Sakarya ili dış mekan süs bitkileri üretim alanlarında sorun olan yabancı ot türlerinin belirlenmesi
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Düzce Üniversitesi
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Yabancı otlar, süs bitkileri üretim alanlarında bitki gelişmesini ve kalitesini azaltma, maliyeti artırma gibi sorunlara neden olmaktadır. Bu çalışma, Sakarya İlinde yoğun olarak üretimi yapılan dış mekan süs bitkileri üretim alanlarında bulunan yabancı ot türlerini, bu türlerin yaygınlık ve yoğunluklarını ve ayrıca mevcut sorunları belirlemek amacıyla 2017-2018 yılları arasında yürütülmüştür. Sürvey çalışmalarında, dış mekan süs bitkisi üretim bahçelerinde 92 adet, saksılı üretim alanlarında ise 122 adet yabancı ot türü belirlenmiştir. Söz konusu yabancı ot türlerinden, üretim bahçelerinde 21, saksılı üretim alanlarında ise 13 tür yaygın ve yoğun olmaları nedeniyle baskın tür olarak kabul edilmiştir. Hem üretim bahçelerinde ve saksılı üretim alanlarında baskın olan yabancı ot türleri ve yoğunluk değerleri sırasıyla; Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) P. B. (Darıcan, %104,00-%93,00), Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. (Köpekdişi Ayrığı, %70,62-%69,41), Euphorbia sp. L. (Sütleğen, %54,08-%60,41), Equisetum arvense L. (Atkuyruğu, %53,15-%54,03), Anagallis foemina Miller (Mavi Çiçekli Farekulağı, %52,15-%59,00) ve Conyza canadensis L. (Şifa Otu,%50,69-%52,45) türleri olmuştur. Yapılan anket çalışmalarında ise üreticilerin yabancı ot ile mücadelede herbisitlerin yanı sıra çapalama, sürme ve elle yolma yöntemlerini kullandığı anlaşılmış olup, literatürde yer alan uygulamalar dikkate alındığında yabancı ot yönetiminde geleneksel yöntemlerin yanı sıra sanitasyon, malçlama ve kapak ürünlerin kullanılması gibi birden fazla yöntemin aynı anda kullanılmasının gerek etkinlik gerekse de maliyet kontrolü açısından gerekli olacağı düşünülmektedir.
Weeds cause problems such as decreasing plant development and quality and increasing costs in ornamental plants production areas. This study was carried out between 2017-2018 in order to determine the prevalence and densities of weed species found in outdoor ornamental plants growing in Sakarya province.In survey expeditions, 92 weed species were identified in outdoor ornamental plant production gardens and 122 in pot production areas. Among the mentioned weed species, 21 species in the production gardens and 13 species in the potted production areas were accepted as the dominant species due to their widespread and abundance. Weed species and density values which are dominant in both production gardens and potted production areas are as follows; Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) P. B. (Barnyard grass, 104.00% -93.00%), Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. (Bermuda grass, 70.62% - 69.41%), Euphorbia peplus L. (Spurge, 54,08% - 60,41%), ), Equisetum arvense L. (Horsetail, 53,15% - 54,03%), ), Anagallis foemina Miller (Poorman's weatherglass, 52,15% - 59%, 00) and Conyza canadensis L. (Canada horseweed, 50.69% - 52.45%) species.In the survey studies, it was understood that producers used hoeing, plowing and hand picking methods in addition to herbicides in the fight against weeds. Considering the applications in the literature, it is thought that the use of more than one methods such as sanitation, mulching and cover products at the same time as well as traditional methods in weed management will be necessary in terms of both efficiency and cost control.
Weeds cause problems such as decreasing plant development and quality and increasing costs in ornamental plants production areas. This study was carried out between 2017-2018 in order to determine the prevalence and densities of weed species found in outdoor ornamental plants growing in Sakarya province.In survey expeditions, 92 weed species were identified in outdoor ornamental plant production gardens and 122 in pot production areas. Among the mentioned weed species, 21 species in the production gardens and 13 species in the potted production areas were accepted as the dominant species due to their widespread and abundance. Weed species and density values which are dominant in both production gardens and potted production areas are as follows; Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) P. B. (Barnyard grass, 104.00% -93.00%), Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. (Bermuda grass, 70.62% - 69.41%), Euphorbia peplus L. (Spurge, 54,08% - 60,41%), ), Equisetum arvense L. (Horsetail, 53,15% - 54,03%), ), Anagallis foemina Miller (Poorman's weatherglass, 52,15% - 59%, 00) and Conyza canadensis L. (Canada horseweed, 50.69% - 52.45%) species.In the survey studies, it was understood that producers used hoeing, plowing and hand picking methods in addition to herbicides in the fight against weeds. Considering the applications in the literature, it is thought that the use of more than one methods such as sanitation, mulching and cover products at the same time as well as traditional methods in weed management will be necessary in terms of both efficiency and cost control.
YÖK Tez No: 579184
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Dış mekan, Outdoor, Sakarya deltası, Sakarya delta, Yabancı otlar, Weeds