Amasya yöresindeki Gürcü köylerinin konuşma örnekleri
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Bu çalışmanın temel amacı Amasya'daki Gürcü köylerinde kullanılan Gürcü dilinin edebi Gürcü dilinden ne gibi kelime ve anlam değişikliklerine sahip olduğunu ve kültürel anlamda Amasya'daki Gürcü köylerinde hangi faaliyetlerin bitmiş veya devam etmekte olduğunu incelemek ve yazılı olarak ifade etmiş olmaktır. Amasya ili sınırları içerisinde 7 köyün Gürcü köyü olduğunu, içlerinden 2 köyün kısmen Gürcü nüfusa sahip olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Tezde anlatılan köylerin dışında kalan köylerle ilgili veriler ele alınmamıştır. Çalışmamıza köyde bulunan yaşlılarla röportajla başladık. Yapmış olduğumuz araştırmalar sonucunda edindiğimiz izlenime göre Gürcü dili birçok etken sebebiyle bazı kelime ve anlam değişikliklerine uğramıştır. Edebi Gürcü dili günümüzde çok sayıda kelimeyi dışardan almıştır. Amasya'da bulunan Gürcülerin konuştuğu Gürcücede, Türkçe, Arapça ve az sayıda Farsça kelime tespit edilmiştir. Ancak Amasyalı Gürcülerin konuşmalarından Türkçe kelimeler çıkartıldığında özgün bir Gürcüce ile karşılaşılmaktadır. Amasya Gürcülerinin günlük konuşmalarında ya da kelimelerde harf/ses değişiklikleri görülmüştür. Örnek verecek olursak 'modi'-gel kelimesi 'moy(moi)' olarak, 'Rogor khar?'- Nasılsın soru cümlesi 'Ravar khar?' olarak değişkenlik göstermiştir. Temel terimler aynı şekilde kalmıştır, ancak coğrafi etkenler veya ortam koşullarından dolayı bazı kelimeler kullanılmadıkları için gelecek nesillere aktarılamamıştır. Bu değişikliklerin yanı sıra şifreleme yöntemi için kullanılan bazı Gürcüce kelimelere rastlanmıştır. Resmi dilde bulunan ancak anlam olarak değişkenlik göstermiş ve kullanımı hâlâ bugün devam etmiş kelimeler bulunmaktadır. Bunlara örnek 'boloki'- turp ve 'tavtziteli' kızılbaş gibi kelimelerdir. Bu kelimelerin resmi dildeki anlamlarının dışında apayrı bir tabir ile hitap veya belirtme durumu gözlemlenmiştir. Göç ettikleri dönemden günümüze kadar ki kısımda dili sağlıklı bir şekilde bir iki köy ancak koruyabilmiştir. Korunmasının en büyük nedeni milli birlik ve beraberlik ortamını kaybetmemiş olmalarıdır. Bazı köylerin kısmen Türk kısmen Gürcü nüfusa sahip olmaları, dini hassasiyet ve beraberindeki asimile olma durumu, dil ve kültürün korunamamasının en başlıca sebeplerindendir. Kültür olarak bakıldığında Akyazı köyünün ilk dönemlerinde 'cibniguda(çiboni) yani tulum olsa da Gürcü halk oyunlarına hiçbir köyde rastlanmamış olup günümüzde Gürcü halk oyunları için kullanılan herhangi bir müzik aleti de hiçbir köyde bulunmamaktadır. Halk oyunları olarak yöresel oyunlar davul-zurna eşliğinde oynanmaktadır. Akrabalık bağları eskiye nazaran günümüzde daha çok dış evliliklerden dolayı kısmen zayıflamış olsa da bazı köylerde Gürcüler arası evlilik devam etmiştir. Bu durum da akrabalık bağlarını güçlü tutmaya ve kültürün korunmasına yardımcı olmuştur. Coğrafi isimler, bitki hayvan isimleri ve alet edevat isimleri resmi dildeki anlam ve kelime yapısıyla Amasya yöresindeki Gürcülerin kullandığı kelimelerin çoğu benzerlik göstermektedir. Ancak dilin saf yapısını muhafaza etmiş birkaç köyde eski dilde bilinen ama günümüzde nadir kullanılan kelimelere rastlanmıştır. Bir örnek verecek olursak 'koçikorvalai' – karabiber kelimesi resmi dilde 'şavipilpili' olarak kullanılmaktadır. Kelime yapıları, anlam değişiklikleri ve bir takım aktarılamayan kültürel faaliyetlerle beraber sanat alanında değişiklikler olmuş olsa da minyatür Açara'yı Amasya'daki Gürcü köylerinde çok net görebilmekteyiz. Hâlâ kaybolmayan anılar, milli duygularla bütünleşmiş milli birlik ve beraberliğin yanı sıra kültürel canlanmanın bugün Amasya topraklarındaki Gürcülerde devam ediyor olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Amasya, Gürcü köyleri, Coğrafi isimler, Kültürel faaliyetler, Açara.
