Farklı arazi kullanım yoğunluğundaki iki havzanın su verimi ve kalitesinin araştırılması
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Düzce Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
İstanbul'un su ihtiyacını karşılayan Büyük Melen Nehri, tarımsal faaliyetlerde kullanılan gübrelerden dolayı noktasal olmayan kaynak kirliliğinden etkilenmektedir. Tarımsal faaliyetler içerisinde de fındık yetiştiriciliği önde gelmektedir. Çalışmada alt havza bazında arazi kullanımının su verimi ve kalitesine etkisi araştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla arazi kullanım (tarım, orman) yoğunlukları farklı olan bitişik iki alt havzada iki yıl boyunca yağış, akım ve su kalitesi parametreleri ölçülmüştür. İki alt havzada su kalitesi ölçümleri yerleşim yerlerinden önce ve sonra olmak üzere iki ayrı noktada yapılarak yerleşim yerlerinin su kalitesine etkisi de araştırılmıştır. Su kalitesi bakımından havzalar ve ölçüm noktaları karşılaştırılmıştır. Ormanlık havza ve tarım havzasının iki yıllık toplam su verimi 867,5 mm ve 654,9 mm olarak bulunmuştur. Çalışma süresince yapılan ölçümlere göre, tarım yoğun havzanın ortalama elektriksel iletkenlik (Eİ), bulanıklık, toplam askıda katı madde (TAKM), toplam azot (TN), klor, nitrat, sülfat, magnezyum ve kalsiyum değerleri, ormanlık havzaya göre anlamlı olarak yüksek bulunurken ortalama çözünmüş oksijen (ÇO) değeri düşük bulunmuştur. Ortalama pH, toplam organik karbon (TOC), flor, brom, nitrit, fosfat, amonyum, sodyum ve potasyum değerleri bakımından havzalar arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark bulunamamıştır. İki havzanın da yerleşim yerlerinden sonra ölçülen ortalama Eİ, klor, fosfat, sodyum, potasyum, kalsiyum değerleri, yerleşim yerlerinden önceki değerlerden anlamlı olarak yüksek bulunmuştur. Ormanlık havzanın ortalama pH ve ÇO değerleri yerleşim yerlerinden önce, ortalama TAKM, sülfat ve magnezyum değerleri ise yerleşim yerlerinden sonra anlamlı olarak yüksek bulunmuş olup iki nokta arasında bulanıklık, TOC, TN, flor, nitrit, brom, nitrat ve amonyum bakımından anlamlı fark bulunamamıştır. Tarım havzasının ortalama ÇO ve TAKM değerleri yerleşim yerlerinden önce, TN, nitrit ve amonyum değerleri ise yerleşim yerlerinden sonra anlamlı olarak yüksek bulunmuş olup noktalar arasında pH, bulanıklık, TOC, flor, brom, nitrat, sülfat ve magnezyum bakımından anlamlı fark bulunamamıştır.
The Big Melen River that supplies İstanbul's water is affected by nonpoint source pollution due to fertilizer use in agricultural activities. Hazelnut production is the largest among the agricultural activities. This study investigated the effects of land use on water quality and yield at the subwatershed level. For this purpose, precipitation, discharge and water quality parameters were measured for two years in two adjacent subwatersheds that have different forest and agricultural (hazelnut) land uses areas. To investigate the effects of settlements on water quality the parameters were measured at two different locations of subwatersheds: one on upper watershed before settlements and the other on the lower watershed after settlements. Subwatersheds and measurement locations were compared in terms of water quality. The two-year total water yield of the forested and agricultural watershed was found to be 867,5 and 654,9 mm. During the study period, the average electrical conductivity (EC), turbidity, total suspended solids (TSS), total nitrogen (TN), chlorine, nitrate, sulphate, magnesium and calcium values were found to be significantly higher in the agricultural subwatershed while average dissolved oxygen (DO) value was found to be lower in comparison to the forested subwatershed. No significant differences were found for pH, total organic carbon (TOC), fluorine, bromine, nitrite, phosphate, ammonium, sodium, potassium values between the subwatersheds. Average EC, chlorine, phosphate, sodium, potassium, calcium values measured after the settlements location of both subwatersheds were found to be significantly higher than those values measured before the settlements location. For the forested subwatershed average pH and DO values measured before the settlements location and average TSS, sulphate, magnesium values measured after the settlements location were found to be significantly higher and no significant differences were found for turbidity, TOC, TN, fluorine, nitrite, bromine, nitrate, ammonium between two locations. For the agricultural subwatershed average DO and TSS values measured before the settlements location and average TN, nitrite and ammonium values were found to be higher at after the settlements location and no significant differences were found for pH, turbidity, TOC, fluorine, bromine,nitrate, sulphate and magnesium between two locations.
The Big Melen River that supplies İstanbul's water is affected by nonpoint source pollution due to fertilizer use in agricultural activities. Hazelnut production is the largest among the agricultural activities. This study investigated the effects of land use on water quality and yield at the subwatershed level. For this purpose, precipitation, discharge and water quality parameters were measured for two years in two adjacent subwatersheds that have different forest and agricultural (hazelnut) land uses areas. To investigate the effects of settlements on water quality the parameters were measured at two different locations of subwatersheds: one on upper watershed before settlements and the other on the lower watershed after settlements. Subwatersheds and measurement locations were compared in terms of water quality. The two-year total water yield of the forested and agricultural watershed was found to be 867,5 and 654,9 mm. During the study period, the average electrical conductivity (EC), turbidity, total suspended solids (TSS), total nitrogen (TN), chlorine, nitrate, sulphate, magnesium and calcium values were found to be significantly higher in the agricultural subwatershed while average dissolved oxygen (DO) value was found to be lower in comparison to the forested subwatershed. No significant differences were found for pH, total organic carbon (TOC), fluorine, bromine, nitrite, phosphate, ammonium, sodium, potassium values between the subwatersheds. Average EC, chlorine, phosphate, sodium, potassium, calcium values measured after the settlements location of both subwatersheds were found to be significantly higher than those values measured before the settlements location. For the forested subwatershed average pH and DO values measured before the settlements location and average TSS, sulphate, magnesium values measured after the settlements location were found to be significantly higher and no significant differences were found for turbidity, TOC, TN, fluorine, nitrite, bromine, nitrate, ammonium between two locations. For the agricultural subwatershed average DO and TSS values measured before the settlements location and average TN, nitrite and ammonium values were found to be higher at after the settlements location and no significant differences were found for pH, turbidity, TOC, fluorine, bromine,nitrate, sulphate and magnesium between two locations.
YÖK Tez No: 480597
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ormancılık ve Orman Mühendisliği, Forestry and Forest Engineering, Arazi kullanımı, Land use, Su kalitesi, Water quality, Su verimi, Water yield