dosyalarından cinsiyeti, yaşı, başvuru şikayetleri (göğüs ağrısı, sırt ağrısı, karın ağrısı, senkop, baş dönmesi ve diğer), tele kardiyografide mediasten genişliği varlığı, ekokardiyografide fleb varlığı kaydedildi. Bulgular: Çalışmaya toplam 12 hasta (8’i erkek, 4’ü kadın) alındı. Yaş ortalaması ise 63.519.0 (minimum 28, maksimum 85) idi. Başvuru şikayetleri sıklık sırasına göre göğüs ağrısı (%50), sırt ağrısı (%25), karın ağrısı (%25), senkop (%25) ve baş dönmesi (%16.7) idi. Hastaların %25’inde her iki kol arasında nabız farkı varken, mediasten genişliği %50 hastada vardı. Ekokardiyografide hastaların %67’sinde fleb görünümü mevcuttu. Olguların 8’inde Standford Tip A, 5 olguda De Bakey Tip 1 diseksiyon mevcuttu. Diseksiyon tipleri ile cinsiyetler karşılaştırıldığında aralarında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark bulunamadı (p0.5). Hastalarımızın 11’i sevk edilirken 1 hasta acil servisimizde kaybedilmiştir. Sonuç: Aort diseksiyonu tanısında en önemli noktalardan biri tanının akla getirilmesidir. Aort diseksiyonu tanısında gecikmelerde dahi hastalar için geri dönüşümü olmayan sonuçlar doğurabileceği, hekimler için ayrıca adli problemlere yol açabileceği de unutulmamalıdır. (JAEM 2011; 10: 152-5)
Objective: In this retrospective study, we aimed to manifest some clinical, radiologic and demographical features of patients which were admitted to our emergency department and diagnosed with aortic dissection. Materials and Methods: Records of patients diagnosed with aortic dissection in our Emergency Department during March 2009-March 2011 were scanned retrospectively. Patients’ gender, age, complaints (chest pain, backache, abdominal pain, syncope, dizziness and other), presence of mediastinal widening on tele cardiograph and presence of fleb on echocardiograph were recorded. Results: Total 12 patients (8 males, 4 females) were included into the study. Mean age was 63.5±19.0 (minimum 28, maximum 85). Complaints were chest pain (50%), backache (25%), abdominal pain (25%), syncope (25%) and dizziness (16.7%), respectively. There was a pulse difference between the two arms in 25% of patients. However, mediastinal widening was present in 50% of patients. Eight patients (67%) have a fleb on echocardiograph. Eight patients had Standford Type A and five of patients had De Bakey Type 1 aortic dissection. There were no statistical differences between dissection types and gender (p>0.5). Eleven patients were referred to another hospital, and one of patients died. Conclusion: We thought that in clinical doubt of aortic dissection which is diagnosed with difficulty, bedside echocardiographic evaluation will provide convenience for emergency physicians in emergency departments. (JAEM 2011; 10: 152-5)
Objective: In this retrospective study, we aimed to manifest some clinical, radiologic and demographical features of patients which were admitted to our emergency department and diagnosed with aortic dissection. Materials and Methods: Records of patients diagnosed with aortic dissection in our Emergency Department during March 2009-March 2011 were scanned retrospectively. Patients’ gender, age, complaints (chest pain, backache, abdominal pain, syncope, dizziness and other), presence of mediastinal widening on tele cardiograph and presence of fleb on echocardiograph were recorded. Results: Total 12 patients (8 males, 4 females) were included into the study. Mean age was 63.5±19.0 (minimum 28, maximum 85). Complaints were chest pain (50%), backache (25%), abdominal pain (25%), syncope (25%) and dizziness (16.7%), respectively. There was a pulse difference between the two arms in 25% of patients. However, mediastinal widening was present in 50% of patients. Eight patients (67%) have a fleb on echocardiograph. Eight patients had Standford Type A and five of patients had De Bakey Type 1 aortic dissection. There were no statistical differences between dissection types and gender (p>0.5). Eleven patients were referred to another hospital, and one of patients died. Conclusion: We thought that in clinical doubt of aortic dissection which is diagnosed with difficulty, bedside echocardiographic evaluation will provide convenience for emergency physicians in emergency departments. (JAEM 2011; 10: 152-5)
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