Âhiret Kelimesinin Kavramsal Analizi, Kur'an'da Âhiret Hayatı ve Âhirete İman
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Âhiret kelimesi, Kur'anın temel kavramlarından biridir. Dünyevi anlam boyutu yanında, öteki dünya ve inanca yönelik anlamları ile öne çıkmaktadır. Âhiret kelimesi Kur'an'da 116 yerde müennes (âhiret (?????) formunda yirmi altı yerde ise müzekker (âhir (????????) formunda el-yevm kelimesine sıfat olarak kullanılmıştır. Kur'an'da âhiret ile eşanlamlı olan kelimelerin yanı sıra zıt anlamlı olan kelimelerde kullanılmıştır. Âhiret, öteki dünya anlamında ölümle başlayan sonsuz ve ebedî bir hayattır. İnsanın dünyadaki söz ve elemlerinin sorulacağı ve karşılık bulacağı bir hayattır. Âhiret, farklı evreleri olan, şartları ve özellikleri ile dünyadan farklı bir âlemdir. Âhiret; ölüm, berzâh, kıyâmet, haşr-mahşer, hesap, sırat, cennet-cehennem aşamalarından oluşur. Âhiret, insanın dünyada söz ve eylemlerinin sorgulanacağı, iman ve iyi amelleri olanın ödül (cennet), inkâr ve kötü amelleri olanın ceza göreceği (cehennem) bir âlemdir. Kur'an, âhireti bir iman ilkesi olarak ele almış, ağırlıklı olarak Allah'a iman ilkesi ile birlikte konu etmiştir. Âhirete iman, ğaybi bir konudur. Kur'an bu konuyu, iman ilkesi yanında dünyada yaşanan bir takım tabiat olayları ile de aklî bir zeminde konu etmiştir.
The word afterlife (ahiret) is one of the basic concepts of the Qur'an. In addition to its earthly meaning, it stands out with its otherworldly and faith-related meanings. In the Qur'an, the word âhiret is used as an adjective to the word al-yawm in 116 places in the form of feminine (?hirat-?????) and in twenty-six places in the form of masculine (?hir-????????). The Qur'an uses words synonymous with the afterlife as well as words that are antonyms. The Afterlife is an eternal and everlasting life that begins with death in the sense of the next world. It is a life in which people will be asked about their words and sorrows in this world and will be rewarded. The Afterlife is a world with different stages, conditions and characteristics. The Afterlife consists of the stages of death, the berz?h, the doomsday, gathering-hum/sunny, the judgment, the account, the queue, and heaven and hell. The Hereafter is a realm where people's words and deeds in this world will be questioned and those with faith and good deeds will be rewarded (paradise) and those with disbelief and bad deeds will be punished (hell). The Qur'an has dealt with the Afterlife as a principle of faith, mainly in conjunction with the principle of faith in God. Belief in the Afterlife is a matter of the unseen. In addition to the principle of faith, the Qur'an has also addressed this issue on a rational basis through some natural phenomena in the world.
The word afterlife (ahiret) is one of the basic concepts of the Qur'an. In addition to its earthly meaning, it stands out with its otherworldly and faith-related meanings. In the Qur'an, the word âhiret is used as an adjective to the word al-yawm in 116 places in the form of feminine (?hirat-?????) and in twenty-six places in the form of masculine (?hir-????????). The Qur'an uses words synonymous with the afterlife as well as words that are antonyms. The Afterlife is an eternal and everlasting life that begins with death in the sense of the next world. It is a life in which people will be asked about their words and sorrows in this world and will be rewarded. The Afterlife is a world with different stages, conditions and characteristics. The Afterlife consists of the stages of death, the berz?h, the doomsday, gathering-hum/sunny, the judgment, the account, the queue, and heaven and hell. The Hereafter is a realm where people's words and deeds in this world will be questioned and those with faith and good deeds will be rewarded (paradise) and those with disbelief and bad deeds will be punished (hell). The Qur'an has dealt with the Afterlife as a principle of faith, mainly in conjunction with the principle of faith in God. Belief in the Afterlife is a matter of the unseen. In addition to the principle of faith, the Qur'an has also addressed this issue on a rational basis through some natural phenomena in the world.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kelâm, Kur, Âhiret, Dünya, Kıyâmet, İman, Kalam, Qur, Afterlife, World, Doomsday, Belief
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