Prostatik Üretral Askı Yöntemi: Benign Prostat Hiperplazisi Tedavisinde Yeni Bir Minimal İnvaziv Tedavi Alternatifi

dc.contributor.authorYüksel, Alpaslan
dc.contributor.authorTekin, Ali
dc.departmentDÜ, Tıp Fakültesi, Cerrahi Tıp Bilimleri Bölümüen_US
dc.descriptionWOS: 000407104200008en_US
dc.description.abstractImprovements in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), which is the most common cause of lower urinary tract symptoms in aging males, are proceeding progressively. The prostatic urethral lift procedure offers a novel treatment option for men with lower urinary tract obstructive symptoms due to BPH. The prostatic urethral lift can be performed under general, regional and local anesthesia. The procedure shows its effect by retracting the obstructing lobes of the prostate through the capsule to provide a sufficient prostatic urethral opening. It is important to offer an alternative option to the patients who feel anxiety about sexual function loss and complications of the procedure. However, short follow-up period, necessity of suitable conditions, such as lack of median lobe or unremarkable post-voiding residual urine, and lack of cost-effectiveness analysis of the procedure are the limitations of this method. In this review, symptomatic, functional, and sexual outcomes following the prostatic urethral lift procedure were assesseden_US
dc.description.abstractImprovements in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia ( BPH), which is the most common cause of lower urinary tract symptoms in aging males, are proceeding progressively. The prostatic urethral lift procedure offers a novel treatment option for men with lower urinary tract obstructive symptoms due to BPH. The prostatic urethral lift can be performed under general, regional and local anesthesia. The procedure shows its effect by retracting the obstructing lobes of the prostate through the capsule to provide a sufficient prostatic urethral opening. It is important to offer an alternative option to the patients who feel anxiety about sexual function loss and complications of the procedure. However, short follow- up period, necessity of suitable conditions, such as lack of median lobe or unremarkable post- voiding residual urine, and lack of cost- effectiveness analysis of the procedure are the limitations of this method. In this review, symptomatic, functional, and sexual outcomes following the prostatic urethral lift procedure were assessed.en_US
dc.indekslendigikaynakWeb of Scienceen_US
dc.publisherGalenos Yayinciliken_US
dc.relation.ispartofUroonkoloji Bulteni-Bulletin Of Urooncologyen_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US
dc.subjectProstatic urethral liften_US
dc.subjectbenign prostatic hyperplasiaen_US
dc.subjectminimally invasive therapyen_US
dc.titleProstatik Üretral Askı Yöntemi: Benign Prostat Hiperplazisi Tedavisinde Yeni Bir Minimal İnvaziv Tedavi Alternatifien_US
dc.title.alternativeThe Prostatic Urethral Lift Method: A New Minimally Invasive Modality as an Alternative in the Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasiaen_US
dc.typeReview Articleen_US


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