Çeşitli tropik ve yerli ağaç türü öz odunlarının Türkiye denizlerindeki oyucu midyelere (Teredinidae ve Pholadidae) karşı doğal dayanıklılığı ve ekstraktifler ile kimyasal koruyucuların deniz suyunda yıkanma miktarının belirlenmesi
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Düzce Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmada, bazı tropik ve yerli ağaç türleri öz odunlarının Türkiye denizlerinde fouling ve boring organizmalara karşı doğal dayanıklılığı incelendi ve deniz suyunda ekstraktif maddelerin ve koruyucu kimyasal maddelerin yıkanma miktarları belirlendi.Afrormosia, Akajou, Azobe, Bilinga, Bubinga, Douka, Dousse, Iroko, Limba, Movingu, Okume, Ovengkol, Paduk, Sapelli, Wenge olmak üzere 15 tropik tür, yerli ağaç türlerimizden Ardıç, Ceviz, Dişbudak, Dut, Göknar, Gürgen, Karaağaç, Karaçam, Kayın, Kestane, Kızılağaç, Kiraz, Meşe, Sarıçam, Sedir, Servi, Y.Akasya, Zeytin olmak üzere 18 tür seçilmiştir. Numuneler bütün türlerin öz odun kısmından hazırlandı ve Türkiye denizlerinde (Karadeniz, Marmara denizi, Ege denizi ve Akdeniz) 6 ayrı limana yerleştirilerek, 12 aylık bir süre bekletildi.Deniz suyu içerisinde yıkanan element miktarlarını belirlemek için yapılan emprenye emprenye işlemi Sarıçam (Pinus sylvestris) kullanıldı. Sarıçam örnekleri halen odun koruma endüstrisinde kullanılan CCA, CCB ile emprenye edildi. Ayrıca krezot ve Tanalith E emprenye maddesi de kullanıldı.Deniz denemeleri sonucunda, Zeytin hariç diğer yerli ağaç türlerinde şiddetli bir tahribatın oluştuğu gözlenmiştir. Tropik ağaç türlerinde daha az tahribat miktarı gözlenmiştir. Tropik ağaç türlerinden Wenge, Douka, Paduk ve Azobe bu çalışmada en dayanıklı ağaç türleri olarak ortaya çıkmıştır. Limanlar bazında bakıldığında en yoğun tahribatın İskenderun ve Trabzon limanların da, en az tahribatın ise Alaçatı limanında olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ereğli, Bandırma ve Finike deney alanlarında orta derecede tahribat oluşmuştur.Odun örneklerine arız olan deniz delicileri (boring) ve fouling organizmaların baskınlık oranlarına göre değerlendiğinde; fouling organizmaları, %28 oranla en fazla İskenderun limanında, ikinci sırada ise Trabzon limanında (% 18)'lik oranla tespit edilmiştir. Boring organizmalar ise, % 42 ile İskenderun limanında, % 14 oranında ise Finike limanında rastlanmıştır. Teredo navalis ve Lyrodus pedicellatus organizmaları genel olarak her limanda tespit edilmiştir.Deneye tabi tutulan tropik ve yerli ağaç türlerindeki ekstraktif madde yıkanma miktarının limanlara, tropik ve yerli ağaç türü gurubuna ve her bir ağaç türünde farklı oranlarda olduğu tespit edildi. En fazla ekstraktif madde yıkanma oranı Trabzon ve İskendrun limanında, En az yıkanma ise, Alaçatı ve Finike limanında olduğu belirlendi.CCA ve CCB ile emprenye edilerek denizde bekletilen odun örneklerinde Cu ve Cr elementlerinde de önemli miktarlarda yıkanmalar olduğu gözlenmiştir. CCA ile emprenyeli odun örneklerinde genel olarak, Cr elementinin yıkanma miktarı Cu'a göre daha fazla olduğu tespit edildi. Emprenye maddeleri, limanlar bazında düşünüldüğünde en az yıkanma Bandırma limanında tespit edilmiştir
In this study, natural durability against fouling and boring organisms (teredinidae ve pholadidae) of some tropical and domestic tree species were investigated in Turkish seas and the amount of leaching extractives and chemical preservatives was determined.Tropical (Afrormosia, Akajou, Azobe, Bilinga, Bubinga, Douka, Dousse, Iroko, Limba, Movingu, Okume, Ovengkol, Paduk, Sapelli, Wenge) and domestic wood species (Juniper, Walnut, Mulberry, Elm, Blackpine, Chestnut, Oak, Cedar, Cypress, Acacia) were examined in this study. All specimens were prepared from the heartwood section of woods and were positioned in 6 ports in Turkish seas (Black sea, Marmora sea, Aegean sea and Mediterranean sea). The exposure time