Düzce şehir ormanı makrofungusları
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Düzce Üniversitesi
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Orman makrofungal toplumların çeşitliliği farklı işletme uygulamalarıyla kuvvetli bir etkileşim halindedir. Düzce Şehir Ormanı, 1974 yılından önce doğal meşe ormanı iken, sonra sahil çamı (Pinus pinaster) plantasyonu olarak tesis edilmiştir. Bu çalışma 2017 ve 2018 yılları arasında Düzce Şehir Ormanından periyodik olarak toplanan makrofungus örnekleri üzerinde yapılmıştır. Arazi ve laboratuvar çalışmalarının sonucu olarak Basidiomycota bölümünde 28 familyaya ait 60 takson rapor edilmiştir. Tüm taksonlar habitat bilgileri, coğrafik konum, yükseklik, lokalite, etnomikolojik veriler, toplama tarihi ve numaraları ile birlikte listelenmiştir. Bunlardan 28'i yenilebilir, 20'si yenilemeyen ve 12 tanesi ise zehirli tür olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Belirlenen türlerden Lepiota cortinarius J.E.Lange ülkemiz için ilk kez kayıt edilmiştir.
Diversity of forest macrofungal communities have been strongly influenced by different management approaches. While Düzce Urban Forest was a naturally oak forest in 1974, then it was converted to a pine plantation area by planting the maritime pine (Pinus pinaster). This study was based on the macrofungi species periodically collected from Düzce Urban Forest (Düzce) between 2017 and 2018. According to field and laboratory studies, 60 taxa belonging to 28 families of Basidiomycota division were reported. All taxa were listed together with their habitats, altitudes, localities, ethno-mycological data, collection dates, and accession numbers. Of this fungi species 28, 20 and 12 species were listed as edible, inedible and poisonous respectively. Among the identified macrofungi species, Lepiota cortinarius J.E. Lange was identified for the first time in Turkey.
Diversity of forest macrofungal communities have been strongly influenced by different management approaches. While Düzce Urban Forest was a naturally oak forest in 1974, then it was converted to a pine plantation area by planting the maritime pine (Pinus pinaster). This study was based on the macrofungi species periodically collected from Düzce Urban Forest (Düzce) between 2017 and 2018. According to field and laboratory studies, 60 taxa belonging to 28 families of Basidiomycota division were reported. All taxa were listed together with their habitats, altitudes, localities, ethno-mycological data, collection dates, and accession numbers. Of this fungi species 28, 20 and 12 species were listed as edible, inedible and poisonous respectively. Among the identified macrofungi species, Lepiota cortinarius J.E. Lange was identified for the first time in Turkey.
YÖK Tez No: 562013
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ormancılık ve Orman Mühendisliği, Forestry and Forest Engineering