Süleymaniye plantasyonlarında uygulanan dikim aralığının dar yapraklı dişbudak (Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl.) odununun bazı mekanik özelliklerine etkisi
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Düzce Üniversitesi
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Silvikültürel müdahaleler odun kalitesi üzerine farklı miktarlarda da olsa etki etmektedir. Silvikültürel müdahalelerden biri olan: Dikim aralığının odun kalitesi üzerine etkisini test etmek amacıyla yapılan bu çalışmada; Adapazarı Süleymaniye plantasyonlarında uygulanan 4 farklı dikim aralığının (1. bölge 3x2 m, 2. bölge 3x2.5 m, 3. bölge 3.75x3.75 m, 4. bölge 4x4 m) dar yapraklı dişbudak (Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl.) odununun bazı mekanik özellikleri üzerine etkisi belirlemiştir. Bu maksatla her bölgeden 4'er adet ağaç seçilerek TS 4176' ya göre tomruklar alınmıştır. Bu çalışmada mekanik özelliklerden liflere paralel basınç direnci (TS 2595/1977), liflere dik çekme direnci (TS 2476/1976), eğilme direnci (TS 2474/1976), dinamik eğilme (şok) direnci (TS 2477/1976), elastikiyet modülü (TS 2478/1976) ve teknolojik özelliklerden Janka sertlik (TS 2479/1976) değeri tespit edilmiştir.Araştırma sonucunda en geniş dikim aralığımız olan 4. bölgedeki dar yapraklı dişbudak odununun mekanik özellikleri en yüksek değeri vermesine kabil; dikim aralığının artmasına bağlı olarak konik gövde oluşumu ile budak çap ve sayısının fazla olması. Aynı zamanda direnç kalite değerlerinin azalması; en geniş dikim aralığı olan 4. bölgenin plantasyon dikim aralığı olarak önerilmesine engel teşkil etmektedir.Tomruk kalite sınıfına göre en yüksek kalite grubu içinde yer alan ve silindirik gövde oluşumuna imkan veren 1. bölge (2x3 m) dikim aralığının dar yapraklı dişbudaklar plantasyonları için daha uygun olacağı düşünülmekte ve önerilmektedir. 1. bölgeden alınan odun örnekleri direnci ve kalite değerlerinin dört farklı bölgenin ortalama değerlerine yakın olması bu kanatın oluşmasına etki etmiştir.Bilim Kodu: 379390
Silvicultural interventions affect the wood quality even in different amounts. In the present study on testing the planting distance of the wood quality, 4 different planting distances (1st area 3x2 m, 2nd area 3x2.5 m, 3rd area 3.75x3.75 m, 4th area 4x4 m) applied in Adapazarı Süleymaniye plantations have some effects of the narrow-leaved ash (Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl.) on some of the mechanical features. In this regard, 4 threes were chosen from each area and the plank timbers were taken in accordance with TS 4176. In the present study, some mechanical features such as the parallel pressure resistance on the fibres (TS 2595/1977), tensile strength perpendicular to fibres (TS 2476/1976), bending strength (TS 2474/1976), dynamic bending (shock) strength (TS 2477/1976), flexibility module (TS 2478/1976) and the Janka hardness value (TS 2479/1976) among the technological features were determined.At the end of the study, the mechanical features of the narrow-leaved ash in the 4th area gave the highest value and the conic stem formation and the diameter and the number of knots were so high depending on the increase in planting distance. In addition, the decrease in the strength quality values hinders the 4th area, which is the largest planting area, from being suggested as the plantation planting interval.It is thought and suggested that the 1st area (2x3 m) planting distance, which is among the highest quality group according to the plant timber quality class and which allows for the formation of cylindrical stems, will be a more appropriate for the narrow-leaved ash plantations. That the strength and quality values of the wood samples taken from the 1st area are close to the average values of four different areas caused this idea to arise.
Silvicultural interventions affect the wood quality even in different amounts. In the present study on testing the planting distance of the wood quality, 4 different planting distances (1st area 3x2 m, 2nd area 3x2.5 m, 3rd area 3.75x3.75 m, 4th area 4x4 m) applied in Adapazarı Süleymaniye plantations have some effects of the narrow-leaved ash (Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl.) on some of the mechanical features. In this regard, 4 threes were chosen from each area and the plank timbers were taken in accordance with TS 4176. In the present study, some mechanical features such as the parallel pressure resistance on the fibres (TS 2595/1977), tensile strength perpendicular to fibres (TS 2476/1976), bending strength (TS 2474/1976), dynamic bending (shock) strength (TS 2477/1976), flexibility module (TS 2478/1976) and the Janka hardness value (TS 2479/1976) among the technological features were determined.At the end of the study, the mechanical features of the narrow-leaved ash in the 4th area gave the highest value and the conic stem formation and the diameter and the number of knots were so high depending on the increase in planting distance. In addition, the decrease in the strength quality values hinders the 4th area, which is the largest planting area, from being suggested as the plantation planting interval.It is thought and suggested that the 1st area (2x3 m) planting distance, which is among the highest quality group according to the plant timber quality class and which allows for the formation of cylindrical stems, will be a more appropriate for the narrow-leaved ash plantations. That the strength and quality values of the wood samples taken from the 1st area are close to the average values of four different areas caused this idea to arise.
YÖK Tez No: 309227
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ormancılık ve Orman Mühendisliği, Forestry and Forest Engineering, Odun, Wood, Dar yapraklı dişbudak, Fraxinus angustifolia, plantasyon, dikimaralığı, mekanik özellikler, kalite değerleri, silvikültür