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Silindirik çelik sıvı tankları; su, petrol ve endüstriyel kimyasallar gibi çeşitli sıvıları depolamak için yaygın olarakkullanılmaktadırlar. Ayrıca son yıllarda nükleer enerji santrallerinde soğutma amaçlı kullanımları yaygınlaşmaktadır. Çelik sıvıtanklarındaki petrol veya diğer tehlikeli kimyasallar, deprem esnasında oluşan hasarlar sebebi ile büyük finansal ve çevreselzarara neden olabilmektedirler. Önemli mühendislik yapıları olan bu tankların, doğal titreşim periyotları 0,1 sn.- 0,5 sn.aralığındadır. Bu kısa periyotta meydana gelen maksimum deprem enerjisinden dolayı tanklarda hasarlar oluşabilir. Bu çalışmaiçin, silindirik çelik tanklardaki deformasyonlar, burkulmalar çok kısa sürede meydana geldiği için 0,22 saniyelik El-Centrodeprem kaydı kullanılmıştır. Bununla birlikte, yıkıcı ve kısa süreli kuvvetler altında yapıların dinamik analizinde ANSYSWorkbench “Explicit Dynamics” aracı çok iyi sonuçlar ürettiğinden, seçilen bu süre ve deprem verisi, doğrusal olmayan analiziçin ideal olmuştur. Su ve tank duvarı arasındaki etkileşimi sağlamak için suyun modellenmesinde, “Eulerian Body” ağ tekniği,“Explicit Dynamics” aracında tercih edilmiştir. Analizde üstü-açık tank modeli, üstü-konik model ve üstü-kubbe şeklindekapatılan model kullanılmış ve üç farklı cidar kalınlığı için analizler tekrar edilmiştir. Tank cidar kalınlığına ve tankın kapakşekline bağlı olarak, meydana gelen deformasyon ve burkulmaların sebepleri irdelenmiştir. Analiz sonucunda, silindirik çeliksıvı tanklarının kubbe şeklinde kapatılmasının deformasyonları ve burkulmaları azalttığı görülmüştür.
Cylindrical steel tanks are widely used to store variety liquids such as water, petroleum, and industrial chemicals. They also have been becoming widespread for cooling in nuclear power plants last years. Steel liquid tanks can be exposed during earthquakes and also they can cause great financial and environmental damage with their containing petroleum or other hazardous chemical liquid. The natural vibration periods of these tanks, which are important engineering works, are in the range of 0,1 s - 0,5 s. If there is no mechanism to absorption the maximum earthquake energy that occurs in this short period, the tank will resonate and damage will occur. For this study, deformations in cylindrical steel tanks were used for earthquake recording of 0.22 seconds since buckling occurred in a very short period. In addition, this time and earthquake values are ideal for nonlinear analysis because ANSYS Workbench “Explicit Dynamics” tool provides very good results in the dynamic analysis of structures under destructive and short-term forces. In order to provide the interaction between the water and the tank wall, the "Eulerian Body" mesh technique is preferred in “Explicit Dynamics” model. In the analysis, an open-top tank model, a conical model and a torisperical closed model were used and the analyzes were repeated for three different tank wall thicknesses. Depending on the shell thickness of the tank and the shape of the tank roof, the causes of deformation and buckling were examined. As a result of the analysis, it was seen that torispherical closing of the cylindrical steel liquid tanks reduced deformation and buckling.
Cylindrical steel tanks are widely used to store variety liquids such as water, petroleum, and industrial chemicals. They also have been becoming widespread for cooling in nuclear power plants last years. Steel liquid tanks can be exposed during earthquakes and also they can cause great financial and environmental damage with their containing petroleum or other hazardous chemical liquid. The natural vibration periods of these tanks, which are important engineering works, are in the range of 0,1 s - 0,5 s. If there is no mechanism to absorption the maximum earthquake energy that occurs in this short period, the tank will resonate and damage will occur. For this study, deformations in cylindrical steel tanks were used for earthquake recording of 0.22 seconds since buckling occurred in a very short period. In addition, this time and earthquake values are ideal for nonlinear analysis because ANSYS Workbench “Explicit Dynamics” tool provides very good results in the dynamic analysis of structures under destructive and short-term forces. In order to provide the interaction between the water and the tank wall, the "Eulerian Body" mesh technique is preferred in “Explicit Dynamics” model. In the analysis, an open-top tank model, a conical model and a torisperical closed model were used and the analyzes were repeated for three different tank wall thicknesses. Depending on the shell thickness of the tank and the shape of the tank roof, the causes of deformation and buckling were examined. As a result of the analysis, it was seen that torispherical closing of the cylindrical steel liquid tanks reduced deformation and buckling.
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