Çağdaş sanatta bedene yansıyan iz kavramı
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Cilt Başlığı
Düzce Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Değişen dünya, toplumsal yapılar, ekonomi, teknoloji, düşünceler ya da inançlar beden üzerinde egemenlik kurma çabasında olmuş ve varlıklarını belli ederek bedeni biçimlendirmişlerdir. Tarihsel süreçte yaşanan tüm gelişmeler sanat tarihine yansımış ve sanatın temel konusu olan beden farklı anlamlara ve biçimlere sokulmuştur. Sanat tarihi boyunca sanata konu olan beden imgeleri çağdaş sanat ile birlikte doğrudan sanatın malzemesi haline gelmiştir. Bedeni bir anlatım aracı olarak kullanmaya başlayan sanatçılar başkalarının ve kendi bedenleri üzerinde oluşturdukları, bedenin nesneler üzerinde oluşturduğu izlerle yaşadıklarını ya da toplumun yaşadıklarını ifade etmişlerdir. Çalışmada beden ve iz kavramı konulara ayrılmış ve konuyla ilgili çalışmalar incelenmiştir. Çalışmanın ilk bölümünde beden kavramına yer verilerek bedeni etkileyen kavramların bedeni biçimlendirmelerine ve beden üzerindeki izlerine değinilmiştir. Sonraki bölümde iz kavramından bahsedilerek bu kavram ile bedendeki izlerin görünürlüğü ele alınmıştır. Tezin ana bölümünde ise çağdaş sanatta ele alınan iz kavramı üzerinden bedende oluşan, oluşturulan izler, bedenin oluşturduğu izler ve bu izlerin çağdaş sanata yansımaları ele alınmıştır. Bu amaçla "bir şeyin geçtiği veya daha önce bulunduğu yerde bıraktığı belirti, bir şeyin dokunmasıyla geride kalan belirti, bir olay, bir durum veya yaşayıştan kalan belirti, eser, " anlamına gelen iz kavramından yola çıkılmış ve bunun yanı sıra süreç olarak da ele alınmıştır. Ayrıca çeşitli durumlar karşısında kişinin yaşamında, hafızasında bıraktığı izler ya da bir yere ait olmama, iz bırakmama, ötekileşme- yabansı olma durumları gibi süreçler de sanatçıların eserleriyle birlikte ele alınarak görsel sanatlar içinde yorumlanmıştır. Son olarak araştırma süresince gerçekleştirilen çalışmalar sunulmuş ve iz ile beden kavramı vurgulanmıştır. Anahtar Sözcükler: Beden, iz, çağdaş sanat, süreç
Changing World, social structures, economy, technology, thoughts or beliefs have been trying to dominate the body and shaped the body by revealing their existence. All developments in the historical process have been reflected in the history of art and the body, which is the main subject of art, has been put into different meaning and forms. Body images, which have been the subject of art throughout the history of art, have directly become the material of art with contemporary art. Artists who started to use the body as a means of expressions stated that what they lived or what society lived with trace which they created on their own bodies or on objects. In this study, the concept of body and trace divided into subject and studies about subject were examined. In the first chapter of this study the concepts of body is included. The concepts that affect the body to shape body and their traces on the body are included. Next chapter, by mentioning the concept of trace, the visibility of the trace on the body is discussed. In the main part of the thesis the traces formed on the body or formed by the body and the reflections of these traces on contemporary art have been discussed. Fort his purpose the concept of trace, which means the sign that something has passed or left in the place where it has been previously; sign left behind by the touch of something, or event, a situation or a sign from life, has been taken as a starting point and also considered as a process. Also in various situation, the traces left in a one's life, in his memory, or processes such as not belonging to a place, not leaving a trace, being the other, are discussed togather with the works of the artists and interpreted within the visual arts. Finally, the studies carried out during the research were presented and concept of trace and body was emphasized.
Changing World, social structures, economy, technology, thoughts or beliefs have been trying to dominate the body and shaped the body by revealing their existence. All developments in the historical process have been reflected in the history of art and the body, which is the main subject of art, has been put into different meaning and forms. Body images, which have been the subject of art throughout the history of art, have directly become the material of art with contemporary art. Artists who started to use the body as a means of expressions stated that what they lived or what society lived with trace which they created on their own bodies or on objects. In this study, the concept of body and trace divided into subject and studies about subject were examined. In the first chapter of this study the concepts of body is included. The concepts that affect the body to shape body and their traces on the body are included. Next chapter, by mentioning the concept of trace, the visibility of the trace on the body is discussed. In the main part of the thesis the traces formed on the body or formed by the body and the reflections of these traces on contemporary art have been discussed. Fort his purpose the concept of trace, which means the sign that something has passed or left in the place where it has been previously; sign left behind by the touch of something, or event, a situation or a sign from life, has been taken as a starting point and also considered as a process. Also in various situation, the traces left in a one's life, in his memory, or processes such as not belonging to a place, not leaving a trace, being the other, are discussed togather with the works of the artists and interpreted within the visual arts. Finally, the studies carried out during the research were presented and concept of trace and body was emphasized.
YÖK Tez No: 649013
Anahtar Kelimeler
Güzel Sanatlar, Fine Arts, Body, trace, contemporary art, process