The main purpose of this study is to examine the word and meaning changes of the official Georgian language in the Georgian villages of Amasya and to examine which activities are finished or ongoing in the Georgian villages of Amasya in a cultural sense and to express in writing. In total, I found out that 7 villages in the Amasya region were Georgian, and 2 of them have a partially Georgian population. And I started my work through an interview channel through the elderly citizens in the village. According to the information I gained as a result of my researches, the Georgian language has undergone some word and meaning changes due to many factors. In addition to the fact that the official Georgian language has received many foreign words, Turkish, Arabic and a small amount of Persian words have been observed in Georgian, which is spoken by Georgian immigrants in Amasya. However, when we listen to the speeches of Georgians from Amasya, when you remove the Turkish words, an original Georgian language is encountered. . Letter changes have been observed in the words spoken by Amasya Georgians. . For example, the word modi-come is used instead of moy (moi),and Rogor khar?-How are you? İs used instead of Ravar khar? varied as. The basic terms remained the same, but could not be passed on to future generations because some words were not used due to geographical factors or environmental conditions. . In addition to these changes, some Georgian words used for encryption method were found. There are words in the official language that have varied in meaning and are still in use today. Examples of these are the words Boloqi-Radish and Tavtziteli Kizilbash. Addressing or expressing these words with a completely different expression apart from their meanings in the official language has been observed. Only one or two villages have been able to preserve the language in a healthy way from the period they migrated to today. The biggest reason for its protection is that they have not lost the atmosphere of national unity and solidarity. Some of the villages have half Turkish and half Georgian population, religious sensitivity and their assimilation status are the main reasons why language and culture cannot be preserved. In terms of culture, although there was Cibniguda (chibony) instrument player in the old times of Akyazı village, Georgian folk dances culture was not encountered in any village and today there is no instrument used for Georgian folk dances in any village. As a game culture, local games are played with drum and zurna. Although kinship ties have been partially weakened due to external marriages today compared to the past, marriage between Georgians continued in some villages. In this case, it helped to keep kinship ties strong and preserve the culture. Geographical names, plant animal names and tool names show similarities with the meaning and word structure in the official language and most of the words used by Georgians in Amasya region. However, in a few villages that preserved the pure structure of the language, words that were known in the old language but rarely used today have been found. To give an example, kochikorvalai - Black pepper word is used as Shavipilpili in official language. Although there have been changes in the field of art with word structures, changes in meaning and some inaccessible cultural activities, we can clearly see the miniature Adjara in Georgian villages in Amasya. It has been observed that the memories that are still not lost, national unity and solidarity integrated with national feelings, as well as cultural revival continues today in Georgians in Amasya. Keywords: Amasya, Georgian villages, Geographic names, Cultural activities, Adjara.
The main purpose of this study is to examine the word and meaning changes of the official Georgian language in the Georgian villages of Amasya and to examine which activities are finished or ongoing in the Georgian villages of Amasya in a cultural sense and to express in writing. In total, I found out that 7 villages in the Amasya region were Georgian, and 2 of them have a partially Georgian population. And I started my work through an interview channel through the elderly citizens in the village. According to the information I gained as a result of my researches, the Georgian language has undergone some word and meaning changes due to many factors. In addition to the fact that the official Georgian language has received many foreign words, Turkish, Arabic and a small amount of Persian words have been observed in Georgian, which is spoken by Georgian immigrants in Amasya. However, when we listen to the speeches of Georgians from Amasya, when you remove the Turkish words, an original Georgian language is encountered. . Letter changes have been observed in the words spoken by Amasya Georgians. . For example, the word modi-come is used instead of moy (moi),and Rogor khar?-How are you? İs used instead of Ravar khar? varied as. The basic terms remained the same, but could not be passed on to future generations because some words were not used due to geographical factors or environmental conditions. . In addition to these changes, some Georgian words used for encryption method were found. There are words in the official language that have varied in meaning and are still in use today. Examples of these are the words Boloqi-Radish and Tavtziteli Kizilbash. Addressing or expressing these words with a completely different expression apart from their meanings in the official language has been observed. Only one or two villages have been able to preserve the language in a healthy way from the period they migrated to today. The biggest reason for its protection is that they have not lost the atmosphere of national unity and solidarity. Some of the villages have half Turkish and half Georgian population, religious sensitivity and their assimilation status are the main reasons why language and culture cannot be preserved. In terms of culture, although there was Cibniguda (chibony) instrument player in the old times of Akyazı village, Georgian folk dances culture was not encountered in any village and today there is no instrument used for Georgian folk dances in any village. As a game culture, local games are played with drum and zurna. Although kinship ties have been partially weakened due to external marriages today compared to the past, marriage between Georgians continued in some villages. In this case, it helped to keep kinship ties strong and preserve the culture. Geographical names, plant animal names and tool names show similarities with the meaning and word structure in the official language and most of the words used by Georgians in Amasya region. However, in a few villages that preserved the pure structure of the language, words that were known in the old language but rarely used today have been found. To give an example, kochikorvalai - Black pepper word is used as Shavipilpili in official language. Although there have been changes in the field of art with word structures, changes in meaning and some inaccessible cultural activities, we can clearly see the miniature Adjara in Georgian villages in Amasya. It has been observed that the memories that are still not lost, national unity and solidarity integrated with national feelings, as well as cultural revival continues today in Georgians in Amasya. Keywords: Amasya, Georgian villages, Geographic names, Cultural activities, Adjara.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Amasya, Gürcü köyleri, Coğrafi isimler, Kültürel faaliyetler, Açara., Amasya, Georgian villages, Geographic names, Cultural activities, Adjara., Dilbilim, Linguistics