Cırculus arterıosus cerebrı oluşumu ve morfometrik özelliklerinin radyolojik yöntemlerle araştırılması
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Düzce Üniversitesi
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Circulus arteriosus cerebri, arteria carotis interna'nın tıkanıklığı/darlığı durumunda yeterli serebral kan akışını sağlayan önemli bir arteriyel halkadır. Willis poligonunun yapısının ve varyasyonlarının bilinmesi, cerrahi girişimler ve vasküler hastalıkların anlaşılması için önemlidir. Çalışmamız patolojik öyküsü olmayan 46 erkek ve 65 kadın toplam 111 hastanın, 3D-TOF-MRA yöntemi ile oluşturulan görüntüleri üzerinde gerçekleştirildi. Willis poligonları incelenerek varyasyon modelleri belirlendi. Willis poligonunu oluşturan arterlerin çapları ölçüldü. Ayrıca arteria carotis interna'nın canalis caroticus'ta yaptığı kavisin çapı ile arterin çapı ölçülerek birbirine oranlandı. Willis poligonunun ön bölümünde en sık rastladığımız model, %27 ile arteria communicans anterior yokluğu idi. Poligonun arka bölümünde ise en sık rastladığımız model, % 65 ile arteria communicans posterior yokluğu idi. Willis poligonunun tam olduğu hasta sayısı ise 4 idi. Çalışmamızda tespit edilen varyasyon tiplerinin kadın/erkek ve sağ/sol arasında farklı olmadığını belirledik (p>0.05). Poligonu oluşturan arterlerin çaplarının da kadın/erkek ve sağ/sol arasında farklı olmadığını belirledik (p>0.05). Arteria carotis interna'nın ile arterin çapı arasındaki oranın, cinsiyet ve taraflar arasında farklı olmadığını belirledik (p>0.05). Sağ arteria carotis interna çaplarının erkek ve kadınlarda istatistiksel olarak farklı olduğunu belirledik (p<0.05). Yine sol arteria communicans posterior çapları bakımından kadın ve erkeklerde istatistik olarak anlamlı fark olduğunu belirledik (p<0.05). Bu durum beyin hemisferlerinin kan dolaşımında, bir asimetri olduğunu göstermektedir. Bunun ayrıca lateralizasyona işaret edip etmediğini belirlemeye yönelik farklı çalışmalar yapılması gerektiğini düşünüyoruz. Ayrıca tespit ettiğimiz varyasyon tipleri ile sıklığının, bu bölgede yapılacak başka çalışma ve girişimlere faydalı bilgiler sağladığını ve Willis poligonu varyasyonlarının, diğer radyolojik görüntüleme yöntemleri ile de belirlendiği farklı çalışmalar yapılması gerektiğini düşünüyoruz.
Circulus arteriosus cerebri is an important arterial ring that provides adequate cerebral blood flow in case of occlusion/stenosis of the arteria carotis interna. Knowing the structure and variations of the Willis polygon is important for understanding surgical interventions and vascular diseases. Our study was carried out on images created by 3D-TOF-MRA method of a total of 111 patients, 46 men and 65 women, without a pathological history. Variation models were determined by examining Willis polygons. The diameters of the arteries forming the Willis polygon were measured. In addition, the diameter of the arc made by the arteria carotis interna in the canalis caroticus and the diameter of the artery were measured and proportioned. The most common pattern in the anterior part of the Willis polygon was the absence of arteria communicans anterior with a rate of 27%. In the posterior part of the polygon, the most common pattern was the absence of arteria communicans posterior with 65%. The number of patients with a complete Willis polygon was 4. We determined that the variation types detected in our study were not different between female/male genders and right/left sides (p>0.05). We also determined that the diameters of the arteries forming the polygon were not different between female/male genders and right/left sides (p>0.05). We determined that the ratio between arteria carotis interna and the diameter of the artery was not different between genders and sides (p>0.05). We determined that the diameters of the right arteria carotis interna were statistically different between men and women (p<0.05). Also, we determined that there was a statistically significant difference between men and women in terms of left arteria communicans posterior diameters (p<0.05). This shows that there is an asymmetry in the blood circulation of the cerebral hemispheres. We think that, different studies should be conducted to determine whether this also indicates lateralization. In addition, we think that the variation types and frequency we detected, provide useful information for other studies and interventions in this region, and different studies should be conducted to determine the Willis polygon variations comparing with other radiological imaging methods.
Circulus arteriosus cerebri is an important arterial ring that provides adequate cerebral blood flow in case of occlusion/stenosis of the arteria carotis interna. Knowing the structure and variations of the Willis polygon is important for understanding surgical interventions and vascular diseases. Our study was carried out on images created by 3D-TOF-MRA method of a total of 111 patients, 46 men and 65 women, without a pathological history. Variation models were determined by examining Willis polygons. The diameters of the arteries forming the Willis polygon were measured. In addition, the diameter of the arc made by the arteria carotis interna in the canalis caroticus and the diameter of the artery were measured and proportioned. The most common pattern in the anterior part of the Willis polygon was the absence of arteria communicans anterior with a rate of 27%. In the posterior part of the polygon, the most common pattern was the absence of arteria communicans posterior with 65%. The number of patients with a complete Willis polygon was 4. We determined that the variation types detected in our study were not different between female/male genders and right/left sides (p>0.05). We also determined that the diameters of the arteries forming the polygon were not different between female/male genders and right/left sides (p>0.05). We determined that the ratio between arteria carotis interna and the diameter of the artery was not different between genders and sides (p>0.05). We determined that the diameters of the right arteria carotis interna were statistically different between men and women (p<0.05). Also, we determined that there was a statistically significant difference between men and women in terms of left arteria communicans posterior diameters (p<0.05). This shows that there is an asymmetry in the blood circulation of the cerebral hemispheres. We think that, different studies should be conducted to determine whether this also indicates lateralization. In addition, we think that the variation types and frequency we detected, provide useful information for other studies and interventions in this region, and different studies should be conducted to determine the Willis polygon variations comparing with other radiological imaging methods.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Anatomi, Anatomy