Norwegıan Scabıes In Elderly Dıabetıcpatıent : A Case Report
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Norveç uyuzu bir ektoparazit olan Sarcoptes scabiei'nin neden olduğu, yüksek bulaştırıcılığıolan bir enfeksiyondur. Klinik olarak birçok dermatozu taklit edebilir. Biz burada yaklaşık onyıldır şikayeti devam eden vücudunda yaygın ekskoriyasyonları ve palmoplantar hiperkeratozuolan 70 yaşında diyabetik bir erkek hasta sunuyoruz. Otuz yıldır olan diyabete bağlı oluşan periferik nöropati nedeniyle krutlu uyuz lezyonları kaşıntısız idi. Potasyum hidroksit ile alınan deriörnekleri mikroskobik incelemesinde çok sayıda uyuz akarları ve yumurtalarını saptandı. Birer haftalık Topikal% 5 permetrin krem tedavisi iki kür olarak hastaya olarak reçete edildi.
Norwegian scabies is a highly contagious skin infestation caused by the ectoparasite Sarcoptesscabiei, which mainly affects immunosupressed and geriatric individuals. Clinically, it may simulate various dermatoses. We report herein a 70 year old man with diabetes mellitus who developed palmoplantar hyperkeratosis, with widespread excoriation over the trunk and extremities.His complaints had been present for about ten years. The lesions were crusted scabies withabsence of itch sensation due to peripheral neuropathy and diabetes mellitus for 30 years.Microscopic examination of the skin scales with potassium hydroxide revealed numerous scabiesmites and eggs. Topical 5% permethrin cream therapy was prescribed as 2 treatments, witheach treatment applied once a week.
Norwegian scabies is a highly contagious skin infestation caused by the ectoparasite Sarcoptesscabiei, which mainly affects immunosupressed and geriatric individuals. Clinically, it may simulate various dermatoses. We report herein a 70 year old man with diabetes mellitus who developed palmoplantar hyperkeratosis, with widespread excoriation over the trunk and extremities.His complaints had been present for about ten years. The lesions were crusted scabies withabsence of itch sensation due to peripheral neuropathy and diabetes mellitus for 30 years.Microscopic examination of the skin scales with potassium hydroxide revealed numerous scabiesmites and eggs. Topical 5% permethrin cream therapy was prescribed as 2 treatments, witheach treatment applied once a week.
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