Nizam-ı Cedit'ten Tanzimat'a klasik Türk edebiyatında zihniyet çözümlemesi
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Düzce Üniversitesi
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Bu çalışmanın temel amacı Nizam-ı cedit döneminden Tanzimat'a kadar, divan şiirine yansıyan zihniyet unsurlarını tespit etmektir. Bu çalışmanın malzemesi divan şiiri olup şiire yansımayan olay ve olgular çalışma kapsamının dışında tutulmuştur. Zihniyet "davranışlara ve olayları yorumlama biçimine yansıyan bilinç" şeklinde tanımlanmıştır. Bu bilinç, şairlerin dönemin olaylarını ve olgularını yorumlama şekli üzerinden anlaşılmaya çalışılmıştır. Bu tez III. Selim, IV. Mustafa ve II. Mahmud olmak üzere üç padişah dönemlerine göre ayrılmıştır. Bu dönemlerde gerçekleştirilen askerî ve idarî alanda yenilikler; savaşlar, antlaşmalar, isyanlar; imar faaliyetleri gibi olaylar şiire yansıdığı ölçüde araştırılmıştır. Bunun yanında dönemin poetikası; toplumun dine, tarikatlara, akla, bilime, felsefeye ve halk inanışlarına bakış açıları ele alınmıştır. Zihniyetlerin ayırıcı özelliklerinden olan evreni, hayatı ve insanı yorumlama tarzı üzerinde durulmuştur. Zihniyetin en önemli göstergesi olarak davranış kalıpları kabul edilmiş ve şiir üzerinden bunlar tespit edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Osmanlı toplumunda etnik ve mezhepsel sınıfların zihniyette yer alış biçimleri gösterilmek istenmiştir. Toplumda öne çıkan değerli kavramlar tespit edilmiştir. Osmanlı toplumunun yabancı ülke ve milletlere bakışı ortaya koyulmuştur. Zihniyetin şekillenmesinde etkisi olan şahsiyetler gösterilmiştir. Çalışmanın sonunda Osmanlı toplumunun yeniliklere büyük bir ümitle bağlandığı ve fetih beklentisi içerisine girdiği anlaşılmıştır. Yeniliklere yapılan karşı çıkışların şiire yansımadığı görülmüştür. Toplumun, her alandaki olay ve olguları din çerçevesinde değerlendirdiği, yeniliklere taraftar olanların da karşı olanların da kanıtlarını dine dayandırmaya çalıştıkları anlaşılmıştır. Evrene, hayata, insana, davranışlara din penceresinden bakıldığı görülmüştür. Zihniyeti şekillendiren gelenek ve toplumsal kabullerin yine din ile harmanlandığı sonucuna varılmıştır. Anahtar Sözcükler: Din, II. Mahmud, Nizam-ı cedit, Poetika, Zihniyet
The main purpose of this study is to identify the mentality elements reflected in divan poetry from the Nizam-ı Cedit period to the Tanzimat era. The material of this study is divan poetry, and the events and facts that are not reflected in the poem are excluded from the scope of the study. Mentality has been defined as "consciousness reflected in behavior and interpretation of events". This consciousness has been tried to be understood through the way poets showed their reactions to the events of the period and the way they interpret the facts. This thesis is divided into three sultan periods, namely Selim III, Mustafa IV, and Mahmud II. Innovations in the military and administrative fields realized in this period; wars, treaties, rebellions; events such as zoning activities have been researched to the extent that they are reflected in the poetry. Besides, the poetics of the period; The perspectives perspectives of society on religion, sects, reason, science, philosophy and folk beliefs are discussed. The interpretation of the universe, life, and human beings, which are distinctive features of mentalities, is emphasized. Behavior patterns have been accepted as the most important indicator of mentality and they have been tried to be detected through poetry. This study aims to depict the involvement of ethnic and sectarian classes in the mentality of the Ottoman society. Valuable concepts that stand out in the society have been identified. The view of the Ottoman society towards foreign countries and nations has been revealed. The personalities who have an impact on the shaping of the mentality are shown. At the end of the study, it was understood that the Ottoman society was attached to innovations with great hope and entered into the expectation of conquest. It has been seen that the objections to the innovations are not reflected in the poetry. It has been understood that the society evaluates the events and phenomena in every field within the framework of religion, and that both the supporters and opponents of innovations attempt to justify their stance based on religious evidence. The study has revealed a perspective of looking at the universe, life, human beings, and behavior through the lens of religion. It has been seen that the universe, life, people and behaviors are viewed from the perspective of religion. It has been seen that the traditions and social acceptances that shape the mentality are again blended with religion. Keywords: Mahmud II, Mindset, Nizam-ı cedit, Poetics, Religion
The main purpose of this study is to identify the mentality elements reflected in divan poetry from the Nizam-ı Cedit period to the Tanzimat era. The material of this study is divan poetry, and the events and facts that are not reflected in the poem are excluded from the scope of the study. Mentality has been defined as "consciousness reflected in behavior and interpretation of events". This consciousness has been tried to be understood through the way poets showed their reactions to the events of the period and the way they interpret the facts. This thesis is divided into three sultan periods, namely Selim III, Mustafa IV, and Mahmud II. Innovations in the military and administrative fields realized in this period; wars, treaties, rebellions; events such as zoning activities have been researched to the extent that they are reflected in the poetry. Besides, the poetics of the period; The perspectives perspectives of society on religion, sects, reason, science, philosophy and folk beliefs are discussed. The interpretation of the universe, life, and human beings, which are distinctive features of mentalities, is emphasized. Behavior patterns have been accepted as the most important indicator of mentality and they have been tried to be detected through poetry. This study aims to depict the involvement of ethnic and sectarian classes in the mentality of the Ottoman society. Valuable concepts that stand out in the society have been identified. The view of the Ottoman society towards foreign countries and nations has been revealed. The personalities who have an impact on the shaping of the mentality are shown. At the end of the study, it was understood that the Ottoman society was attached to innovations with great hope and entered into the expectation of conquest. It has been seen that the objections to the innovations are not reflected in the poetry. It has been understood that the society evaluates the events and phenomena in every field within the framework of religion, and that both the supporters and opponents of innovations attempt to justify their stance based on religious evidence. The study has revealed a perspective of looking at the universe, life, human beings, and behavior through the lens of religion. It has been seen that the universe, life, people and behaviors are viewed from the perspective of religion. It has been seen that the traditions and social acceptances that shape the mentality are again blended with religion. Keywords: Mahmud II, Mindset, Nizam-ı cedit, Poetics, Religion
Anahtar Kelimeler
Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı, Turkish Language and Literature