Göğüs hastalıkları servisinde izlenen 90 yaş ve üzeri geriatrik hastaların değerlendirilmesi
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Göğüs hastalıkları servisinde izlenen 90 yaş ve üzeri geriatrik hastaların değerlendirilmesi Giriş: Ülkemizde geriatri kliniklerinin say ıs ın ın az olması nedeniyle birçok merkezde gö ğüs hastalıkları uzmanları bu hasta grubunungr tan ı, ta k ip ve te davisin de önem li ro l oynama k ta dır. Bu ça lışma da gö ğüs h asta lıkları servislerin de yatırılara k izlenen 90 ya ş ve üzeriş geriatrik hastaların akciğer hastalıkların seyrini ara ştırmak amaçlanm ıştır. Materyal ve Metod: Ocak 2010-Aralık 2012 tarihleri arasında üç yıl süresince Düzce Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi ve Düzce Atatürke Devlet Hastanesi Gö ğüs Hasta lıkları servislerin de yatırılan 90 ya ş ve üzeri geriatrik h asta ların dosya ları retrospe k tif o lara k in c e len di.nc B ulgular: Ça lışmam ızda de ğerlen dirilen ya ş orta lama ları 93.3 3.9 olan 52 geriatrik hastan ın 30 (%57.7)u ka dın, 22 (%% 42.3)si % erke kti. En fazla yatışın pnömoni ne den li o ldu ğu gözlen di (%65.4). Pnömoni o lgu larına en sık h ipertansiyon e k h asta lık o la ra k e şlika etme kteydi (%51.6). Hipertansiyon dan sonra sırasıyla dia b etes me llitus ve konjestif ka lp yetmezliği e ş lik etme kteydi. Tüm h a sta larınha %80.8inde e şlik eden en az bir ek hastalık mevcuttu. Tüm hastaların mortalite oran ı %17.3 idi. Sonu ç : Doksan ya ş ve üzeri geriatrik hastalıklarda gö ğüs hastalıkları servislerine en sık yatırılma nedeni pnömoni ve en s ık e şlik edene ş e k h asta lık da hipertansiyon o lara k saptan dı. Hasta ların ço ğu şifayla ta b urcu e dile b ilmiştir. Do lay ısıyla, 90 ya ş ve üzeri olgu larda ilerilatetkik ve tedavi yöntemlerinin uygulanması gerektiğidüşünülmektedir.
Introductio n : Since th e num b er of geriatric clinics in our country is ina dequate, Chest ph ysicians play a very important ro le in diagnosis, follow-up and treatment of that group of patients in many centers. In this study, 90 years and older geriatric patients hospitalized in pgygggpulmonolo gy services was investigated re garding course of disease.ildhdMater ials and Methods: Ninety years and older geriatric patients hospitalized in Pulmonology Department of Duzce University and Ninety years an d older geriatric patients h ospitalized in Pulmonology Department of Duzce University an d Duzce Ataturk State Hospital was retrospectively analyzed durin g th ree-year period between January 2010 an d December 2012. Results: Th irty (57.7%) out of 52 patients was women. Th e mean a ge was 93.3 ± 3.9. Th e most common cause of admission was ppneumonia (65.4%). Hypertension was th e most common concomitant disease (51.6%). Diabetes me llitus, con gestive h eart failure twas oth er most common concomitant disease, res pectively. 80.8% of all patients was accom panied by at least one concomitan t disease. All patients h a d a morta lity rate of 17.3% . Conclusion: Th e most common cause of admission an d concomitant disease in 90 years an d older geriatric patients was pneumonia and hypertension respectively. Most of the patients discharged from hospital. Further examination and treatment in patients over the a ge of 90 sh ould be implemented.
Introductio n : Since th e num b er of geriatric clinics in our country is ina dequate, Chest ph ysicians play a very important ro le in diagnosis, follow-up and treatment of that group of patients in many centers. In this study, 90 years and older geriatric patients hospitalized in pgygggpulmonolo gy services was investigated re garding course of disease.ildhdMater ials and Methods: Ninety years and older geriatric patients hospitalized in Pulmonology Department of Duzce University and Ninety years an d older geriatric patients h ospitalized in Pulmonology Department of Duzce University an d Duzce Ataturk State Hospital was retrospectively analyzed durin g th ree-year period between January 2010 an d December 2012. Results: Th irty (57.7%) out of 52 patients was women. Th e mean a ge was 93.3 ± 3.9. Th e most common cause of admission was ppneumonia (65.4%). Hypertension was th e most common concomitant disease (51.6%). Diabetes me llitus, con gestive h eart failure twas oth er most common concomitant disease, res pectively. 80.8% of all patients was accom panied by at least one concomitan t disease. All patients h a d a morta lity rate of 17.3% . Conclusion: Th e most common cause of admission an d concomitant disease in 90 years an d older geriatric patients was pneumonia and hypertension respectively. Most of the patients discharged from hospital. Further examination and treatment in patients over the a ge of 90 sh ould be implemented.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kulak, Burun, Boğaz, Solunum Sistemi
Tüberküloz ve Toraks
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