Diyarbakır’da Yeni Saptanan Anıt Kestane (Castane sativa Mill.) Ağacı
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Düzce Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışma ile ülkemizin Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesi’nde anıt ağaç özelliklerini taşıyan ve tarihe tanıklık eden anıt kestane (Castanea sativa Mill.) ağacı saptanarak, bu türün varlığına dair yeni veriler kayıt edilmiştir. Bu anıt ağaç, Diyarbakır İli, Kulp İlçesi, İslamköy, Hor Deresi mevkiindedir. Araştırma alanında yapılan boyutsal ölçümlerde çevresi 945 cm, çapı 301 cm ve boyu 16 m olarak tespit edilmiştir. Tespit edilen Anıt ağaç özelliğine sahip bu kestane ağacı, ilgili kurumlarca bir an önce koruma altına alınması ve bakım çalışmalarının bir an önce yapılması gerektiği sonucuna varılmıştır. Bu araştırma ile bölgedeki bitkisel biyolojik çeşitlilik çalışmalarına da katkıda bulunulmuştur.
With this study, the monumental chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) tree, which bears the characteristics of a monumental tree and witnesses the history in the Southeastern Anatolia Region of our country, has been determined and new data on the existence of this species have been recorded. This monumental tree is located in Diyarbakir Province, Kulp District, Islamköy, Hor Stream. In the dimensional measurements made in the research area, it was measured as 945 cm in circumference, 301 cm in diameter and 16 m in length. It has been concluded that this chestnut tree, which has the feature of a monumental tree, should be taken under protection by the relevant institutions as soon as possible and maintenance works should be done as soon as possible. This research contributed to the plant biodiversity studies in the region.
With this study, the monumental chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) tree, which bears the characteristics of a monumental tree and witnesses the history in the Southeastern Anatolia Region of our country, has been determined and new data on the existence of this species have been recorded. This monumental tree is located in Diyarbakir Province, Kulp District, Islamköy, Hor Stream. In the dimensional measurements made in the research area, it was measured as 945 cm in circumference, 301 cm in diameter and 16 m in length. It has been concluded that this chestnut tree, which has the feature of a monumental tree, should be taken under protection by the relevant institutions as soon as possible and maintenance works should be done as soon as possible. This research contributed to the plant biodiversity studies in the region.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Anıt ağaç, Güneydoğu Toroslar Eşiği, Diyarbakır, Forest Industry Engineering
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