Endüstri 4.0 otomotiv sektöründeki yeri ve makine verimliliği üzerine bir uygulama
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Düzce Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Günümüzde işletmeler yüksek verim, düşük maliyet, müşteri memnuniyeti ve en önemlisi ise zamandan kazanç elde etmek için dijitalleşme ile hızlı gelişen dünyaya uyum sağlamayı amaçlamaktadır. Dünya piyasalarında üretici firma sektörlerinin başında yer alan otomotiv sektörü de dijitalleşmede yerini almaktadır. Çalışmada incelenen firma, otomotiv yedek parçası üretimiyle sektördeki yerini almaktadır. İşletme dijitalleşmeye geçişte hem tezgâh hem de yazılımsal olarak yatırımlar yapmıştır. Bu süreçteki amaç işletmenin dijitalleşmeye geçişiyle tezgah verimliliğini arttırmak istemesidir. Çalışmada toplam ekipman etkinliğini hesaplayarak verimliliği olumsuz yönde etkileyen duruşlara Kaizen çalışması uygulanmıştır. Kaizen çalışmasının sonucunda verimlilikte artış gözlenmiştir. Dijitalleşme ile temelde uzman bilgisine daha çok ihtiyaç doğmuştur. Verimliliğin daha da arttırılabilmesi için güçlü olasılık teorisine sahip olması ve tutarsız olasılıkların ortadan kaldırılması nedeni ile Bayes ağı kullanılmıştır. Çalışmanın uygulama kısmında ki en önemli noktası toplam ekipman etkinliği bileşenlerinin, Bayes ağının verimlilik değişkeni olarak ağ senaryosu oluşturulması ve uzman görüşleri ile verimliliği arttıracak öneriler sunulmuş olmasıdır.
At the present time,businesses aim to adapt to the rapidly developing world with digitalization in order to gain high efficiency, low cost, customer satisfaction and most importantly, time. The automotive sector, which is at the forefront of the manufacturing company sectors in the world markets, also takes its place in digitalization. The company examined in the study takes its place in the sector with the production of automotive spare parts. The company has invested in both machine and software in the transition to digitalization. The aim in this process is that the business wants to increase the efficiency of the machine with the transition to digitalization. In the study, Kaizen study was applied to the postures that adversely affected the efficiency by calculating the total equipment efficiency. As a result of the Kaizen study, an increase in productivity was observed. With digitalization, there has been a greater need for expert knowledge. In order to further increase the efficiency, Bayesian network is used because of its strong probability theory and elimination of inconsistent probabilities. The most important point in the application part of the study is the creation of a network scenario as the efficiency variable of the total equipment efficiency components of the Bayesian network and suggestions to increase efficiency with expert opinions.
At the present time,businesses aim to adapt to the rapidly developing world with digitalization in order to gain high efficiency, low cost, customer satisfaction and most importantly, time. The automotive sector, which is at the forefront of the manufacturing company sectors in the world markets, also takes its place in digitalization. The company examined in the study takes its place in the sector with the production of automotive spare parts. The company has invested in both machine and software in the transition to digitalization. The aim in this process is that the business wants to increase the efficiency of the machine with the transition to digitalization. In the study, Kaizen study was applied to the postures that adversely affected the efficiency by calculating the total equipment efficiency. As a result of the Kaizen study, an increase in productivity was observed. With digitalization, there has been a greater need for expert knowledge. In order to further increase the efficiency, Bayesian network is used because of its strong probability theory and elimination of inconsistent probabilities. The most important point in the application part of the study is the creation of a network scenario as the efficiency variable of the total equipment efficiency components of the Bayesian network and suggestions to increase efficiency with expert opinions.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Makine Mühendisliği, Mechanical Engineering