of specimens was 12 months. Natural durability of these samples were determined taking into account the sea temperature, salinity, and climate conditions. The effects of impregnation was also studied using Pinus sylvestris wood samples. These wood samples were impregnated with CCA, CCB, creosote and Tanalith ?E.The results on natural durability showed that domestic wood species are heavily destroyed compared to the tropical species and only exception was observed with the Olive wood. The most durable wood tropical wood species was Wenge.When the port were compared, the samples in İskenderun port was highly damaged. On the other hand, the least damage was observed in Alaçatı port. Regarding the fouling and boring organisms, fouling (28%) and boring (42%) organisms mostly observed in Iskendurun port. Teredo navalis ve Lyrodus pedicellatus was observed in all ports.The amount of extractives leaching differed depending on the ports and group of wood species. İn addition, it was varied for wood species. The most leaching was in Trabzon and Iskenderun. On the other hand, the least leaching was in Alacati and Finike.Examinations in CCA and CCB impregnated samples showed high amount of leaching of Cu and Cr. When CCA impregnated samples were compared, higher Cr leaching was observed compared to the Cu. Regarding the impregnated samples, the least leaching was observed in Bandirma port.
In this study, natural durability against fouling and boring organisms (teredinidae ve pholadidae) of some tropical and domestic tree species were investigated in Turkish seas and the amount of leaching extractives and chemical preservatives was determined.Tropical (Afrormosia, Akajou, Azobe, Bilinga, Bubinga, Douka, Dousse, Iroko, Limba, Movingu, Okume, Ovengkol, Paduk, Sapelli, Wenge) and domestic wood species (Juniper, Walnut, Mulberry, Elm, Blackpine, Chestnut, Oak, Cedar, Cypress, Acacia) were examined in this study. All specimens were prepared from the heartwood section of woods and were positioned in 6 ports in Turkish seas (Black sea, Marmora sea, Aegean sea and Mediterranean sea). The exposure time of specimens was 12 months. Natural durability of these samples were determined taking into account the sea temperature, salinity, and climate conditions. The effects of impregnation was also studied using Pinus sylvestris wood samples. These wood samples were impregnated with CCA, CCB, creosote and Tanalith ?E.The results on natural durability showed that domestic wood species are heavily destroyed compared to the tropical species and only exception was observed with the Olive wood. The most durable wood tropical wood species was Wenge.When the port were compared, the samples in İskenderun port was highly damaged. On the other hand, the least damage was observed in Alaçatı port. Regarding the fouling and boring organisms, fouling (28%) and boring (42%) organisms mostly observed in Iskendurun port. Teredo navalis ve Lyrodus pedicellatus was observed in all ports.The amount of extractives leaching differed depending on the ports and group of wood species. İn addition, it was varied for wood species. The most leaching was in Trabzon and Iskenderun. On the other hand, the least leaching was in Alacati and Finike.Examinations in CCA and CCB impregnated samples showed high amount of leaching of Cu and Cr. When CCA impregnated samples were compared, higher Cr leaching was observed compared to the Cu. Regarding the impregnated samples, the least leaching was observed in Bandirma port.
YÖK Tez No: 309214
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ağaç İşleri, Wood Products, Yerli ağaç türü, tropik ağaç türü, delici organizmalar, CCA, CCB, doğal dayanıklılık, öz odun, ekstraktif maddeler, Domestic tree species, tropical tree species, boring organisms, CCA, CCB, natural durability, heartwood, extractive materials